P0744: Observational Real-World Study of Switching from Intravenous to Subcutaneous Vedolizumab in IBD Patients: Clinical and Pharmacokinetic AnalysisECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Diz Lois Palomares, M.T.(1)*;Barreiro de-Acosta, M.(2);Baz López, A.(3);Porta Sánchez, Á.(4);Elberdin Pazos, L.(4);
(1)Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña, Gastroenterology, A Coruña 15004, Spain;(2)Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela and Santiago de Compostela Health Research Institute, Gastroenterology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain;(3)Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Lugo, Gastroenterology, Lugo, Spain;(4)Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña, Pharmacy, A Coruña, Spain;
P0745: Effectiveness of Switching to Subcutaneous Infliximab in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients with Inadequate Biochemical Response during Intravenous AdministrationECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Kim, M.(1)*;Lee, B.(2);Kim, E.R.(1);Hong, S.N.(1);Chang, D.K.(1);Kim, Y.H.(1);
(1)Samsung Medical Center, Gastroenterology, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;(2)Samsung Changwon Hospital, Gastroenterology, Changwon, Korea- Republic Of;
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P0746: Impact of timing of prophylaxis therapy on post-operative endoscopic recurrence in a real-life cohort of patients whit Crohn’s diseaseECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Del Gaudio, A.(1)*;Cuccia, G.(1);Di Vincenzo, F.(1);Coppola, G.(2);Parisio, L.(2);Laterza, L.(2);Pugliese, D.(3);Sacchetti, F.(4);Sofo, L.(4);Papa, A.(1);Cammarota, G.(1);Gasbarrini, A.(1);Scaldaferri, F.(1);Lopetuso, L.R.(2);
(1)Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "A. Gemelli" IRCCS, Università Cattolica, Roma, Italy;(2)Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "A. Gemelli" IRCCS, UOS Malattie Infiammatorie Croniche Intestinali-Centro Malattie Apparato Digerente CEMAD, Roma, Italy;(3)Ospedale Isola Tiberina Gemelli Isola, UOS Gastroenterologia, Roma, Italy;(4)Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "A. Gemelli" IRCCS, UOC Chirurgia Addominale, Roma, Italy;
P0747: The real-world practice patterns and clinical outcomes of 5-aminosalicylic acid treatment in Korean patients with ulcerative colitis: a population-based retrospective studyECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Park, S.J.(1)*;Park, S.W.(2);Kim, T.I.(1);Cheon, J.H.(1);
(1)Yonsei University College Of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Institute of Gastroenterology, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;(2)Ferring Pharmaceuticals Korea Co.- Ltd., Medical affairs, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;
P0748: Characterisation of Remission Levels in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis Treated with 5-Aminosalicylates: Results of the CARUC-ASA Prospective Multicentre StudyECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: ReenaersDr, C.(1)*;Caenepeel, C.(2);Lambrecht, G.(3);Pouillon, L.(4);Baert, F.(5);Cremer, A.(6);Colard, A.(7);Claessens, C.(8);Billiet, T.(9);Gedolf, J.(10);Strubbe, B.(11);Humblet, E.(2);de Zutter, A.(12);Rahier, J.F.(13);Sommers, M.(14);Reynders, D.(15);Vansteenkiste, L.(16);Arijs, I.(16);Raeves, A.(16);Louis, E.(1);Verstockt, B.(17);
(1)CHU Liège- Sart Tilman, Department of Gastroenterology, Liège, Belgium;(2)Hospital Oost Limburg, Department of Gastroenterology, Genk, Belgium;(3)AZ Damiaan, Department of Gastroenterology, Oostende, Belgium;(4)Imelda, Department of Gastroenterology, Bonheiden, Belgium;(5)AZ Delta, Department of Gastroenterology, Roeselare, Belgium;(6)Hospital Erasme, Department of Gastroenterology, Brussels, Belgium;(7)CHC Mont Légia, Department of Gastroenterology, Liège, Belgium;(8)AZ Turnhout, Department of Gastroenterology, Turnout, Belgium;(9)AZ Groenige, Department of Gastroenterology, Groenige, Belgium;(10)UZ Gent, Department of Gastroenterology, Gent, Belgium;(11)AZ Sint-Lucas, Department of Gastroenterology, Brugge, Belgium;(12)Sint-Andries Ziekenhuis, Department of Gastroenterology, Tielt, Belgium;(13)CHU Montgodinne, Department of Gastroenterology, Namur, Belgium;(14)UZ Antwerpen, Department of Gastroenterology, Antwerpen, Belgium;(15)UZ Gent, statistical department, Gent, Belgium;(16)BIRD Office, BIRD Office, Brussels, Belgium;(17)UZ Leuven, Department of Gastroenterology, Leuven, Belgium;
