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Will emerging diets replace medical therapy in IBD? (Tandem Talk)6th D-ECCO Workshop
Year: 2021
Authors: Mark Samaan, Emma Halmos
Summary content

1. To review the relative benefits and limitations of drug therapy versus dietary intervention for the treatment of IBD 
2. To understand circumstances in which one may consider using drug therapy, dietary intervention or combine the two
3. To consider how treatment paradigms may change in the future to include increased emphasis on the role of dietary interventions

3rd Edition of Top Strategy TrialsTalking Heads
Year: 2020
Authors: Krisztina Gecse, Johan Burisch
AdalimumabEducational Audio Podcast
Year: 2020
Authors: Pierre Ellul
Adherence11th N-ECCO School
Year: 2020
Authors: Susanna Jäghult
Advanced dysplasia characterisation and therapeutic management : How deep can I go to resect2nd ECCO-ESGAR Basic Imaging Workshop
Year: 2020
Authors: Ralf Kiesslich
AntibioticsEducational Audio Podcast
Year: 2020
Authors: Iris Dotan
Appendiceal pathology in IBD and other circumstances5th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2020
Authors: Robert Riddell
Birth defects and maternal IBD: The definitive study?JCC Podcast
Year: 2020
Authors: Nathalie Auger and Marianne Bilodeau-Bertrand

Nathalie Auger and Marianne Bilodeau-Bertrand describe their absolutely enormous epidemiological study of 3 decades of data from Quebec, Canada identifying birth-defects for offspring of almost 22,000 mothers with IBD.

Bowel transplant in IBD and other circumstances (Tandem talk)5th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2020
Authors: Monika Tripathi, Lisa Sharkey
CD Management11th N-ECCO School
Year: 2020
Authors: Marieke Pierik
Clinical Case: Paediatric CDECCO'20 Vienna
Year: 2020
Authors: Dan Turner
Clinical Case: Surgical CDECCO'20 Vienna
Year: 2020
Authors: Paulo Gustavo Kotze
Clinical mimics of IBD5th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2020
Authors: Peter Miles Irving
Colonic versus small bowel CD: Same mechanism - same treatment?ECCO'20 Vienna
Year: 2020
Authors: Britta Siegmund
Coronavirus: what should we tell our patientsECCO'20 Vienna
Year: 2020
Authors: Jean-Frédéric Colombel
Decoding the functional impact of a non-coding SNP in the JAK2 locus associated with IBD riskJCC Podcast
Year: 2020
Authors: Christopher Cardinale

Dr Christopher Cardinale describes his work to uncover the effects of a non-coding SNP on signalling through the JAK2 pathway.

Diagnosis, anatomy and physiology in IBD11th N-ECCO School
Year: 2020
Authors: Marc Ferrante
Disease interception – learning from other immune-mediated diseases8th SciCom Workshop
Year: 2020
Authors: Jean-Frédéric Colombel
Do i really need a histopathologist?5th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2020
Authors: James Lindsay