6. Treatment Options and Individualized Care

To understand the treatment options available and be able to discuss them appropriately to provide individualised patient care

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6.1.  Knows the different treatment modalities for IBD taking into account disease extent, activity, previous history and complications

6.2.  Knows the modes of delivery of different drug therapies and their advantages and disadvantages

6.3.  Recognises the importance of patient choice in deciding therapy and in helping to ensure adherence

6.4.  Understands the evidence base behind different therapeutic strategies and when they might be appropriate (conventional step care, optimised step up, top down and treat to target)

6.5.  Appreciates the monitoring requirements for specific therapies

6.6.  Appreciates common side effects and complications of therapy, their frequency and how to manage them

6.7.  Appreciates the importance of on-going disease monitoring to confirm efficacy

6.8.  Understands when surgery is the most appropriate therapeutic option

6.9.  Is up to date with the evidence base from current clinical trial and real world data sets for the use of available therapies

6.10.  Has knowledge of the role of optimising therapy including interpretation of therapeutic drug monitoring for conventional and biological therapies

6.11.  Appreciates the role of stopping medical therapies in IBD and the appropriate timing / patient population in whom drugs can be stopped


Programme Phase:

Content Format:

Topic 6 : Educational update

8th N-ECCO School: Workshop 1 - UC Management

A Sturm

ECCO 2017 Barcelona Congress

Webcast + PPT

Topic 6 : Educational update

8th N-ECCO School: Workshop 2 - CD Management

P Hindryckx

ECCO 2017 Barcelona Congress

Webcast + PPT

Topic 6.1 : Educational update

Case based discussion: Investigation and management of mild Crohn’s Disease

E Louis, S Zeissig

13th IBD Intensive Advanced Course


Topic 6.1 : State of the art

Placing new molecules in the treatment pathway

G Rogler

ECCO 2017 Barcelona Congress

Webcast + PPT

Topic 6.1 : State of the art

The long-term safety outside clinical trials

G van Assche

ECCO 2017 Barcelona Congress

Webcast + PPT

Topic 6.3 : Educational update

Head-to-head comparative studies: Challenges & opportunities?

W Sandborn, L Peyrin-Biroulet

2nd Advanced ECCO: EduCational COurse for Industry


Topic 6.3 : Educational update

Patient reported outcomes measures. New data

K Bodger

2nd Advanced ECCO: EduCational COurse for Industry


Topic 6.3 : Educational update

What challenges are faced by using cross-sectional imaging and histological endpoints in clinical trials

J Panés, V Villanacci

2nd Advanced ECCO: EduCational COurse for Industry


Topic 6.3 : Educational update

Disease-modification studies: Are we ready to start?

J Colombel

2nd Advanced ECCO: EduCational COurse for Industry


Topic 6.3 : Educational update

Medical treatment

K Katsanos

ECCO 2017 Barcelona Congress

Webcast + PPT