P0749: Infection adverse events with tulisokibart over 50 weeks of treatment in the phase 2 Crohn’s disease APOLLO-CD trialECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Guedelha Sabino, J.(1)*;Sands, B.E.(2);Peyrin-Biroulet, L.(3,4);Yen, M.(5);Zhou, W.(5);Dong, B.(5);Feagan, B.G.(6,7);
(1)KU Leuven, Department Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Leuven, Belgium;(2)Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Dr. Henry D. Janowitz Division of Gastroenterology, New York, United States;(3)University of Lorraine- Inserm- NGERE, Department of Gastroenterology, Nancy, France;(4)Paris IBD Center, Groupe Hospitalier privé Ambroise Paré-Hartmann, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France;(5)Merck & Co.- Inc., Clinical Research, Rahway, United States;(6)University of Western Ontario, Division of Gastroenterology- Department of Medicine, London, Canada;(7)Alimentiv, Gastroenterology, London, Canada;
1. Singh et al. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020;18(1):69-81).
2. Siegel et al. United European Gastroenterol J 2024; 12 (S8): OP078
3. Feagan BG, et al. Lancet 2017; 29;389:1699-709
4. Vermeire S, Lancet 2017; 21;389:266-75
P0750: Association between intestinal fibrosis and clinical and surgical recurrence after intestinal resection in stenotic Crohn's disease patientsECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Che, T.(1)*;Wang, X.(1);Zhang, S.(1);Zhang, Y.(1);Gu, Y.(1);Sun, J.(1);He, Z.(2);Li, Y.(3);Zou, D.(1);
(1)Ruijin Hospital- School of Medicine- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of Gastroenterology, Shanghai, China;(2)Ruijin Hospital- School of Medicine- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of General Surgery, Shanghai, China;(3)Jinling Hospital- Medical School of Southeast University, Department of General Surgery, Nanjing, China;
P0751: The effects of high and low emulsifier diets in active Crohn’s disease: A pilot double-blinded randomised feeding trialECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Fitzpatrick, J.A.(1)*;Gibson, P.R.(1);Taylor, K.M.(2);Anderson, E.J.(1);Friedman, A.B.(2);Ardalan, Z.S.(2);Smith, R.L.(2);Halmos, E.P.(1);
(1)Monash University, Department of Gastroenterology- School of Translational Medicine, Melbourne, Australia;(2)Alfred Health, Department of Gastroenterology, Melbourne, Australia;
P0752: Efficacy and safety of the mirikizumab extended induction cohort at 152 weeks of continuous treatment for moderately to severely active Ulcerative Colitis: Results from the LUCENT-3 open-label extension studyECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Hart, A.(1,2)*;Blumenstein, I.(3);Kobayashi, T.(4);Chaparro, M.(5,6);Fantini, M.C.(7,8);Fumery, M.(9);Keohane, A.(10);Dhesi, E.(11);Tian, T.(11);Redondo, I.(11);Barnes, E.L.(12);
(1)St Mark’s Hospital, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research, London, United Kingdom;(2)Imperial College London, Department of Metabolism- Digestion and Reproduction - Faculty of Medicine, London, United Kingdom;(3)Goethe University Frankfurt, University Hospital- Medical Clinic 1, Frankfurt, Germany;(4)Kitasato University Kitasato Institute Hospital, Center for Advanced IBD Research and Treatment, Tokyo, Japan;(5)Hospital Universitario de La Princesa- Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Princesa IIS-Princesa- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid UAM, Gastroenterology