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Presentation: How to write a great IBD endoscopy report?1st ECCO-ESGAR Basic Imaging Workshop
Year: 2019
Authors: Matt Rutter
Files: 1
Presentation: Surveillance colonoscopy and dysplasia characterization: How do I do and manage it? (J. East)1st ECCO-ESGAR Basic Imaging Workshop
Year: 2019
Authors: James East
Dysplasia, Chromoendoscopy
Files: 1
Presentation: Surveillance colonoscopy and dysplasia characterization: How do I do and manage it? (M. Iacucci)1st ECCO-ESGAR Basic Imaging Workshop
Year: 2019
Authors: Marietta Iacucci
Dysplasia, Chromoendoscopy
Files: 1
Prevention by surgery is possible8th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2019
Authors: Christianne Buskens
Files: 1
Psychological support in IBDECCO'19 Copenhagen
Year: 2019
Authors: Yoram Inspector
Coping, Work productivity
Files: 1
Psychosocial implications of living with IBD10th N-ECCO School
Year: 2019
Authors: Kay Greveson
Adherence to therapy, Patient reported outcomes, Disability, Coping
Files: 1
Robot and Surgeon: How will a partnership work?ECCO'19 Copenhagen
Year: 2019
Authors: Antonino Spinelli
Laparoscopic surgery, Post operative complications
Files: 1
Science and social media - why bother?11th Y-ECCO Career Workshop
Year: 2019
Authors: Charlie Lees
Files: 1
Serrated lesions in IBD4th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2019
Authors: Roger Feakins
Histology, Dysplasia, UC colorectal cancer surveillance
Files: 1
Slide seminar case 14th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2019
Authors: Roger Feakins
Files: 1
Slide seminar cases 2 and 3 (M. Tripathi)4th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2019
Authors: Monika Tripathi
Files: 1
Slide seminar cases 2 and 3 (P. Borralho Nunes)4th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2019
Authors: Paula Borralho Nunes
Files: 1
Small bowel Crohn's Disease - is MRE enough? Do we still need Enteroscopy?1st ECCO-ESGAR Basic Imaging Workshop
Year: 2019
Authors: Taku Kobayashi
Balloon enteroscopy
Files: 1
Specific effects of IBD drugs on the mucosa4th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2019
Authors: Gert de Hertogh
Files: 1
Stoma rates in the biological era8th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2019
Authors: Paulo Kotze
Stoma, Post operative complications
Files: 1
Stratifying by disease biology to choose the right drug for the right patientECCO'19 Copenhagen
Year: 2019
Authors: Charlie Lees
Treat to target, Metabolomics, Epigenetics, Proteomics
Files: 1
Surgery in IBD10th N-ECCO School
Year: 2019
Authors: Michel Adamina
Colectomy, Ileo anal pouch procedure, Laparoscopic surgery, Stoma
Files: 1
Tandem talk: Outcome measures in IBD surgery8th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2019
Authors: Michel Adamina, Laurent Beaugerie
Outcome measures, Patient reported outcomes
Files: 1
Tandem Talk: When to start and when to stop biologics (E. Louis)4th ECCO-AOCC Forum
Year: 2019
Authors: Edouard Louis
Anti-TNF agents, Biosimilars
Files: 1
Tandem Talk: When to start and when to stop biologics (T. Kobayashi)4th ECCO-AOCC Forum
Year: 2019
Authors: Taku Kobayashi
Anti-TNF agents, Biosimilars
Files: 1