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Advanced dysplasia characterization and therapeutic management : New tools and techniques3rd ECCO Basic Imaging Workshop in collaboration with ESGAR: Endoscopy
Year: 2021
Authors: Bu'Hussain Hayee
An ACG perspective on challenges in an era of ever increasing guideline rigor2nd Guideline Methodology and GRADE Workshop
Year: 2021
Authors: David Rubin
Summary content

Review the ACG guideline process with emphasis on pressure points and areas of improvement

Anti-IL 2319th IBD Intensive Course for Trainees
Year: 2021
Authors: Marc Ferrante
Summary content

Educational objectives:
1. To understand the role of IL-12 and IL-23 in the development of IBD
2. To review the pivotal UNITI and UNIFI trials
3. To review the place of ustekinumab in IBD therapy
4. To introduce specific IL-23 antibodies

Anti-integrins19th IBD Intensive Course for Trainees
Year: 2021
Authors: James Lindsay
Summary content

Educational objectives:
1. To understand the mechanism of action of vedolizumab and other anti integrins
2. To review the key clinical data
3. To highlight studies from real world cohort and discuss the safety profile of Vedolizumab
4. To understand how to position Vedolizumab in clinical practice

Anti-TNF agents and TDM19th IBD Intensive Course for Trainees
Year: 2021
Authors: Pierre Michetti
Summary content

Educational objectives: 1. To understand the structural and functional features of the various anti-TNF agents, including originators and biosimilars 2. To review their use in Crohn's disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC) and in special indications 3. To have an overview of the optimal dosing of anti-TNFs, including therapeutic dose monitoring.

Anti-TNF were the first biological therapies available in IBD as well as in other immune-inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis and psoriasis. These agents can induce and maintain remission of CD and UC. They are also used in refractory pouchitis and microscopic colitis. Infliximab and adalimumab are approved in CD and UC, while certolizumab pegol is only approved for CD in some jurisdictions but not EU, and golimumab is approved for UC only. Biosimilars of infliximab and adalimumab are now available with all the indications of their originators. Data accumulate to support similar activity in both diseases, but some individual differences may be observed. Anti-TNF agents are increasingly used during pregnancy and for the treatment of extraintestinal manifestations of IBD.  Infliximab remains the best studied biological agent in IBD. The possibility of iv administration at high doses makes it the favored agent in fulminant colitis, fistulizing CD and in pyoderma gangrenosum. As all biological agents, anti-TNFS can induce anti-drug antibodies that represent the main cause of loss of response to these therapies. Continuous dosing beyond induction, combination therapy and premedication with hydrocortisone reduce this risk. Therapeutic dose monitoring and antibody detection are now available for all anti-TNF agents, the proactive use of which improves treatment outcome and preserves long-term response. Based on data with infliximab, anti-TNF may decrease immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and may decrease vaccine response. 

Are surgical interventions really more harmful than medical treatment?ECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Omar Darius Faiz
Are there situations where GRADE fails us? Is there still a role for Oxford evidence? (Tandem Talk)2nd Guideline Methodology and GRADE Workshop
Year: 2021
Authors: Hannah Gordon, Theodore Lytras
Summary content

A discussion between a guidelines methodologist and a clinician regarding (potential) limitations of GRADE methodology and whether OCEBM still has a place in clinical guidelines.

Educational objectives:
1) A recap of strengths and challenges of using GRADE methodology
2) Discussion of the role of Oxford levels of evidence in clinical guidelines
3) Critical thought regarding how evidence based guidelines are developed

Are there situations where guidelines are not appropriate? (Tandem Talk)2nd Guideline Methodology and GRADE Workshop
Year: 2021
Authors: Stefanos Bonovas, Joana Tinoco da Silva Torres
Summary content

This is a tandem talk between Joana Torres and Stefanos Bonovas on clinical practice guidelines' potential benefits and harms.

Are we safer with biologics or small-molecules?ECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Edouard Louis
Summary content

Educational objectives

Understand how to assess safety of a drug in real life practice

Understand the differences between small molecules and biologics

Understand how IBD drugs can be classified according to their safety profile

Understand how to improve IBD drug safety



Biologics differ from small molecules by many aspects, among which the chemistry, their degradation and their mechanism of action. These aspects may directly influence safety. Safety of a drug is itself difficult to quantify and qualify. The safety profile depends on the available data, strongly depending also on the time of apparition of the drug on the market and its widespread use. Most of the comparative data on safety generated through network meta-analyses or head to head trials correspond to relatively short duration of use of the drug and relatively small population compared to what would be needed to really assess safety. Therefore no or only minor differences are disclosed by these studies. If we adopt a pragmatic classification of side effects, we could classify them into mild-moderate intolerance, cumulative toxicity, major side effects that can be prevented or treated, major side effects that can hardly be prevented or treated, serious adverse events potentially lethal. When analysing the safety profiles of currently available drugs according to such classification, we find both small molecules and biologics with all these kinds of side effects. Therefore, if we can currently consider that some drugs are associated with lower or higher safety concerns, there is no difference between biologics and small molecules, the mechanism of action being sometimes closer between one small molecule and one biologic than between two biologics. Instead of safer drug or beside safer drug, we should maybe mainly aim at a safer use of these drugs.

