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12: Best abstract: A variable number of tandem repeat polymorphism in the promotor region of the neonatal Fc receptor affects anti-TNF serum levels in IBDECCO'16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016
Authors: Billiet T.
adalimumab, anti-TNF agents, genetics, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, infliximab, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic drug monitoring,
Files: 1
12: Case based discussion: The patient with severe inflammatory Crohn’s Disease14th IBD Intensive Advanced Course
Year: 2016
Authors: Hindryckx P., Laurence E.
Anti-TNF agents, Corticosteroids, Ustekinumab, Vedolizumab
Files: 1
12: Is it time to welcome the new buddies? A debate on biosimilars10th N-ECCO Network Meeting
Year: 2016
Authors: Danese S., Michetti P.
ANTI-TNF AGENTS, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis
Files: 1
12: Molecular basis of dysplasia and cancer1st H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2016
Authors: Svrcek M.
adenocarcinoma, genetic, ulcerative colitis
Files: 1
12: The global projectEU Project Forum
Year: 2016
Authors: Louis E.
Files: 1
12: Where do steroids fit in?3rd Basic ECCO: EduCational COurse for Industry
Year: 2016
Authors: Magro F.
Files: 1
13: Best abstract: Autophagy regulates dendritic cell migration through Rac1 – implications for thiopurine therapyECCO'16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016
Authors: Wildenberg M.
autophagy, dendritic cell, thiopurines (AZA/MP), genetics
Files: 1
13: Diagnosis of dysplasia (Tandem talk)1st H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2016
Authors: Eliakim R., Langner C.
UC colorectal cancer surveillance; chromoendoscopy, histology, Dysplasia
Files: 1
13: The spare trialEU Project Forum
Year: 2016
Authors: Hertervig E.
Files: 1
13: The surgeon’s view5th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2016
Authors: Bemelman W.
Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, mucosal healing, tnf agents
Files: 1
13: Who gets immunomodulators?3rd Basic ECCO: EduCational COurse for Industry
Year: 2016
Authors: Jairath V.
Files: 1
14: Monitoring therapy with drug levels and antibody testing14th IBD Intensive Advanced Course
Year: 2016
Authors: Irving P.
Files: 1
14: N-ECCO in 2016 and beyond10th N-ECCO Network Meeting
Year: 2016
Authors: Gaarenstroom J.
Files: 1
14: Right Hemicolectomy Audit: Crohn’s Disease 5th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2016
Authors: El-Hussuna A.
Crohn's Disease, ileocaecal resection, real world data
Files: 1
14: The future of genetics in clinical medicineECCO'16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016
Authors: Weersma R.
genetics, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis
Files: 1
14: The health care provider/patients surveyEU Project Forum
Year: 2016
Authors: Colombel J.
Files: 1
14: Treatment of dysplasia (Tandem talk)1st H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2016
Authors: Annese V., Spinelli A.
UC colorectal cancer surveillance; chromoendoscopy, histology, colectomy, dysplasia, ileoanal pouch procedure
Files: 1
14: What about biological therapy?3rd Basic ECCO: EduCational COurse for Industry
Year: 2016
Authors: Armuzzi A.
Files: 1
15: Activity in IBD1st H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2016
Authors: Borralho P.
disease activity indices, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, histology
Files: 1
15: Best abstract: Comprehensive epigenome-wide DANN methylation profiling in Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO'16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016
Authors: Ventham N.
epigenetics, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis
Files: 1