Department, Madrid, Spain;(6)Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas CIBEREHD, Gastroenterology Department, Madrid, Spain;(7)University of Cagliari, Department of Medical Sciences and Public Health, Cagliari, Italy;(8)Universitaria di Cagliari, Azienda Ospedaliero, Cagliari, Italy;(9)Amiens University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Amiens, France;(10)Statistics Europe, HaaPACS GmbH, Schriesheim, Germany;(11)Eli Lilly and Company, Lilly Immunology, Indianapolis, United States;(12)University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Chapel Hill- North Carolina, United States;
1.Sands BE, D’Haens G, Clemow DB et al. Three-Year Efficacy and Safety of Mirikizumab Following 152 Weeks of Continuous Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis: Results From the LUCENT-3 Open-Label Extension Study. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2024; izae253.
2.D’Haens G, Higgins PDR, Peyrin-Biroulet L et al. Extended Induction and Prognostic Indicators of Response in Patients Treated with Mirikizumab with Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis in the LUCENT Trials. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2024; izae004.
3.Sands BE, D’Haens G, Clemow DB et al. Two-Year Efficacy and Safety of Mirikizumab Following 104 Weeks of Continuous Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis: Results From the LUCENT-3 Open-Label Extension Study. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2024; izae024.
P0753: Early surgery in pediatric-onset ileocecal Crohn’s disease is associated with less unfavourable disease course: a retrospective population-based studyECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: d’Alès , C.(1)*;Sarter, H.(2);Fumery, M.(3);Dupont-Lucas, C.(4);Turck, D.(5);Bertrand, V.(6);Wils, P.(7);Richard, N.(8);Gower-Rousseau, C.(9);Coevoet , H.(10);Paupard , T.(11);Guillon , N.(12);Savoye, G.(13);Ley, D.(14);Leroyer, A.(12);
(1)EPIMAD Registry Rouen University hospital, Gastroenterology, Rouen, France;(2)EPIMAD Registry -University Hospital of Lille, Public Health- Epidemiology and Economic Health Unit, Lille, France;(3)EPIMAD Registry University Hospital of Amiens-, Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Amiens, France;(4)EPIMAD REGISTRY Caen University Hospital, Paediatrics, Caen, France;(5)EPIMAD REGISTRY Lille University Hospital, Paediatrics, Lille, France;(6)EPIMAD REGISTRY Le Havre general hospital, Paediatrics, Le Havre, France;(7)EPIMAD REGISTRY University Hospital of LILLE, Gastroenterology, Lille, France;(8)EPIMAD REGISTRY Rouen- UNiversity hospital of Rouen, Gastroenterology, Rouen, France;(9)University Hospital of Reims, Research and Public Health Division, Reims, France;(10)EPIMAD REGISTRY Private Hospital des Bonnettes, Gastroenterology, Arras, France;(11)EPIMAD REGISTRY General Hospital of Dunkerque, Gastroenterology, Dunkerque, France;(12)EPIMAD REGISTRY University Hospital of Lille, Public Health- Epidemiology and Economic Health Unit, Lille, France;(13)EPIMAD REGISTRY Rouen University Hospital INSERM U 1073, Department of Gastroenterology, Rouen, France;(14)EPIMAD REGISTRY - University Hospital of Lille, Paediatrics, Lille, France;
P0754: Extensive disease clearance as a novel composite endpoint to predict long-term relapse in vedolizumab-treated patients with ulcerative colitis: a post-hoc analysis from the VIEWS randomised controlled trialECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Pudipeddi, A.(1,2,3)*;Lin, H.(4);Paramsothy, S.(1,3);Kariyawasam, V.(1,5);Paramsothy, R.(6);Ghaly, S.(7,8);Haifer, C.(7,8);An, Y.K.(9,10);Begun, J.(9,10);Connor, S.(11,12);Corte, C.(13);Ward, M.(14);De Cruz, P.(15,16);Fung, C.(17);Redmond, D.(1);Chan, W.(18);Mourad, F.(19);Kermeen, M.(1);Leong, R.(1,3,5);
