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How investigator-initiated studies have substantially changed the safety profile of IBD drugs4th School for Clinical Trialists
Year: 2021
Authors: Julien Kirchgesner
Summary content

Educational objectives: 

  1. To emphasise the role of investigator-initiated studies compared to phase 3 randomized controlled trials in assessing the safety profile of IBD related treatments
  2. To review the definition of real world data and the different types of real world data
  3. To provide examples on investigator-initiated cohorts assessing the safety profile of IBD related treatments
  4. To have an overview of the main administrative health databases used in the assessment of the safety profile of IBD related treatment
How machine learning will affect IBD treatmentECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Sarah Ennis
Summary content

Aims of this talk are to:

     - Introduce the concepts of machine learning
     - Relay how machine learning is currently being applied in the filed of IBD
     - Present some applications using 'Omics data
     - Suggest how advancing applications might relate to treatment in IBD

How much can we streamline GRADE process - USA vs ECCO perspectives / Do we need multiple sets of international (and national) guidelines? (Tandem Talk)2nd Guideline Methodology and GRADE Workshop
Year: 2021
Authors: David Rubin, Timothy Raine
Summary content

To review how to manage resources when writing GRADE guidelines
To review the pros and cons of universal guidelines

How to diagnose and evaluate a new IBD case?1st ECCO Postgraduate Course in IBD
Year: 2021
Authors: Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet
Summary content

1. appropriate assessment
2. risk factors

How to optimise the old school IBD Meds?1st ECCO Postgraduate Course in IBD
Year: 2021
Authors: Shomron Ben-Horin
Summary content

 In this talk we will discuss simple yet often overlooked pearls and tips to get the most of old-school medications, focusing on thiopurines and 5ASA. We will examine which combination of topical and oral 5ASA is best in each clinical scenario, discuss the role of compliance, how to optimize technical aspects of rectal agents, desensitization and factors not to be overlooked which may contribute to recalcitrant IBD. We will also explore metabolite testing for thiopurines in clinical practice and the evidence backing its use for maintenance monotherapy 

How to place new biologics and small molecules?1st ECCO Postgraduate Course in IBD
Year: 2021
Authors: Silvio Danese
Summary content

1. anti-integrins
2. p19/p40 inhibitors
3. JAK inhibitors
4. positioning biologics
5. small molecules

How to place surgery in IBD?1st ECCO Postgraduate Course in IBD
Year: 2021
Authors: Paulo Gustavo Kotze
Summary content

1. To understand proper timing of surgical indication in abdominal Crohn's disease
2. To outline that delay in surgery leads to worse outcomes
3. To delineate surgical indication in perianal CD in two phases (as adjunctive to initiation of biologics and with additional procedures if persistence of fistulas after mucosal healing of the rectum)
4. To detail proper timing of surgery in acute and chronic UC

How to set-up a virtual clinic?ECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Marieke Pierik
Summary content
How to train to become IBD surgeon?10th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2021
Authors: Gianluca Pellino
Summary content

Educational objective:
1. To understand the needs of those interested to become proficient in IBD surgery
2. To review the available resources to pursue a career in IBD surgery
2. To provide an overview of possible strategies to fill the knowledge gap

IBD: Epidemiology, immunopathogenesis, and their relevance to therapeutics19th IBD Intensive Course for Trainees
Year: 2021
Authors: Iris Dotan
Summary content

1. To review recent epidemiologic data, highlighting the importance of environmental factors
2. To understand the complexity and multiple factors contributing to IBD pathogenesis
3. To acknowledge how the complexity of IBD may affect treatment effects

Interactive endoscopic video cases: How to score IBD activity through the endoscope and the AI eyes3rd ECCO Basic Imaging Workshop in collaboration with ESGAR: Endoscopy
Year: 2021
Authors: Marietta Iacucci
Interactive endoscopy video cases in dysplasia: What to look for and how to do it?3rd ECCO Basic Imaging Workshop in collaboration with ESGAR: Endoscopy
Year: 2021
Authors: Bu'Hussain Hayee
Interactive endoscopy video cases: How to score and how to write 'good quality reports' in UC and CD?3rd ECCO Basic Imaging Workshop in collaboration with ESGAR: Endoscopy
Year: 2021
Authors: Rosanna Cannatelli
Interactive endoscopy video cases: How to score and how to write a 'good quality report' on surveillance colonoscopy?3rd ECCO Basic Imaging Workshop in collaboration with ESGAR: Endoscopy
Year: 2021
Authors: Marietta Iacucci
Interactive endoscopy video cases: How to score and write a 'good quality report' during enteroscopy and pouchscopy?3rd ECCO Basic Imaging Workshop in collaboration with ESGAR: Endoscopy
Year: 2021
Authors: Pierre Ellul
Interactive Session6th D-ECCO Workshop
Year: 2021
Authors: Mark Samaan, Emma Halmos, Catherine Wall, Dearbhaile O'Hanlon
Interactive video presentation 1 - IUS in CD - Your diagnosis?8th ECCO Ultrasound Workshop - Advanced in collaboration with ESGAR
Year: 2021
Authors: Christian Maaser
Interactive video presentation 2 - IUS in UC - Your diagnosis?8th ECCO Ultrasound Workshop - Advanced in collaboration with ESGAR
Year: 2021
Authors: Carolina Palmela
Interactive video presentation 3 - Postoperative IUS - Your diagnosis?8th ECCO Ultrasound Workshop - Advanced in collaboration with ESGAR
Year: 2021
Authors: Mariangela Allocca
Summary content

Crohn’s disease is a chronic progressive inflammatory disease of the gastro-intestinal tract that may lead to bowel damage and disability. Half of patients will require surgery within ten years of diagnosis. Unfortunately, surgery is not curative, endoscopic recurrence is reported in 80% of patients within one year of diagnosis, and predicts clinical and surgical recurrence. The prevention of post-surgical recurrence is a critical target in the care of Crohn’s disease after surgery. Currently, postsurgical management and treatment of Crohn’s disease are based on endoscopic monitoring performed during the first year after surgery. However, colonoscopy is an invasive and expensive procedure, unpleasant to patients. Bowel ultrasound is a cheap, non-invasive, readily-available tool for the assessment and the monitoring of patients with inflammatory bowel disease, especially patients with Crohn’s disease. This presentation aims to review the evidence for the use of bowel ultrasound in the specific setting of postsurgical recurrence in Crohn’s disease; the diagnostic accuracy of bowel ultrasound in the detection of postsurgical recurrence in alternative to colonoscopy; its predictive value for clinical and surgical recurrence.

Interactive video presentation 4 - What's your diagnosis?8th ECCO Ultrasound Workshop - Advanced in collaboration with ESGAR
Year: 2021
Authors: Frauke Petersen