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P913: Intestinal Ultrasound in paediatric Crohn’s disease reduces the need for subsequent ileocolonoscopyECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Dorn-Rasmussen, M.(1,2)*;Boysen, T.(2,3);Jakobsen, C.(1,2);Wewer, V.(1,2);
(1)Copenhagen University Hospital- Amager and Hvidovre, Department of Paediatric and Adolescence Medicine, Hvidovre, Denmark;(2)Copenhagen University Hospital- Amager and Hvidovre, Copenhagen Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Children- Adolescents and Adults, Hvidovre, Denmark;(3)Copenhagen University Hospital- Amager and Hvidovre, Gastrounit- Medical Division, Hvidovre, Denmark;
P914: Immunogenecity of Hepatitis B Vaccination in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis on Infliximab Monotherapy : A Prospective Comparative StudyECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Shehab, M.(1)*;Alfadhli, A.(1);
(1)Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital, Internal medicine, Kuwait, Kuwait;
P915: Multi-Omics Biomarkers for the Prediction of Response to Biologics in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Chen, L.(1)*;Zhang, C.(1);Niu, R.(1);Mao, R.(1);Qiu, Y.(1);Feng, R.(1);
(1)The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Department of Gastroenterology, Guangzhou, China;
P916: Off-label dose escalation of Ustekinumab in Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients. Incidence rate, timing, dosing patterns and outcomes.ECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: García-Morales, N.(1,2);Carmona, A.(3);Ayude, M.(1,2);Gayoso-Rey, M.(4);Agra-Blanco, I.(4);De Castro Parga, M.L.(1,2)*;Rodriguez-Prada, I.(1,2);
(1)Hospital Alvaro Cunqueiro CHUVI, Department of Gastroenterology, Vigo, Spain;(2)Galicia Sur Health Research Institute IIS Galicia Sur. SERGAS-UVIGO., Gastroenterology Research Group, Vigo, Spain;(3)Hospital Ribera-POVISA, Department of Gastroenterology, Vigo, Spain;(4)Hospital Alvaro Cunqueiro CHUVI, Department of Pharmacy, Vigo, Spain;
P917: Ustekinumab and immunomodulatory combination therapy is more effective than Ustekinumab monotherapy to prevent relapse in Crohn’s patients classified as low to intermediate-probability responders by UST-CDSTECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Song, J.H.(1)*;Shin, J.(2);Seong, G.(3);Kong, S.M.(4);Cha, B.(2);Hong , J.T.(2);Kwon, K.S.(2);
(1)Konkuk University Medical center, Internal medicine, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;(2)Inha University Hospital, Internal Medicine, Incheon, Korea- Republic Of;(3)Eulji University Scool of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;(4)Samsung Changwon Hospital, Medicine, Chagnwon, Korea- Republic Of;
P918: Can we rely on HLA to predict resistance to biological therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients?ECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Domingues, Â.(1);Carvalho, A.(1);Martinho, A.(2);Araújo, R.(1);Silva, A.(1);Ministro, P.(1)*;
(1)Centro Hospitalar Tondela-Viseu, Gastroenterology, Viseu, Portugal;(2)Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplantation, Blood and Transplantation, Coimbra, Portugal;
P919: Crohn’s Disease Exclusion Diet as add-on therapy in refractory pediatric patientsECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Scarallo, L.(1)*;Pochesci, S.(1);Fioretti, L.(1);Paci, M.(1);Renzo, S.(1);Naldini, S.(1);Lacitignola, L.(1);Barp, J.(1);Banci, E.(2);De Blasi, A.(1);Lionetti, P.(1);
(1)Meyer Children Hospital IRCCS, Gastroenterology and Nutrition Unit, Florence, Italy;(2)Meyer Children Hospital IRCCS, Dietetics Unit, Florence, Italy;
P920: Efficacy and Drug Adherence Rates of Anti TNF Drugs in patients with Crohn@E@s Disease: A Single Tertiary IBD Center CohortECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Eroglu, Z.(1);Yilmaz, V.(2)*;Guvenir, T.(2);Er, R.E.(2);Toruner, M.(3);
(1)Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Ankara, Turkey;(2)Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology, Ankara, Turkey;(3)Ankara University Medical School- Ibni-sina Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Ankara, Turkey;
