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P100: Atypical Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmatic Antibodies Are Antibodies Against Neutrophil Extracellular Traps: A Novel Pathophysiological Mechanism In Ulcerative ColitisECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Mendieta Escalante, E.A.(1)*;Faber, K.N.(1);Hermoso Ramello, M.(1);Parada-Venegas, D.(1);Bourgonje, A.(2);Roozendaal, C.(3);Dijkstra, G.(1);
(1)University Medical Center of Groningen, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Groningen, The Netherlands;(2)University Medical Center Groningen, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Groningen, The Netherlands;(3)University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Groningen, The Netherlands;
P101: Circulating MicroRNA-16 in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients - Potential Biomarker to Assess InflammationECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Atanassova, A.(1);GeorgievaPhD, A.C.(1)*;
(1)Medical university- Varna- Bulgaria, University Hospital St. Marina- Clinic of Gastroenterology, Varna, Bulgaria;
P102: A small molecule selective integrin α4β7 inhibitor demonstrates efficacy in a chronic model of Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Redhu, N.S.(1)*;Rowe, M.(1);Lee, D.(2);Jain, D.(1);Sang, A.(1);Granata, D.(1);Harrison, B.(3);Cui, D.(2);Bursavich, M.(3);Ray, A.S.(1);Lippa, B.(3);Rogers, B.N.(3);Wong , J.(1);
(1)Morphic Therapeutic, Biology and Translation, Waltham, United States;(2)Morphic Therapeutic, Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, Waltham, United States;(3)Morphic Therapeutic, Chemistry, Waltham, United States;
P103: Colitis-associated faecal miRNAs are mediators of host-microbiota interactions and key regulators of intestinal permeability and inflammationECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Casado-Bedmar, M.(1)*;Roy, M.(1);Hugot, J.P.(1);Le Gall, M.(1);Chassaing, B.(2);Viennois, E.(1);
(1)INSERM, Center of Research on Inflammation CRI, Paris, France;(2)INSERM, Mucosal microbiota in chronic inflammatory diseases CNRS UMR 8104, Paris, France;
P104: Exploring the transcriptomic miRNA signatures of Egyptian Inflammatory Bowel Disease patientsECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Khaled, M.(1)*;Hamdy, K.(2);Abou-Aisha, K.(3);Mansour, M.(4);
(1)German University in Cairo, Microbiology and Immunology, Cairo, Egypt;(2)Ain Shams University, Internal Medicine, Cairo, Egypt;(3)German University in Cairo, Microbiology, Cairo, Egypt;(4)German University in Cairo, Pharmaceutical Biology, Cairo, Egypt;
P105: Epithelial microRNA signatures as potential biomarkers in Crohn's disease related to clinical and endoscopic activityECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Moon, J.M.(1)*;Kim, K.U.(2);Shin, S.Y.(1);Joo, H.J.(1);Min, H.(2);Choi, C.H.(1);
(1)Chung-Ang University College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;(2)Chung-Ang University, College of Pharmacy, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;
P106: Identification of urine and serum diagnostic biomarkers of inflammatory bowel disease using a proteomic approachECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Baldan-Martin, M.(1)*;Azkargorta, M.(2);Lloro, I.(2);Soleto Fernández, I.(1);Orejudo, M.(1);Ramírez, C.(1);García, S.(1);Mercado, J.(1);Riestra, S.(3);Rivero, M.(4);Gutiérrez, A.(5);Rodríguez-Lago, I.(6);Fernández-Salazar, L.(7);Ceballos, D.(8);Benítez, J.M.(9);Aguas, M.(10);Bastón-Rey, I.(11);Bermejo, F.(12);Casanova, M.J.(1);Lorente, R.(13);Ber, Y.(14);Royo, V.(15);Esteve, M.(16);Elortza, F.(2);Gisbert, J.P.(1);Chaparro, M.(1);
(1)Hospital Universitario de La Princesa- Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Princesa IIS-Princesa- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid UAM- and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas CIBERehd, Gastroenterology Unit, Madrid, Spain;(2)Proteomics Platform- CIC bioGUNE- BRTA Basque Research & Technology Alliance- CIBERehd- ProteoRed-ISCIII, Proteomics Platform, Derio, Spain;(3)Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias and Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Principado de Asturias ISPA, Gastroenterology Unit, Oviedo, Spain;(4)Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla and IDIVAL, Gastroenterology Unit, Santander, Spain;(5)Hospital General Universitario de Alicante- ISABIAL and CIBERehd, Gastroenterology Unit, Alicante, Spain;(6)Hospital Galdakao-Usansolo, Gastroenterology Unit, Vizcaya, Spain;(7)Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Gastroenterology