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N01: Sexuality and IBD. Does it need to be talked about in IBD centres? Results of an anonymous survey at IBD-Patients, -Nurses und -Physicians (MD) in Germany (IBD-INTIM!)ECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Hartmann, P.(1)*;Zemke, J.(2);Fischer, T.(3);Knaus, S.(4);Dukwen, H.(5);Otto, K.(6);
(1)Gastroenterologische Gemeinschaftspraxis Minden, Department of Gastroenterology, Minden, Germany;(2)Gastroenterologische Gemeinschaftspraxis Herne, Department of Gastroenterology, Herne, Germany;(3)Zentrum Für Gastroenterologie Saar MVZ GmbH, Department of Gastroenterology, Saarbrücken, Germany;(4)Gastroenterologische Gemeinschaftspraxis Hameln, Department of Gastroenterology, Hameln, Germany;(5)Internistische Praxengemeinschaft Oldenburg, Department of Gastroenterology, Oldenburg, Germany;(6)Gastroenterologie Opernstraße, Department of Gastroenterology, Kassel, Germany; FA-CED e.V. - German IBD Nurse Association


N02: Supporting psychosocial and emotional well-being and building resilience in family members of people with IBD: RCT feasibility and acceptability studyECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Thapwong, P.(1)*;Norton, C.(1);Rowland, E.(1);Czuber-Dochan, W.(1);
(1)King’s College London, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing- Midwifery & Palliative Care, London, United Kingdom;

1.Thapwong P, Norton C, Rowland E, Farah N, Czuber-Dochan W. A systematic     review of the impact of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) on family members. J Clin Nurs. 2023;32(9-10):2228-2238. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.16446

2. Thapwong P, Norton C, Rowland E, Czuber-Dochan W. Our Life Is a Rollercoaster! A Qualitative Phenomenological Study Exploring the Impact of IBD on Family Members. Inflamm Bowel Dis. Published online February 28, 2024. doi:10.1093/ibd/izae028

3. Thapwong, P., Norton, C., Rowland, E., & Czuber-Dochan, W. N24 Supporting psychosocial and emotional wellbeing and building resilience in family members of people with IBD: a co-design study. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis. 2024. 18(Supplement_1), i2228-i2228.

4. Skivington K, Matthews L, Simpson SA, et al. A new framework for developing and   evaluating complex interventions: update of Medical Research Council guidance. Int J Nurs Stud. 2024;154:104705. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2024.104705

N03: The impact of IBD on sexual health: a gender-based cross-sectional comparison with a non-IBD populationECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Pérez Martínez, Z.(1)*;Oller, E.(1);L Hamilton, A.(2);Herrera de Guise, C.(1);Mayorga, L.(1);Céspedes, E.(1);Serra, X.(1);Lastiri, E.(1);Zuriguel, E.(3);Robles, V.(1);Borruel, N.(1);
(1)Vall Hebron Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain;(2)St Vincent's hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Melbourne, Australia;(3)Vall Hebron Research Institute, Multidisciplinary research group, Barcelona, Spain;

1. Zigmond AS, Snaith RP. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 1983;67(6):361-370. doi: 
2.  Spector IP, Carey MP, Steinberg L. The sexual desire inventory: Development, factor structure, and evidence of reliability. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 1996/09/01 1996;22(3):175-190. doi:10.1080/009262396084146553.        
3. Rosen CB, J. Heiman, S. Leiblum, C. Meston, R. Shabsigh, D. Ferguson, R. D'Agostino, R. The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI): a multidimensional self-report instrument for the assessment of female sexual function. Journal of sex & marital therapy. 2000;26(2):191-208.  

