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Omics analysis – Can we see the forest for the trees5th SciCom Workshop: Methodology on Research
Year: 2017
Authors: Barrett J.
Genetic Factors, Genetics, Metabolomics, Proteomics
Files: 1
OP002: Epigenetic biomarkers to detect UC associated neoplasia: Results from phase I of the ENDCAP-C studyECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: Iqbal T.
Ulcerative colitis, UC colorectal cancer surveillance, Genetics
Files: 1
OP003: Increased risk of acute arterial events in young patients with severely active Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A nationwide French cohort studyECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: Kirchgesner J.
Thromboembolism, Other extraintestinal manifestations
Files: 1
OP004: Resetting of the mucosal T cell repertoire after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in refractory Crohn‘s DiseaseECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: Allez M.
Autologous stem cell transplantation, T cell
Files: 1
OP005: The PROSIT cohort of infliximab biosimilar in IBD: A prolonged follow-up on the efficacy and safety across ItalyECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: Fiorino G.
Anti drug antibodies, Anti-TNF agents, Infliximab, Biosimilars
Files: 1
OP006: Correlation of durability of response, serum trough concentrations and outcome parameters: Long-term follow-up of the Trough Concentration Adapted Infliximab Treatment (TAXIT) trialECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: Pouillon L.
Chron's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Anti TNF drug levels, Anti drug antibodies, Infliximab
Files: 1
OP012: Perioperative use of vedolizumab is not associated with short-term postoperative infectious complications in patients with Ulcerative Colitis undergoing (procto)colectomy with ileal pouch- anal anastomosisECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: Ferrante M.
Ulcerative colitis, Ileo anal pouch procedure, Post operative complications, Post operative medical management, Vedolizumab
Files: 1
OP013: Disease management and outcomes of patients with Crohn’s Disease at high risk of recurrence. Results from PRACTICROHN studyECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: Iborra M.
Colonscopy, Ileo caecal resection, Post operative complications, Post operative medical management, Thiopurines ( AZA / MP )
Files: 1
OP015: Cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic ileocecal resection versus infliximab treatment of terminal ileitis in Crohn’s Disease: THE LIR!C TRIALECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: de Groof J.
Crohn's disease, Ileo caecal resection, Laparoscopic surgery, Infliximab
Files: 1
OP016: Potential role of bile acid receptor FXR in microscopic colitisECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: Palmela C.
Histology, Microscopic colitis
Files: 1
OP017: Telemedicine enables a safe shift from examination room based care to personalised care for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A pragmatic randomised multicenter trial with myIBDcoachECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: de Jong M.
Disease activity Indices, Patient reported outcomes, Quality of life, IBD nurse
Files: 1
OP018: Optimal anti-TNF stop week during pregnancy depends on anti-TNF typeECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: Kanis S.
Anti TNF drug levels, Anti TNF agents, IBD in pregnancy
Files: 1