P921: Maintenance of clinical, biochemical and transmural remission in inflammatory bowel disease patients switching from intravenous to subcutaneous infliximab.ECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Piazza O Sed, N.(1)*;Maregatti, M.C.(2);Pessarelli, T.(2);Viganò , C.(3);Conforti, F.(1);Noviello, D.(2);Bezzio, C.(4);Amoroso, C.(1);Molteni, C.(2);Anolli, M.P.(2);Pirola, L.(3);Saibeni, S.(4);Fraquelli, M.(1);Vecchi, M.(2);Caprioli, F.(2);
(1)Foundation IRCCS Ca@E@ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico - Milan- Italy, Division of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Milan, Italy;(2)University of Milan- Milan Italy, Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, Milan, Italy;(3)European Reference Network on Hepatological Diseases ERN RARE-LIVER- Fondazione IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori- Monza- Italia, Division of Gastroenterology- Center for Autoimmune Liver Diseases- Department of Medicine and Surgery- University of Milano-Bicocca- Monza- Italy., Monza, Italy;(4)Rho Hospital- ASST Rhodense- Rho- Milan- Italy, Division of Gastroenterology, Rho- Milan, Italy;
P922: A multicenter retrospective real-world study to determine the optimal cases of vedolizumab-treated UC patients.ECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Kobayashi, T.(1)*;Hisamatsu, T.(2);Ishiguro, K.(3);Hirose, L.(3);Hibi, T.(1);
(1)Kitasato University Kitasato Institute Hospital, Center for Advanced IBD Research and Treatment, Tokyo, Japan;(2)Kyorin University School of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo, Japan;(3)Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Japan medical office, tokyo, Japan;
P923: Haematological abnormalities during treatment with Janus kinase inhibitors in patients with Ulcerative Colitis: a post hoc analysisECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Loveikyte , R.(1,2)*;Voorneveld , P.W.(1);Dijkstra , G.(2);van der Meulen - de Jong , A.E.(1);
(1)Leiden University Medical Center, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Leiden, The Netherlands;(2)University Medical Center Groningen, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Groningen, The Netherlands;
P924: Function and outcomes of ileal-pouch anal anastomosis in patients with connective tissue disordersECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Schabl, L.(1,2)*;Holubar, S.(1);Erozkan, K.(1);Alipouriani, A.(1);Steele, S.(1);Spivak, A.(1);
(1)Cleveland Clinic, Department of Colorectal Surgery- Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland- Ohio, United States;(2)University Hospital of Salzburg, Department of General- Visceral and Thoracic Surgery, Salzburg, Austria;
P925: Predicted inflammatory status and Inflammatory Bowel Disease among Korean adults: a Multicentre case-control studyECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Kim, D.H.(1);Okekunle, A.P.(2);Kang, J.(2);Kim, H.S.(1)*;Kim, S.H.(3);Jung, M.K.(4);Park, J.H.(5);Na, S.Y.(6);Lee, J.E.(2);Lim, Y.J.(7);Chun, H.(8);
(1)Chonnam National University Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine- Division of Gastroenterology, GwangJu, Korea- Republic Of;(2)College of Human Ecology- Seoul National University, Department of Food and Nutrition, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;(3)Chung-Ang University Gwangmyeong Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine- Division of Gastroenterology, Gwangmyeong, Korea- Republic Of;(4)Kyungpook National University Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine- Division of Gastroenterology, Daegu, Korea- Republic Of;(5)Chungnam National University Sejong Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine- Division of Gastroenterology, Sejong, Korea- Republic Of;(6)Incheon St. Mary@E@s Hospital- College of Medicine- The Catholic University of Korea, Department of Internal Medicine- Division of Gastroenterology, Incheon, Korea- Republic Of;(7)Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital- Dongguk University College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine- Division of Gastroenterology, Goyang, Korea- Republic Of;(8)Korea University Hospital and Korea University College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine- Division of Gastroenterology, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;