Unit, Valladolid, Spain;(8)Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín, Gastroenterology Unit, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain;(9)Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía and IMIBIC, Gastroenterology Unit, Córdoba, Spain;(10)Health Research Institute IISLaFe and Hospital Universitari i Politecnic La Fe, Gastroenterology Unit, Valencia, Spain;(11)Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela, Gastroenterology Unit, Santiago de Compostela, Spain;(12)Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada and IDIPAZ, Gastroenterology Unit, Madrid, Spain;(13)Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real, Gastroenterology Unit, Ciudad Real, Spain;(14)Hospital San Jorge, Gastroenterology Unit, Huesca, Spain;(15)Hospital Universitari Son Espases, Gastroenterology Unit, Palma de Mallorca, Spain;(16)Hospital Universitari Mutua Terrasa and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas CIBERehd, Gastroenterology Unit, Terrasa, Spain;
P107: Decreased epithelial keratinization contributes to defective wound healing in Crohn's disease fistulaECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Beckerdrs., M.(1)*;Koelink, P.(1);Bemelman, W.(2);D'Haens, G.(3);Buskens, C.(2);Wildenberg, M.(1);
(1)Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research, Gastroenterology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(2)Amsterdam UMC, Surgery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(3)Amsterdam UMC, Gastroenterology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
P108: Development and evaluation of the i-Tracker Risankizumab and i-Tracker Anti-Risankizumab kits: rapid and innovative tests intended for monitoring patients treated with Risankizumab.ECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Khater, G.(1)*;Noguier, G.(2);Daviere, S.(1);Montaillier, C.(2);Guilbert, V.(2);
(1)Theradiag, Theranostic, Croissy Beaubourg, France;(2)Theradiag, Research & Development, Croissy Beaubourg, France;
P109: Using baseline Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) transcriptomics of Crohn Disease patients receiving Ustekinumab treatment as a tool to assess potential response at 1 yearECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Granot, M.(1); Braun, T.(2); Efroni, G.(2); Fudim, E.(2);Yavzori, M.(2);Haj, O.(3); Ben-Horin, S.(3);Kopylov, U.(3);Haberman Ziv, Y.(1)*;
(1)The Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital- Sheba Medical Center- Tel-Hashomer, Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Unit, Ramat Gan, Israel;(2)Sheba Medical Center- Tel-Hashomer, The Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit and Sheba Microbiome Center, Ramat Gan, Israel;(3)Sheba Medical Center- Tel-Hashomer, Department of Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel;
P110: Fibroblast activation protein is strongly expressed in intestinal fibrosis in inflammatory bowel disease patientsECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Lartey, D.(1,2)*;van Roest, M.(1);Verhoeff, J.(1,3);Grootjans, J.(1,2);Buskens, C.(4);van der Bilt, J.(4,5);Wildenberg, M.(1);D'Haens, G.(2);Löwenberg, M.(2);
(1)Amsterdam UMC- University of Amsterdam, Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(2)Amsterdam UMC- University of Amsterdam, Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(3)Amsterdam UMC- University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism AGEM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(4)Amsterdam UMC- University of Amsterdam, Department of Surgery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(5)Flevoziekenhuis, Department of Surgery, Almere, The Netherlands;
P111: Efficacy of a novel long-acting lipidated interleukin-22, alone and in combination with anti-TNF treatment, in a murine chronic DSS colitis modelECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Van De Bunt, M.(1)*;D'Alessio, S.(2);Norrild, J.C.(3);Kjølbye, A.L.(1);Jorgensen, R.(1);
(1)Cytoki Pharma, Research & Development, Hellerup, Denmark;(2)PhoenixLAB srls, Research, Lodi, Italy;(3)Cytoki Pharma, CMC & Quality, Hellerup, Denmark;
P112: S1PR expression on circulating immune cells is not limited to lymphocytes in patients with inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Verstockt., B.(1,2)*;Verstockt, S.(2);Cremer, J.(3);Sabino, J.(1,2);Ferrante, M.(1,2);Vermeire, S.(1,2);
(1)University Hospitals Leuven, Dpt. Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Leuven, Belgium;(2)KU Leuven, Dpt. Chronic Diseases and Metabolism, Leuven, Belgium;(3)KU Leuven, Department of Microbiology- Immunology and Transplantation- Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Leuven, Belgium;