(1)Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Gastroenterology and Liver Services, Sydney, Australia;(2)Australian National University, College of Medicine and Health, Sydney, Australia;(3)University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Sydney, Australia;(4)Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Singapore City, Singapore;(5)Macquarie University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sydney, Australia;(6)Ryde Hospital, Gastroenterology, Sydney, Australia;(7)St Vincent's Hospital, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Sydney, Australia;(8)University of New South Wales, School of Clinical Medicine- St Vincent's Healthcare Campus, Sydney, Australia;(9)Mater Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Brisbane, Australia;(10)University of Queensland, Mater Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia;(11)Liverpool Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Sydney, Australia;(12)University of New South Wales, South West Sydney Clinical Campuses- UNSW Medicine & Health, Sydney, Australia;(13)Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, AW Morrow Gastroenterology Centre, Sydney, Australia;(14)The Alfred Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Melbourne, Australia;(15)Austin Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Melbourne, Australia;(16)University of Melbourne, Department of Medicine- Austin Academic Centre, Melbourne, Australia;(17)Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Department of Anatomical Pathology, Sydney, Australia;(18)Singapore General Hospital, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Singapore City, Singapore;(19)American University of Beirut Medical Center, Gastroenterology, Beirut, Lebanon;
P0755: Long-term safety of subcutaneous vedolizumab in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease: Findings from the VISIBLE OLE studyECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Vermeire, S.(1)*;Jones, S.(2);Velazco, N.(2);Agboton, C.(2);Wojtowicz, A.M.(2);Young, L.(2);Phillips, R.(3);Loftus- Jr., E.V.(4);Danese, S.(5);D’Haens, G.(6);
(1)University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Gastroenterology, Leuven, Belgium;(2)Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Takeda Development Center Americas- Inc., Cambridge, United States;(3)GI PROS Inc., GI PROS Inc., Naples, United States;(4)Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Rochester, United States;(5)IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele- Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Division of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Milan, Italy;(6)Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Department of Gastroenterology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
P0756: Etrasimod efficacy in patients with mildly to moderately active Ulcerative Colitis (modified Mayo score 4–6) in the phase 3 ELEVATE UC clinical programmeECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Yarur , A.J.(1);D'Haens, G.R.(2);Baert, F.(3);Goetsch, M.(4);Zang, C.(5);Gu, G.(6);Mazur, R.(4);Keating, M.(7);Kudlacz, E.(8);Sidhu, S.(7);Wosik, K.(9);Danese, S.(10)*;
(1)Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center and Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Los Angeles- CA, United States;(2)Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(3)AZ Delta, Department of Gastroenterology, Roeselare, Belgium;(4)., Pfizer AG, Zürich, Switzerland;(5)., Pfizer Inc, Collegeville- PA, United States;(6)., Pfizer Inc, La Jolla- CA, United States;(7)., Pfizer Inc, New York- NY, United States;(8)., Pfizer Inc, Groton- CT, United States;(9)., Pfizer Canada, Kirkland- QC, Canada;(10)IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital and Vita Salute San Raffaele University, Division of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Milan, Italy;
1. Sandborn WJ et al. Lancet 2023; 401: 1159–1171.
2. Takeuchi K et al. Digestion 2024; ePub ahead of print.
Pfizer’s generative artificial intelligence tool MAIA was used to assist production of the abstract first draft. Authors reviewed/edited and take responsibility for the content.