4. Rosen RC, Riley A, Wagner G, Osterloh IH, Kirkpatrick J, Mishra A. The international index of erectile function (IIEF): a multidimensional scale for assessment of erectile dysfunction. Urology. 1997/06/01/ 1997;49(6):822-830. doi:

N04: Optimizing patient-reported outcome measurement in an IBD care pathway: results of the PROMOTION studyECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Lembrechts, N.(1)*;Louis, S.(1);Geerts, K.(1);Van Brantegem, K.(1);Derua, J.(1);Bossuyt, P.(1);Pouillon, L.(1);
(1)Imelda Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Bonheiden, Belgium; Imelda GI Clinical Research Center

1         Turner D, Ricciuto A, Lewis A, et al. STRIDE-II: An Update on the Selecting Therapeutic Targets in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (STRIDE) Initiative of the International Organization for the Study of IBD (IOIBD): Determining Therapeutic Goals for Treat-to-Target strategies in IBD. Gastroenterology 2021;160:1570–83.
2         Fiorino G, Lytras T, Younge L, et al. Quality of Care Standards in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: a European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation [ECCO] Position Paper. J Crohns Colitis 2020;14:1037–48.

N05: Empowerment of patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Effect on quality of life and disease control.ECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Lavín Expósito, C.(1)*;Bouhmidi Assakali, A.(1);Sánchez Pardo, A.M.(1);Rodriguez Romero, V.(1);Castellanos Ramirez, C.(1);Cofrade Delgado, A.M.(1);Vozmediano Sánchez, P.(1);Velasco del Burgo, M.(1);Teno Félix, M.D.G.(1);Mozos Muñoz, C.(1);Jurado Monroy, R.M.(1);Sánchez Pinilla, J.(1);Bonillo Merino, C.(1);Barreto Suarez, E.(1);Sánchez Alonso, M.(1);Salueña Salueña, I.(1);
(1)Santa Bárbara Hospital, Gastroenterology, Puertollano, Spain;

  • ·      Abraham C, Cho JH. Inflammatory bowel disease. N Engl J Med. 2009;361(21):2066-2078. doi:10.1056/NEJMra0804647
    ·      Garcimartin P, Pardo-Cladellas Y, Verdú-Rotellar JM, Delgado-Hito P, Astals-Vizcaino M, Comin-Colet J. Adaptación transcultural al español del cuestionario Patient empowerment in long-term conditions. Atención Primaria. 2019 Jan;51(1):24–31.
    ·      Ostromohov G, Fibelman M, Hirsch A, Ron Y, Cohen NA, Kariv R, et al. Assessment of patients’ understanding of inflammatory bowel diseases: Development and validation of a questionnaire. United European Gastroenterology Journal [Internet]. 2021 Dec 23 [cited 2022 Sep 8];10(1):104–14. Available from:
N06: Zero disability in IBD-disk: a workshop interventional programECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Cano Sanz, N.(1)*;Latras Cortés, I.(1);Suárez Álvarez, P.(1);Sierra Ausín, M.(1);
(1)University Hospital of León, Department of Gastroenterology - IBD Unit, León, Spain;

1. Turner D, Ricciuto A, Lewis A, D’Amico F, Dhaliwal J, Griffiths AM, et al. STRIDE-II: An Update on the Selecting Therapeutic Targets in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (STRIDE) Initiative of the International Organization for the Study of IBD (IOIBD): Determining Therapeutic Goals for Treat-to-Target strategies in IBD. Gastroenterology. 2021;160(5):1570–83.
2. Ghosh S, Louis E, Beaugerie L, Bossuyt P, Bouguen G, Bourreille A, et al. Development of the IBD Disk: A Visual Self-administered Tool for Assessing Disability in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2017 Mar;23(3):333-340. 
3. Amiot A, Chaibi S, Bouhnik Y, Serrero M, Filippi J, Roblin X, et al.; GETAID-patient experience study group. Prevalence and Determinants of Fatigue in Patients with IBD: A Cross-Sectional Survey from the GETAID. J Crohns Colitis. 2023 Oct 20;17(9):1418-1425.