P113: Protein fingerprint biomarkers of collagen remodeling can evaluate fibrogenesis in an in vitro colonic scar-in-a-jar modelECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Pehrsson, M.(1)*;Sorokina Alexdottir, M.(1);Asser Karsdal, M.(2);Høg Mortensen, J.(1);
(1)Nordic Bioscience A/S, Gastroenterology, Herlev, Denmark;(2)Nordic Bioscience A/S, Biomarkers and Research, Herlev, Denmark;
P114: Increased serum levels of the migraine biomarker calcitonin gene related peptide alpha in a newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease population: a new mediator for the gut-brain-axisECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Pascual, M.(1)*;Gárate, G.(2);Serrano, M.S.(3);García García, M.J.(1);Castro, B.(3);González Quintanilla, V.(2);Crespo, J.(1);Rivero, M.(1);Pascual, J.(2);
(1)Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital- Universidad de Cantabria- Instituto de Investigación Valdecilla IDIVAL, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Santander, Spain;(2)Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital- Universidad de Cantabria- Instituto de Investigación Valdecilla IDIVAL, Neurology, Santander, Spain;(3)Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital- Instituto de Investigación Valdecilla IDIVAL, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Santander, Spain;
P115: Trehalose modulates Dextran Sulfate Sodium-induced colitis by regulating macrophage polarizationECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Li, Y.(1)*;Law, H.K.W.(1);
(1)Faculty of Health and Social Science- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Health Technology and Informatics, Hong Kong, Hong Kong- China;
P116: RIPK3 - a new marker for assessment of ulcerative colitis severityECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Panayotova, E.(1)*;Atanassova, A.(2);
(1)Medical University of Varna- University Hospital St.Marina - Varna- Bulgaria, Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases, Varna, Bulgaria;(2)Medical University of Varna- University Hospital St.Marina - Varna- Bulgaria, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Varna, Bulgaria;
P117: Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound as a new approach of gut disruptive liquid biopsy to boost the release of mucosal extracellular vesicles in Ulcerative ColitisECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Pineda Chavez, S.E.(1,2)*;Rizzo, G.(1,2);Cafarelli, A.(3,4);Sorriento, A.(3,4);Loy, L.(5);dal Buono, A.(5);Gabbiadini, R.(5);Meanti, L.(2);Allocca, M.(6);Danese, S.(6);Repici, A.(1,7);Armuzzi, A.(1,8);Ricotti, L.(3,4);Vetrano, S.(1,2);
(1)Humanitas University, Biomedical Sciences, Pieve Emanuele Mi, Italy;(2)IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Gastroenterology- Laboratory of Gastrointestinal Immunopathology, Rozzano Mi, Italy;(3)Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, The BioRobotics Institute, Pisa, Italy;(4)Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Excellence in Robotics & AI, Pisa, Italy;(5)Humanitas Clinical and Research Center - IRCCS -, IBD Unit- Department of Gastroenterology, Rozzano- Mi, Italy;(6)IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele and University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Milan, Italy;(7)Humanitas Clinical and Research Center-IRCCS, Endoscopy Unit- Biomedical Sciences, Rozzano Mi, Italy;(8)Humanitas Clinical and Research Center - IRCCS -, IBD Unit- Department of Gastroenterology, Rozzano Mi, Italy;
P118: Induction of ETS1 and senescence associated secretory phenotype in human intestinal fibroblastsECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Seco-Cervera, M.(1)*;Argilés-Alberola, D.(2);Bauset, C.(2);Lis-López, L.(1);Coll, S.(2);Cosín-Roger, J.(1);Ortiz-Masià, D.(2);Calatayud, S.(2);Barrachina, M.D.(2);
(1)Hospital Dr Peset- FISABIO- Valencia- Spain., Dept. Pharmacology. School of Medicine and Dentistry. University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain;(2)Faculty of Medicine - University of Valencia, Pharmacology, Valencia, Spain;
P119: Perianal Crohn's disease and the development of colorectal and anal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysisECCO’23 Copenhagen
Year: 2023
Authors: Johansen, M.P.(1)*;
(1)Dr, Abdominalcenter K- surgical division. Bispebjerg hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark;Martha Pollen Johansen Mads Damsgaard Wewer Andreas Nordholm-Carstensen Johan Burisch