How does Cochrane collaboration sit alongside ECCO guidelines? (Tandem Talk)2nd Guideline Methodology and GRADE Workshop
How investigator-initiated studies have substantially changed the safety profile of IBD drugs4th School for Clinical Trialists
How much can we streamline GRADE process - USA vs ECCO perspectives / Do we need multiple sets of international (and national) guidelines? (Tandem Talk)2nd Guideline Methodology and GRADE Workshop
IBD: Epidemiology, immunopathogenesis, and their relevance to therapeutics19th IBD Intensive Course for Trainees
Interactive endoscopic video cases: How to score IBD activity through the endoscope and the AI eyes3rd ECCO Basic Imaging Workshop in collaboration with ESGAR: Endoscopy
Interactive endoscopy video cases in dysplasia: What to look for and how to do it?3rd ECCO Basic Imaging Workshop in collaboration with ESGAR: Endoscopy
Interactive endoscopy video cases: How to score and how to write 'good quality reports' in UC and CD?3rd ECCO Basic Imaging Workshop in collaboration with ESGAR: Endoscopy