Artificial Intelligence in IBD: Do I see better than we do?3rd ECCO Basic Imaging Workshop in collaboration with ESGAR: Endoscopy
Year: 2021
Authors: Raf Bisschops
Summary content

Educational objectives
1) To understand the limitation of current endoscopic scoring systems and why artificial intelligence may help 
2) To understand the basic principles of developing artificial intelligence with its potential and limitations
3) To understand how artificial intelligence may influence patient management in the future

Artificial intelligence: A strategic alliance between the machine and the endoscopistECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Peter Bossuyt
Summary content

Educational objectives:
1/ To understand the limitation of human interpretation of endoscopic images
2/ To review the rational and goals for implementing artificial intellegence in image processing
3/ To understand the different types of artificial intelligence applications in image processing
4/ To have an overview of the future potential application of artificial intelligence in IBD endoscopy

Body image and sexualityECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Philip Tozer
Summary content

This talk discusses the importance of sex and body image in relation to IBD and surgery. We will consider how disease and surgery affect all aspects of sex, and crucially we will examine how conversations about sex should be managed.

Educational Objectives:
1. To understand how IBD can affect patients' body image and sexual pleasure

2. To consider how clinicians feel about discussing sex and address our own anxieties

3. To develop techniques and confidence in discussing sex in clinical consultations

4. To appreciate when sex should be discussed, particularly around surgery

Can we cure IBD with surgery? (Tandem Talk)ECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Jean-Frédéric Colombel; Thomas Pinkney
Summary content

To discuss the possibilities for achieving a 'cure' from surgical intervention in both Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

To discuss the definition of a 'cure' in this context 

To explore which patients with Crohn's disease may be at low risk of recurrence post-surgery and who may achieve a cure in the medium or long-term

To refine the role of withdrawing post-operative medical therapy in Crohn's to achieve disease- and medication-free survival

To explore emerging evidence and novel biomarkers to help stratify patients who may achieve excellent post-surgery results

Ulcerative Colitis:
To discuss the emerging potential for appendicectomy to treat/cure UC

To explore resectional and reconstructive options in UC and discuss whether these offer a 'cure' for patients 

Can you cure established disease (Tandem Talk)9th SciCom Workshop
Year: 2021
Authors: Claudio Fiocchi, Yves Panis
Summary content

IBD cannot be cured with the currently available forms of medical therapy. However, therapeutic options can be significantly improved using an artificial intelligence-based approach that takes into consideration and integrates all omics components of the disease.

Can you prevent disease9th SciCom Workshop
Year: 2021
Authors: Joana Tinoco da Silva Torres
Summary content

•To review the available evidence on pre-clinical studies
•To propose a common terminology for the preclinical period of disease
•To discuss important research question on the field

CBD and marihuana15th N-ECCO Network Meeting
Year: 2021
Authors: Uri Kopylov
CD cases presentation A) New diagnosed CD B) Severe course of disease1st ECCO Postgraduate Course in IBD
Year: 2021
Authors: Triana Lobatón Ortega
Summary content

1. First line therapy/Monitoring
2. stratify the target
3. Anti-TNF LOR
4. TDM

CD Management12th N-ECCO School
Year: 2021
Authors: Naila Arebi
Summary content

1. To understand the role of prognostic factors in treatment decisions CD
2. To review treatment strategies in CD
3. To describe future vision of markers to guide treatment decisions

Classical pharmacovigilance: Still useful?4th School for Clinical Trialists
Year: 2021
Authors: Adrien Inoubli
Clinical trials: Lessons from the past5th Advanced ECCO: EduCational COurse for Industry
Year: 2021
Authors: Geert D'Haens
Summary content

•Over the last decades we have become better in assessing treament effect by using more stringent and objective endpoints
•Nonetheless we are stuck with remission rates not over 40 %
•Head-to-head, combination trials and strategy trials are extremely important for the future
•Treat-to-target and early intervention trials have had major impact