ECCO IBD Curriculum
6.1. Knows the different treatment modalities for IBD taking into account disease extent, activity, previous history and complications.

This course has been developed for gastroenterologists, surgeons, paediatricians, pathologists and other interdisciplinary medical experts interested in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(s) (IBD). One major aim of this e-learning activity is to provide evidence-based guidance for clinical practice so that physicians can make informed decisions in partnership with their patients regarding their optimal exit strategies.
After this course you will:
- To recognise risks, benefits and timing of stopping anti-TNF used as monotherapy or in combination with IM in IBD.
- To know optimal monitoring following withdrawal of biologic therapy

This course has been developed for gastroenterologists, dietitians, surgeons, paediatricians, nurses and other interdisciplinary medical experts interested in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(s) (IBD). The major aims of this e-learning activity are to provide an evidence-based but also practical approach to dietary therapy for the management of Crohn's Disease (CD). This case was developed by a multidisciplinary team and places emphasis both on the use of exclusive enteral nutrition and on the provision of the best possible nutritional and patient support based on clinical practice in experienced centres.
After this case you will:
- Know how to use exclusive enteral nutrition
- Understand the rationale and current evidence regarding the use of exclusive enteral nutrition
- Understand how to use your multidisciplinary team to optimise outcomes

This course has been developed by physicians who had recently participated in the writing of the ECCO Crohn's disease consensus Guidelines. This course is intended for those who are interested in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(s) (IBD). One major aim of this e-learning activity is to increase competence and knowledge with regard to Perianal disease in order to improve patient outcomes.
After this case you will:
- To appreciate the Crohn’s disease natural history
- To appreciate the rationale behind specific treatment decisions
- To understand the right investigations to prescribe to Crohn’s disease patient in specific settings
- To learn appropriate clinical management of Crohn’s disease patients with perianal involvement

This course has been developed by physicians who had recently participated in the writing of the ECCO Crohn's disease consensus Guidelines. This course is intended for those who are interested in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(s) (IBD). One major aim of this e-learning activity is to increase competence and knowledge with regard to Luminal disease in order to improve patient outcomes.
Upon completion of this case you will:
- Know the evidence for induction of remission in mild-to-moderate Crohn’s disease;
- Know the evidence for maintaining remission in Crohn’s disease;
- Know the evidence on how to react upon disease flares, immediately after induction therapy or during maintenance therapy;
- Understand the benefits and risks of several medical therapies;
- Achieve familiarity how to use immunomodulatory agents in mono- or combination therapy;
- Achieve familiarity how to monitor Crohn’s disease patients who initiated medical therapy or who underwent surgery;
- Recognise indications for surgical management.

This sub-course is adapted from the course "Anaemia in Crohn's Disease”, which was developed for gastroenterologists, surgeons, paediatricians, pathologists and other interdisciplinary medical experts interested in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(s) (IBD). This course has been developed for all nurses who care for patients with IBD. For more advanced knowledge, please follow the main e-learning case, "Anaemia in Crohn's Disease”.
The aim of this e-learning activity is to increase competence and knowledge with regard to the management and care of patients with Crohn's Disease and anaemia in order to improve patient outcomes.
Upon completion of this activity learners will:
- Have basic knowledge about anaemia in Crohn's Disease patients
- Have basic knowledge about the symptoms and treatment of anaemia in Crohn's Disease patients

This course is designed for gastroenterologists, surgeons, paediatricians, pathologists and other interdisciplinary medical experts interested in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(s) (IBD). One major aim of this e-learning activity is to increase competence and knowledge with regard to the prediction, diagnosis and management of Ulcerative Colitis (UC) patients and to harmonise diagnostics and treatment in order to improve patient outcomes.
Upon completion of this activity learners will:
- Have insights into the basic epidemiology of ulcerative colitis
- Know current treatment options for severe ulcerative colitis, including colectomy
- Be able to use ciclosporin correctly in severe ulcerative colitis
- Understand when to order thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) activity when starting azathioprine

This course is designed for gastroenterologists, surgeons, paediatricians, pathologists and other interdisciplinary medical experts interested in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(s) (IBD). The intended result of this activity is increased competence, knowledge, performance and improved patient outcomes.
Upon completion of this activity learners will:
- Have insights into the position of surgery versus medical therapy in patients with moderate-to-severe as well as acute severe IV steroid refractory colitis (UC)
- Be able to select the most optimal surgical modalities
- Gain knowledge on the appropriate follow-up of patients with an ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA)

This course is designed for gastroenterologists, paediatricians, surgeons and other interdisciplinary medical experts interested in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(s) (IBD). The intended result of this activity is increased competence and knowledge of the role of imaging techniques, particularly ultrasonography, in the diagnosis and follow-up of IBD patients.
Upon completion of this activity learners will:
- Understand the role of ultrasonography (US) in the initial diagnostic work-up of suspected IBD
- Be able to provide a comprehensive overview of normal and abnormal findings in bowel US, with a focus on IBD
- Be able to understand the usefulness of bowel US in the follow-up of IBD, in assessing disease activity, response to therapy and monitoring disease progression and complications such as stenosis, fistulae and abscesses

This course is designed for gastroenterologists, surgeons, paediatricians, pathologists and other interdisciplinary medical experts interested in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(s) (IBD). One major aim of this e-learning activity is to increase competence and knowledge with regard to the management of CD patients and to harmonise diagnostics and treatment of anaemia in order to improve patient outcomes.
Upon completion of this activity learners will:
- Know how to diagnose anaemia in Crohn's disease (CD) patients
- Be able to adequatly treat iron deficiency anaemia in CD patients