P0757: Emulsifier restriction does not impair nutrient intake and improves food-related quality of life in active Crohn’s disease: dietary analysis of the ADDapt randomised controlled trial.ECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Buckley, A.(1)*;Xu, Y.(1);Burke, S.(1);Bancil, A.(1);Sandall, A.(1);Cox, S.(1);Rucco, V.(1);Kelaiditis, C.(1);Gibson, R.(1);Chassaing, B.(2);Rossi, M.(1);Lindsay, J.(3);Whelan, K.(1);
(1)King's College London, Department of Nutritional Sciences, London, United Kingdom;(2)Institut Pasteur- Université Paris Cité- INSERM, Microbiome-Host Interactions, Paris, France;(3)Barts and The London NHS Trust, Department of Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom;
1. Sandall A, Smith L, Svensen E, Whelan K. Emulsifiers in ultra-processed foods in the UK food supply. Public Health Nutr. 2023; 26(11):2256-2270.
2. Chassaing B, Koren O, Goodrich JK, Poole AC, Srinivasan S, Ley RE, Gewirtz AT. Dietary emulsifiers impact the mouse gut microbiota promoting colitis and metabolic syndrome. Nature. 2015;519(7541):92-6.
3. Hughes LD, King L, Morgan M, Ayis S, Direkze N, Lomer MC, Lindsay JO, Whelan K. Food-related Quality of Life in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Development and Validation of a Questionnaire. J Crohns Colitis. 2016;10(2):194-201.
P0758: Efficacy of advanced therapies for the treatment of refractory pouchitis in patients with ileal-pouch anastomosis (IPAA): a multicentre Italian real-life experienceECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Carvalhas Gabrielli, A.M.(1)*;Cannatelli, R.(1);Ferretti, F.(1);Carmagnola, S.(1);Savarino, E.V.(2);Bertin, L.(2);Saibeni, S.(3);De Bernardi, A.(3);Ricci, C.(4);Zammarchi, I.(4);Ribaldone, D.G.(5);De Vita, F.(5);Colombo, F.(6);Maconi, G.(7);
(1)ASST Fatebenefratelli-Sacco, Gastroenterology Unit, Milan, Italy;(2)University of Padova, Division of Gastroenterology- Department of Surgery Oncology and Gastroenterology DiSCOG, Padova, Italy;(3)Rho Hospital- ASST Rhodense, IBD Center- Gastroenterology Unit, Milan, Italy;(4)Brescia University- Spedali Civili di Brescia, Gastroenterology Unit, Brescia, Italy;(5)University of Turin, Department of Medical Sciences, Turin, Italy;(6)ASST Fatebenefratelli-Sacco, Division of General Surgery “Luigi Sacco”, Milan, Italy;(7)University of Milan, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Milan, Italy;
1. Lightner AI, Mathis KI, Dozonis EJ, et al. Results up to 30 Years after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for chronic ulcerative colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2017;23(5);781-902. doi: 10.1097/MIB.0000000000001061.
2. Segal JP, Ding NS, Worley G, et al. Systematic review with meta-analysis: the management o chronic refractory pouchitis with an evidence-based treatment algorithm. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2017;45:581-923. doi: 10.1111/apt.13905.
3. Sandborn WJ. Pouchitis following ileal pouch-anal anastomosis: definition, pathogenesis, and treatment. Gastroenterology 1994;107:1856-60. doi: 10.1016/0016-5085(94)90832-x.