N07: Spanish Inflammatory bowel disease Nursing Profile: Insights from a cross-sectional surveyECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Murciano Gonzalo, F.(1)*;Marin Sánchez , L.(2);Rivero Siqueiros, A.(3);Navarro Correal, E.(4);
(1)Hospital del Mar, Crohn-Colitis Care Unit- Service of Digestive Diseases, Barcelona, Spain;(2)Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Gastroenterology Section and IBD Unit, Badalona, Spain;(3)Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Nursing Research Department, Sevilla, Spain;(4)Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Division of Geriatrics, Barcelona, Spain; GETEII and MAPEA Research Group: Francisca Murciano Gonzalo Ester Navarro Correal Adriana Rivera Diana Muñoz Elena Sánchez Pastor Mercedes Cañas Gil Laura Marín Pilar Corsino Noelia Cano Sanz Ana María López Calleja Mª Ángeles Marinero Muñoz Rosario Medina Medina Chema Martín Cristina Mira Carmina Ascensio Muñoz Jorge Sergio Medina Chico Salvadora Benito Palma Mª Luisa Cabanillas Navarro Rosa Mª Jurado Monroy Jesús Noci Belda Judit Orobitg Bernad María Soledad Serrano Redon Ana María Duro Martínez Mª Isabel Mateos Hernández Emilia Fernández Mª del Mar Aller Zamanillo Mª del Mar Sánchez Calabuig Ángeles Castro Mariscal Arantxa Ibarz and Zahira Pérez.

Barros, J. R., Ramdeen, M., Rivera-Sequeiros, A., Baima, J. P., Saad-Hossne, R., Alencar, R. A., & Sassaki, L. Y. (2023). Profile of inflammatory bowel disease nurses in Brazil. Arquivos de gastroenterologia, 60(3), 300–308.

Nurmi E, Rantanen A, Paavilainen E, Haapamäki J, Helminen M. A quality assessment of inflammatory bowel disease nursing care in Finland: A nationwide cross-sectional descriptive study. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2024;59(2):164-8. doi: 10.1080/00365521.2023.2276654  

Younge L, Mason I, Kapasi R. Specialist inflammatory bowel disease nursing in the UK: current situation and future proofing. Frontline Gastroenterol. 2020;12(3):169-74. doi: 10.1136/flgastro-2019-101354

N08: Perceived patients’ and nurses’ perspective on barriers to address sexual wellbeing in IBD. An international qualitative study.ECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Fourie, S.(1)*;Tanaka, M.(2);Wakai, S.(2);Nozawa, M.(2);Kawakami, A.(2);
(1)University of Oxford, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, Oxford, United Kingdom;(2)Institute of Science Tokyo, Graduate School of Health Care Sciences, Tokyo, Japan;

Fourie, S., Norton, C., Jackson, D., & Czuber-Dochan, W. (2021). ‘These Discussions Aren’t Happening’: Experiences of People Living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Talking About Sexual Well-being with Health Care Professionals. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, 1–8. 
Traa, M. J., De Vries, J., Roukema, J. A., Rutten, H. J. T., & Den Oudsten, B. L. (2014). The sexual health care needs after colorectal cancer: The view of patients, partners, and health care professionals. Supportive Care in Cancer22(3), 763–772. 

Flynn, K. E., Reese, J. B., Jeffery, D. D., Abernethy, A. P., Lin, L., Shelby, R. A., Porter, L. S., Dombeck, C. B., & Weinfurt, K. P. (2012). Patient experiences with communication about sex during and after treatment for cancer. Psycho-Oncology21(6), 594–601.

N09: Italian translation and validation of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire - Extended Version in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: preliminary resultsECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: MartinatoRN PhD, M.(1)*;Monaco, E.(1);Iervolino, C.(2);Arndt, B.(3);Comoretto, R.I.(2);Gregori, D.(1);
(1)Unit of Biostatistics- Epidemiology and Public Health- University of Padova, Department of Cardiac- Thoracic- Vascular Sciences and Public Health, Padova, Italy;(2)University of Torino, Department of Public Health and Pediatrics, Torino, Italy;(3)Witten/Herdecke University, Faculty of Health School of Medicine, Witten, Germany;