P926: Improved standards of colonoscopy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease through implementation of key performance measures - A quality improvement initiativeECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Vaitiekunas, L.(1)*;Subhaharan, D.(1);Kakkadasam Ramaswamy , P.(1);Edwards, J.(1);John, S.(1);
(1)Gold Coast University Hospital, Digestive Disease Unit, Southport, Australia;
P927: Long-term outcomes of risankizumab in Crohn’s disease: a multicenter GETAID StudyECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Fumery, M.(1)*;Caron, B.(2);Hébuterne, X.(3);Altwegg, R.(4);Roblin, X.(5);Stefanescu, C.(6);Meyer, A.(7);Nachury, M.(8);Laharie, D.(9);Le Berre, C.(10);Guillo, L.(11);Biron, A.(12);Caillo, L.(13);Buisson, A.(14);Nancey, S.(15);Uzzan, M.(16);Vuitton, L.(17);Gilletta, C.(18);Geyl, S.(19);Simon, M.(20);Kirchgesner, J.(21);Ah Soune, P.(22);Duveau, N.(23);Vidon, M.(24);Abitbol, V.(25);Paupard, T.(26);Defrance, A.(27);Peyrin-Biroulet, L.(2);
(1)Amiens University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Amiens Cedex 1, France;(2)Nancy University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Nancy, France;(3)Nice University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Nice, France;(4)Montpellier University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Amiens, France;(5)Saint-Etienne University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Saint-Etienne, France;(6)Institut des MICI, Gastroenterology, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France;(7)Kremlin-Bicêtre, Gastroenterology, Kremlin-Bicêtre, France;(8)Lille University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Lille, France;(9)Bordeaux University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Bordeaux, France;(10)Nantes University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Nantes, France;(11)Marseille University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Marseille, France;(12)Reims University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Reims, France;(13)Nîmes University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Nîmes, France;(14)Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Clermont-Ferrand, France;(15)Lyon University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Lyon, France;(16)Creteil University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Creteil, France;(17)Besancon Uniiversity Hospital, Gastroenterology, Besancon, France;(18)Toulouse University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Toulouse, France;(19)Limoges University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Limoges, France;(20)Institut Montsouris, Gastroenterology, Paris, France;(21)Saint-Antoine Hospital, Gastroenterology, Paris, France;(22)Toulon Hospital, Gastroenterology, Toulon, France;(23)Roubaix Hospital, Gastroenterology, Roubaix, France;(24)Creteil Centre Hospitalier, Gastroenterology, Creteil, France;(25)Cochin Hospital, Gastroenterology, Paris, France;(26)Dunkerque Hospital, Gastroenterology, Dunkerque, France;(27)GETAID, getaid, Paris, France;GETAID
P928: @D@Metabolism and Response to Stress@D@ (MARS) gene signatures reveal heterogeneity in patients with Ulcerative Colitis and identify characteristics of patients with increased response to therapyECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Linggi, B.(1)*;Sangiorgi, B.(1);Smith, M.I.(1);Teft, W.(1);Jairath, V.(1,2,3);Ma, C.(1,4,5);Vande Casteele, N.(1,6);
(1)Alimentiv Inc., Medical R&D, London, Canada;(2)Western University, Department of Medicine- Division of Gastroenterology, London, Canada;(3)Western University, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, London, Canada;(4)University of Calgary, Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology- Cumming School of Medicine, Calgary, Canada;(5)University of Calgary, Department of Community Health Sciences- Cumming School of Medicine, Calgary, Canada;(6)University of California San Diego, Department of Medicine, La Jolla, United States;
P929: Relation between Crohn’s disease phenotype and response to ustekinumab in Stockholm – the STOCUSTE studyECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Bello, F.(1)*;Muhsen, S.(2);Sabhan, H.(3);Borin, A.(4);Johansson, F.(5);Höög, C.(6);Forsberg, O.(7);Wennerström, C.(8);Söderman, C.(9);Lördal, M.(2);Almer, S.(10);