P0759: The interplay between dietary intake and disease activity in Australian adults with and without Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Cosier, D.(1)*;Lambert, K.(1);Karen, C.(1);Batterham, M.(2);Little, R.D.(3);Wu, N.(4);Tavakoli, P.(4);Ghaly, S.(5);Pipicella, J.L.(6);Connor, S.(6);Leach, S.(7);Lemberg, D.(8);Houshyar, Y.(4);Jayawardana, T.(4);Koentgen, S.(4);Hold, G.(4);
(1)University of Wollongong, School of Medical- Indigenous and Health Sciences, Wollongong, Australia;(2)University of Wollongong, National Institute for Applied Statistical Research Australia, Wollongong, Australia;(3)Alfred Health, Department of Gastroenterology, Melbourne, Australia;(4)University of New South Wales, Microbiome Research Centre, Sydney, Australia;(5)St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney and St Vincent’s Clinical School, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Sydney, Australia;(6)Liverpool Hospital and South West Sydney Clinical Campuses, Department of Gastroenterology, Sydney, Australia;(7)University of New South Wales, School of Clinical Medicine, Sydney, Australia;(8)Sydney Children's Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Sydney, Australia;
1. Bischoff SC, Bager P, Escher J, Forbes A, Hébuterne X, Hvas CL, Joly F, Klek S, Krznaric Z, Ockenga J, Schneider S. ESPEN guideline on Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease. Clinical Nutrition. 2023 Mar 1;42(3):352-79.
2. Limdi JK, Aggarwal D and McLaughlin JT. Dietary practices and beliefs in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory bowel diseases 2016; 22: 164-170.
3. National Health and Medical Research Council. Australian Dietary Guidelines Summary. Canberra: National Health and Medical Research Council [online],. 2013.
4. National Health and Medical Research Council, Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, New Zealand Ministry of Health. Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand. Canberra: National Health and Medical Research Council; 2006.
P0760: Long-term Efficacy and Persistence of Subcutaneous Infliximab after Switching from Intravenous Infliximab in patients with Crohn's disease: A Real-World Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study in KoreaECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Kim, K.(1)*;Hong, S.N.(2);Kang, S.B.(3);Lee, K.M.(4);Koo, J.S.(5);Jung, Y.(6);Yoon, H.(7);Lee, B.J.(8);Lee, H.S.(9);Lee, Y.J.(10);Lim, Y.J.(11);Lee, J.(12);Lee, C.K.(13);Shin, S.Y.(14);Moon, J.M.(14);Seo, J.(1);Lim, H.(1);Choi, C.H.(1);
(1)Chung-Ang University Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;(2)Samsung Medical Center- Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;(3)Daejeon St. Mary’s Hospital- The Catholic University of Korea, Department of Internal Medicine, Daejeon, Korea- Republic Of;(4)St. Vincent's Hospital- College of Medicine- The Catholic University of Korea, Department of Internal Medicine, Suwon, Korea- Republic Of;(5)Korea University College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Ansan, Korea- Republic Of;(6)Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Cheonan, Korea- Republic Of;(7)Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Seongnam, Korea- Republic Of;(8)Korea University College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;(9)Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Daegu, Korea- Republic Of;(10)Keimyung University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Daegu, Korea- Republic Of;(11)Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Goyang, Korea- Republic Of;(12)Chosun University College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Gwangju, Korea- Republic Of;(13)Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;(14)Chung-Ang University Gwangmyeong Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Gwangmyeong, Korea- Republic Of;
P0761: Patient-reported outcomes are associated with calprotectin levels in post-IPAA patientsECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Fischman, M.(1,2)*;Godny, L.(2,3);Friedenberg, A.(2);Barkan, R.(2,3);Pauker, M.(2);White, I.(3,4);Wasserberg, N.(3,4);Dotan, I.(2,3);Ollech, J.(2,3);
(1)Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Military Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel;(2)Rabin Medical Center, Division of Gastroenterology, Petah Tikva, Israel;(3)Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv, Israel;(4)Rabin Medical Center, Division of Surgery, Petah Tikva, Israel;
- Irvine EJ, Zhou Q, Thompson AK. The Short Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire: a quality of life instrument for community physicians managing inflammatory bowel disease. CCRPT Investigators. Canadian Crohn's Relapse Prevention Trial. Am J Gastroenterol. 1996 Aug;91(8):1571-8. PMID: 8759664.