[1] Starnella G, Rosato I, Canova C, et al. N47 Spiritual needs of patients with IBD: preliminary results of a pilot study. J Crohns Colitis. 2024;18(Supplement_1):i2256. doi:10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjad212.1419
[2] Büssing A. The Spiritual Needs Questionnaire in Research and Clinical Application: a Summary of Findings. J Relig Health. 2021;60(5):3732-3748. doi:10.1007/s10943-021-01421-4
[3] Martinato M, Ranzato C, Faggian E, et al. Knowledge assessment among subjects with chronic venous leg ulcer in outpatient setting: Translation and adaptation of a tool to identify subjects at risk of poor understanding. Wound Repair Regen. 2023;31(5):679-687. doi:10.1111/wrr.13107
[4] Martinato M. N-ECCO Grant Spiritual needs of patients with inflammatory bowel disease and their caregivers: a European cross-sectional nursing study. J Crohns Colitis. 2024;18(Supplement_1):i2274. doi:10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjad212.1437

N10: "I probably am being a naughty boy, but…" Exploring reasons for non-adherence to prescribed medication, as perceived by people living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Qualitative StudyECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: King, K.(1)*;Norton, C.(1);Chalder, T.(2);Czuber-Dochan, W.(3);
(1)King's College London, Research Department of Long-term Conditions- Faculty of Nursing- Midwifery & Palliative Care, London, United Kingdom;(2)King's College London, Psychological Medicine- Institute of Psychiatry- Psychology and Palliative Care, London, United Kingdom;(3)King's College London, Research Department of Long-term Conditions- Department of Nursing- Midwifery & Palliative Care, London, United Kingdom;

-Braun, V. & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology,(2), 77-101

N11: Switching from intravenous to subcutaneous infliximab enhances trough levels and can facilitate de-escalation of concomitant immunomodulation, irrespective of the HLA DQA1*05 status: a prospective real-world study.ECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Fitzgerald, A.L.(1)*;McBride, J.(2);Robertson , H.(2);Turnbull, J.(3);Talbot, A.(1);Whitehead, E.(4);Sebastian, S.(1,5);
(1)Hull University Teaching Hospitals, IBD Unit, Hull, United Kingdom;(2)Hull University Teaching Hospital, IBD Unit, Hull, United Kingdom;(3)Hull University Teaching Hopsitals, IBD Unit, Hull, United Kingdom;(4)Hull Univeristy Teaching Hospitals, IBD Unit, Hull, United Kingdom;(5)Hull York Medical School, Trails Unit, Hull, United Kingdom;
N12: Patient perspectives of switch in route of administration among patients established on long term intravenous Infliximab therapy.ECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Fitzgerald, A.L.(1)*;McBride, J.(2);Ibrahim, F.(2);Whitehead, E.(2);Sebastian, S.(3,4);
(1)Hull University Teaching Hospitals, IBD - IMIC, Hull, United Kingdom;(2)Hull University Teaching Hospitals, IBD Unit, Hull, United Kingdom;(3)Hull Univeristy Teaching Hospitals, IBD Unit, Hull, United Kingdom;(4)Hull York Medical School, Trails Unit, Hull, United Kingdom;
N13: Development of an interactive vaccination guide for Canadian Inflammatory Bowel Diseases nurses to use with immunosuppressed patients with IBD: Insights into the process & practical applicationsECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Watson, M.(1);Frost, K.(2)*;Khalil, N.(3);Rohatinsky, N.(4);Shalhoub, S.(5);
(1)London Health Sciences Centre Children's Hospital of Western Ontario, Gastroenterology Division, London, Canada;(2)Hospital for Sick Children- University of Toronto, Department of Paediatrics- Division of Gastroenterology- Hepatology and Nutrition, Toronto, Canada;(3)London Health Sciences Centre Children's Hospital of Western Ontario, Infectious Diseases, London, Canada;(4)University of Saskatchewan, College of Nursing, Saskatoon, Canada;(5)London Health Sciences Centre, Infectious Diseases, London, Canada;
N14: Patients and clinicians have different priorities when discussing pain in the IBD clinicECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Huisman, D.(1)*;Andrews, E.(2);Williams, A.C.D.C.(3);Parkes, M.(1);Norton, C.(2);
(1)University of Cambridge, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Group- Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom;(2)King's College London, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing- Midwifery and Palliative Care, London, United Kingdom;(3)University College London, Research Department of Clinical- Educational & Health Psychology, London, United Kingdom;

