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DOP085: Tight NADPH oxidase regulation is a prerequisite for gut healthECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: Aviello G.
Immunology, Neutrophil
Files: 1
DOP088: Somatic and visceral hypersensitivity associated to acute intestinal inflammation are absent in sigma 1 receptor knockout miceECCO'17 Barcelona
Year: 2017
Authors: López-Estévez S.
Treat to target, Other extraintestinal manifestations, Visceral pain, Genetics
Files: 1
Dysplasia (with interactive cases)2nd H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2017
Authors: Svrcek M., Villanacci V.
Files: 1
EEN - Not what you are used to 2nd D-ECCO Workshop
Year: 2017
Authors: Sigall-Boneh R.
Exclusive enteral nutrition, enteral supplements
Files: 1
Endoscopic and imaging features of CD, intestinal TB, 2nd ECCO-AOCC Forum: Learning from the Masters
Year: 2017
Authors: Zhong J.
Crohn's disease, Differential diagnosis, Balloon enteroscopy, Tuberculosis
Files: 1
Endoscopic surveillance for IBD associated colorectal cancer2nd ECCO Endoscopy Workshop
Year: 2017
Authors: Annese V.
Colonoscopy, Chromoendoscopy, Dysplasia, Histology
Files: 1
Endoscopic therapeutic intervention in IBD2nd ECCO Endoscopy Workshop
Year: 2017
Authors: Sheng Ding N.
Balloon enteroscopy, Chromoendoscopy, Colonoscopy, Dysplasia, Endoscopic therapy, Narrow band imaging, Stricture dilatation, UC colorectal cancer surveillance
Files: 1
Enteral nutrition in adults: Has anything changed?2nd D-ECCO Workshop
Year: 2017
Authors: Reinisch W.
Exclusive enteral nutrition, Enteral supplements
Files: 1
Examples of funded IBD projects by charities10th Y-ECCO Career Workshop
Year: 2017
Authors: Terry H.
Files: 1
Extraintestinal manifestations of IBD2nd H-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2017
Authors: Irving P.
Arthralgia, Osteopenia / osteoporosis, Pyoderma gangrenosum, Thromboembolism
Files: 1
Fatigue and physical function in IBD4th N-ECCO Research Forum
Year: 2017
Authors: Farrell D.
Files: 1
Fatigue in Europe4th N-ECCO Research Forum
Year: 2017
Authors: Czuber-Dochan W.
Files: 1
Fertility and pregnancy in IBD11th N-ECCO Network Meeting
Year: 2017
Authors: van der Woude J.
Fertility, IBD and breastfeeding, IBD in pregnancy
Files: 1
Food additives - a role in IBD?2nd D-ECCO Workshop
Year: 2017
Authors: Levine A.
Dietary factors, Exposome
Files: 1
Food related quality of life and the patient’s perspective on diet2nd D-ECCO Workshop
Year: 2017
Authors: Whelan K.
Depression, Coping
Files: 1
Grant Writing – Tips and tricks10th Y-ECCO Career Workshop
Year: 2017
Authors: Rogler G.
Files: 1
Hand-assist vs. single port6th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass
Year: 2017
Authors: Buskens C.
Ileo caecal resection, Laparoscopic surgery, Post operative complications
Files: 1