2. Ollech JE, Bannon L, Maharshak N, Bar N, Goren I, Tulchinsky H, Yanai H, Dotan I. Fecal Calprotectin Is Increased in Pouchitis and Progressively Increases With More Severe Endoscopic and Histologic Disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Aug;20(8):1839-1846.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2021.11.012. Epub 2021 Nov 16. PMID: 34798336.
P0762: Early ustekinumab use improves clinical outcomes in biologic-naive Crohn’s Disease patients: A retrospective multicenter cohort study in TaiwanECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Chang, Y.C.(1)*;Chuang, C.H.(2,3); Huang, T.Y.(3,4);Chung, C.S.(3,5); Kuo, C.J.(3,6,7); Pan, Y.B.(8);Sheng, W.J.(4); Lin, S.H.(9); Le, P.H.(3,6,7,10);
(1)Chang Gung University, School of Medicine, Taoyuan City, Taiwan;(2)National Cheng Kung University Hospital- College of Medicine- National Cheng Kung University, Department of Internal Medicine, Tainan, Taiwan;(3)Taiwan Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases, TaSSID, Taoyuan City, Taiwan;(4)Tri-Service General Hospital- National Defense Medical Center, Division of Gastroenterology, Taipei, Taiwan;(5)Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Department of Internal Medicine, New Taipei City, Taiwan;(6)Chang Gung Memorial Hospital- Linkou, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Taoyuan City, Taiwan;(7)Chang Gung Memorial Hospital- Linkou, Chang Gung Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Taoyuan City, Taiwan;(8)Chang Gung Memorial Hospital- Linkou, Biostatistical Section- Clinical Trial Center, Taoyuan City, Taiwan;(9)New Taipei Municipal Tucheng Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Department of Internal Medicine, New Taipei City, Taiwan;(10)Chang Gung Memorial Hospital- Linkou, Chang Gung Microbiota Therapy Center, Taoyuan City, Taiwan;
P0763: Beyond Anaemia: Changes in Iron Reserves during the Treatment of Crohn's DiseaseECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Hu, W.(1)*;Li, S.(2);Yu, Y.(3);Gao, S.(4);Luo, J.(5);Shi, D.(5);Jiang, J.(5);Xin, J.(5);Wang, Q.(6);Lu, S.(3);Xu, D.(3);Yu, Q.(3);Yang, Y.(1);Fan, Y.(1);Li, J.(5);Chen, Y.(3);
(1)The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology, Hangzhou, China;(2)The Second Affiliated Hospital- Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Department of Nursing, Hangzhou, China;(3)The Second Affiliated Hospital- Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases- Department of Gastroenterology, Hangzhou, China;(4)The Second Affiliated Hospital- Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Hangzhou, China;(5)The First Affiliated Hospital- Zhejiang University School of Medicine, State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Hangzhou, China;(6)The First Affiliated Hospital- Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Hangzhou, China;
1.Martinelli M, Fioretti MT, Aloi M, et al. Diagnosis and management of anemia in pediatric inflammatory bowel diseases: Clinical practice guidelines on behalf of the SIGENP IBD Working group. Dig Liver Dis. Aug 2024;56(8):1257-1269. doi:10.1016/j.dld.2024.02.016
2.Loveikyte R, Bourgonje AR, van der Reijden JJ, et al. Hepcidin and Iron Status in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Undergoing Induction Therapy With Vedolizumab or Infliximab. Inflamm Bowel Dis. Aug 1 2023;29(8):1272-1284. doi:10.1093/ibd/izad010
3.Dignass AU, Gasche C, Bettenworth D, et al. European consensus on the diagnosis and management of iron deficiency and anaemia in inflammatory bowel diseases. J Crohns Colitis. Mar 2015;9(3):211-22. doi:10.1093/ecco-jcc/jju009