1. Zeitz J, Ak M, Muller-Mottet S, et al. Pain in IBD Patients: Very Frequent and Frequently Insufficiently Taken into Account. PLoS One. 2016;11(6):e0156666. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.01566662.         
2. Hawthorne AB, Glatter J, Blackwell J, et al. Inflammatory bowel disease patient‐reported quality assessment should drive service improvement: A national survey of UK IBD units and patients. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2022;doi:10.1111/apt.170423.         
3. Huisman D, Fernhout F, Moxham F, Norton C, Bannister K, Moss-Morris R. Managing patients’ reports of abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome-like symptoms during quiescent inflammatory bowel disease: a role for shared sensemaking. British Journal of Pain. 2024;doi:10.1177/204946372412308074.         
4. Bullo S. "I feel like I'm being stabbed by a thousand tiny men": The challenges of communicating endometriosis pain. Health (London). Sep 2020;24(5):476-492. doi:10.1177/1363459318817943

N15: Why and How To Establish Intestinal Ultrasound in the IBD Nurse Outpatient ClinicECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Kühnelibd nurse, C.(1)*;Bjerrum, J.(2);
(1)Herlev Hospital, GASTROENTEROLY UNIT, Herlev, Denmark;(2)Herlev Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology- Medical Section, Herlev, Denmark;
N16: Optimizing care for women of childbearing age with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Developing a specific pathway utilizing European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation guidelines and the American Gastroenterology Association recommendations.ECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: De Dycker, E.(1)*;Geens, P.(1);Lambrechts, T.(1);Loddewijkx, E.(1);Paps, A.(1);Degry, J.(2);D’Hondt, C.(3);Matthijs, A.(3);Vermeire, S.(1,2);Sabino, J.(1,2);Verstockt, B.(1,2);Lannoo, L.(3);Van Calsteren, K.(3,4);Ferrante, M.(1,2);
(1)University Hospitals Leuven Belgium, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Leuven, Belgium;(2)KU Leuven, Department of Chronic Diseases and Metabolism, Leuven, Belgium;(3)University Hospitals Leuven Belgium, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Leuven, Belgium;(4)KU Leuven, Department of Development and Regeneration- Division Woman and Child, Leuven, Belgium;

1. Torres J, Chaparro M, Julsgaard M, et al. European Crohn's and Colitis Guidelines on Sexuality, Fertility, Pregnancy, and Lactation. J Crohns Colitis. 2023;17(1):1-27. doi:10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjac115     
2. Mahadevan U, Robinson C, Bernasko N, et al. Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Pregnancy Clinical Care Pathway: A Report From the American Gastroenterological Association IBD Parenthood Project Working Group. Gastroenterology. 2019;156(5):1508-1524. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2018.12.022
3. Vanhaecht K, Van Gerven E, Deneckere S, et al. 7 fasenmodel voor de ontwikkeling, implementatie, evaluatie en continue opvolging van zorgpaden. Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde. 2011; 67 (10), 473-481. doi:10.2143/TVG.67.10.2000969

N17: ‘The poo and sex discussion is tough to untangle’: An international qualitative study on sexual well-being experiences of people living with IBD and a stoma.ECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Fourie, S.(1)*;Czuber-Dochan, W.(2);Johnston, L.(3);
(1)University of Oxford, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, Oxford, United Kingdom;(2)King's College London, Florence Nightingale Nursing- Midwifery and Palliative Care Faculty, London, United Kingdom;(3)University of Oxford, Patient representative, Oxford, United Kingdom;

Fourie, S., Norton, C., Jackson, D., & Czuber-Dochan, W. (2024). Grieving multiple losses: Experiences of intimacy and sexuality of people living with inflammatory bowel disease. A phenomenological study. Journal of Advanced Nursing80(3), 1030–1042. 

