14. Non-inflammatory Symptoms in IBD

To understand the aetiology and treatment of non-inflammatory symptoms in IBD

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14.1. Understands the mechanisms by which IBD can cause fatigue and how this can be managed

14.2. Understands the mechanisms by which IBD can cause non inflammatory pain and how this can be managed

14.3. Understands the prevalence of IBS (functional symptoms) in IBD and how to manage them

14.4. Understands the prevalence of incontinence in IBD and how to manage it

Managing Non-Inflammatory Symptoms in IBD - February 2018

Palle Bager, Usha Chauhan, Wladzia Czuber-Dochan, Lesley Dibley, Julie Duncan, Miranda Lomer, Liesbeth Moortgat, and Rotem Sigall-Boneh


Topic 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4 : Educational update