(1)Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital, Department of Medicine Solna KI and Division of Gastroenterology, Stockholm, Sweden;(2)Danderyd Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Department of Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden;(3)S:t Göran’s Hospital, Gastroenterology Unit- Medical Department, Stockholm, Sweden;(4)South Hospital, Department of Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden;(5)Danderyd Hospital, Medical Library, Stockholm, Sweden;(6)Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital, Department of Medicine Huddinge KI and of Upper Digestive Diseases, Stockholm, Sweden;(7)Janssen Cilag AB, Gastroenterology, Stockholm, Sweden;(8)Janssen Cilag AB, Medical epidemiology, Stockholm, Sweden;(9)Karolinska Institutet and S:t Göran’s Hospital, Medicine Solna KI and Gastroenterology Unit Medical department, Stockholm, Sweden;(10)Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital, Department of Medicine Solna KI and Division of Gastroenterology, Stockholm, Sweden;
P930: Rapid symptomatic improvement with subcutaneous infliximab induction treatment for patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn’s disease: first results from the DIRECT-CD studyECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: AnjieMD, S.(1)*;Jharap, B.(2);Jansen, J.M.(3);Mares, W.G.(4);Duijvestein, M.(5);Maljaars, J.P.W.(6);Oldenburg, B.(7);D@E@Haens, G.R.A.M.(1);Gecse, K.B.(1);
(1)Amsterdam UMC, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(2)Meander MC, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amersfoort, The Netherlands;(3)OLVG, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(4)Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Ede, The Netherlands;(5)Radboudumc, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands;(6)LUMC, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Leiden, The Netherlands;(7)UMC Utrecht, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Utrecht, The Netherlands;On behalf of the Initiative on Crohn and Colitis (ICC)
P931: Burden of disease among Ulcerative Colitis patients with isolated proctitis in the United States and EuropeECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Armuzzi, A.(1)*;Danese, S.(2);Barreiro-de Acosta, M.(3);Hur, P.(4);Bartolome, L.(4);Wosik, K.(5);Knight, H.(6);Palace, V.(6);Peyrin-Biroulet, L.(7);
(1)IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, IBD Unit, Milan, Italy;(2)IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital and Vita Salute San Raffaele University, Division of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Milan, Italy;(3)University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, IBD Unit, A Coruña, Spain;(4)Pfizer Inc, Global Health Economics and Outcomes - Inflammation & Immunology, New York, United States;(5)Pfizer Canada Inc, Gastroenterology- Inflammation and Immunology, Kirkland, Canada;(6)Adelphi Real World, Autoimmune Franchise, Bollington, United Kingdom;(7)Nancy University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France;
P932: Corticosteroid-sparing effect of mirikizumab for the treatment of moderately-to-severely active Ulcerative Colitis: Extended induction subgroup analysis from Phase 3 trialECCO'24
Year: 2024
Authors: Laharie, D.(1)*;Siegel, C.(2);Dulai, P.(3);Matsuoka, K.(4);Gisbert, J.(5);Samaan, K.(6);Redondo, I.(6);Baygani, S.(6);Paulissen, J.(7);Jairath, V.(8);
(1)Hôpital Haut-Lévêque- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bordeaux, Gastroenterology, Bordeaux, France;(2)Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Lebanon, United States;(3)Northwestern Medicine Digestive Health Center, Gastroenterology, Chicago, United States;(4)Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo, Japan;(5)Hospital Universitario de La Princesa- Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Princesa [IIS-Princesa]- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid- Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas [CIBEREHD], Gastroenterology, Madrid, Spain;(6)Eli Lilly and Company, Immunology, Indianapolis, United States;(7)Syneos Health, Immunology, Morrisville, United States;(8)Western University, Gastroenterology, London, Canada;