Capilla-Díaz, C., Bonill-de las Nieves, C., Hernández-Zambrano, S. M., Montoya-Juárez, R., Morales-Asencio, J. M., Pérez-Marfil, M. N., & Hueso-Montoro, C. (2019). Living With an Intestinal Stoma: A Qualitative Systematic Review. Qualitative Health Research29(9), 1255–1265.

N18: Exploring the spiritual needs of patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and their caregivers: A protocol for a European cross-sectional nursing studyECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: MartinatoRN PhD, M.(1)*;Monaco, E.(1);Iervolino, C.(2);Büssing, A.(3);Comoretto, R.I.(2);Gregori, D.(1);
(1)Unit of Biostatistics- Epidemiology and Public Health- University of Padova, Department of Cardiac- Thoracic- Vascular Sciences and Public Health, Padova, Italy;(2)University of Torino, Department of Public Health and Pediatrics, Torino, Italy;(3)Witten/Herdecke University, Faculty of Health School of Medicine, Witten, Germany;

[1] Starnella G, Rosato I, Canova C, et al. N47 Spiritual needs of patients with IBD: preliminary results of a pilot study. J Crohns Colitis. 2024;18(Supplement_1):i2256. doi:10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjad212.1419  
[2] Büssing A. The Spiritual Needs Questionnaire in Research and Clinical Application: a Summary of Findings. J Relig Health. 2021;60(5):3732-3748. doi:10.1007/s10943-021-01421-4  
[3] Martinato M, Ranzato C, Faggian E, et al. Knowledge assessment among subjects with chronic venous leg ulcer in outpatient setting: Translation and adaptation of a tool to identify subjects at risk of poor understanding. Wound Repair Regen. 2023;31(5):679-687. doi:10.1111/wrr.13107  
[4] Martinato M. N-ECCO Grant Spiritual needs of patients with inflammatory bowel disease and their caregivers: a European cross-sectional nursing study. J Crohns Colitis. 2024;18(Supplement_1):i2274. doi:10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjad212.1437

N19: Analysis of Decision Conflict and Decisional Regret on treatment choices in patients with Acute Severe Ulcerative ColitisECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Mcbride, J.(1)*;Thomas, M.(2);Fitzgerald, A.L.(2);Robertson, H.(2);Turnbull, J.(2);Talbot, A.(2);Thut, J.(2);Whitehead, E.(2);Sebastian, S.(2,3);
(1)Hull University Teaching Hospitals, IBD Unit Hull University Teaching Hospitals, Kingston Upon Hull, United Kingdom;(2)Hull University Teaching Hospitals, IBD Unit, Hull, United Kingdom;(3)Hull York Medical School, Clinical Trials, Hull, United Kingdom;
N20: Transcutaneous Electrical Acupuncture-point Stimulation for Depressive symptoms in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a feasibility studyECCO'25
Year: 2025
Authors: Norton, C.(1)*;Huang, C.(2);Czuber-Dochan, W.(2);
(1)King's College London, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing- Midwifery & Palliative Care, London, United Kingdom;(2)King's College London, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing- Midwifery and Palliative Care, London, United Kingdom;

  1. Dubinsky MC, Dotan I, Rubin DT, et al. Burden of comorbid anxiety and depression in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic literature review. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021;15(9):985-997. doi:10.1080/17474124.2021.1911644
2. Xuan J lei, Zhu Y wei, Xu W hui, et al. Integrative effects of transcutaneous electrical acustimulation on abdominal pain, gastrointestinal motility, and inflammation in patients with early-stage acute pancreatitis. Neurogastroenterology & Motility. 2022;34(4):e14249. doi:10.1111/NMO.14249
3. Hu P, Sun K, Li H, et al. Transcutaneous Electrical Acustimulation Improved the Quality of Life in Patients With Diarrhea-Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Neuromodulation. Published online 2021. doi:10.1016/J.NEUROM.2021.10.009
4. Liu S, Wang Z, Su Y, et al. A neuroanatomical basis for electroacupuncture to drive the vagal–adrenal axis. Nature 2021 598:7882. 2021;598(7882):641-645. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-04001-4