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P843: Post-vaccination kinetics of antibodies against hepatitis B surface antigen in inflammatory bowel disease patients: a single-centre cohort study

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

I. Dimas1,2, E. Voudoukis2, G. Paspatis2, K. Karmiris*2

1Naval Hospital of Crete, Department of Gastroenterology, Chania, Greece, 2Venizelio General Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Heraklion, Greece

P844: Mucosa associated candida in ulcerative colitis: prevalence and relationship to disease severity

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

J. Shah*1, U. Dutta1, S. Rudramurthy2, A. Chakrabarti2, P. Sharma1, P. Popli1, R. Srinivasan3, A. Das4, S. K. Sinha1, V. Sharma1, N. Dhaka1, H. Madhavdhare1, R. Kochhar1

1PGIMER, Gastroenterology, Chandigarh, India, 2PGIMER, Microbiology, Chandigarh, India, 3PGIMER, Cytology, Chandigarh, India, 4PGIMER, Pathology, Chandigarh, India

P845: The changes of intestinal microbiota composition may predict the response of anti-TNF α in patients with Crohn's disease

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

G. Seong*1, S. N. Hong1, T. J. Kim1, E. R. Kim1, D. K. Chang1, Y-H. Kim1

1Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea

P846: Elafin-expressed Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 ameliorates experimental colitis in mice

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

G. Teng*1, L. Yun1, W. Ting1, W. Huahong1

1Peking University First Hospital, Gastroenterology, Beijing, China

P847: Perceptions of faecal microbiota transplantation in a paediatric ulcerative colitis population (PediFETCh Trial)

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

J. Popov*1, E. Hartung2,3, L. Hill2,4, U. Chauhan5, N. Pai2

1University College Cork, College of Medicine & Health, Cork, Ireland, 2McMaster University, Paediatrics, Division of Gastroenterology & Nutrition, Hamilton, Canada, 3Humber College, School of Health Sciences, Toronto, Canada, 4University of Cape Town, Exercise Science & Sports Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa, 5Hamilton Health Sciences, Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Hamilton, Canada

P848: Latent tuberculosis and active tuberculosis infection in patients with inflammatory bowel disease treating by biological agents: an experience of a medical centre in Taiwan

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

H-C. Lai*1, K-S. Cheng2,3, C-H. Chang2, C-L. Feng2, T-W. Chen3,4, J-W. Chou2,3,5

1China Medical University Hospital, Department of Chinese Medicine, Taichung, Taiwan, 2China Medical University Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Taichung, Taiwan, 3China Medical University, School of Medicine, Taichung, Taiwan, 4China Medical University Hospital, Department of Pathology, Taichung, Taiwan, 5The Taiwan Society of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Taipei, Taiwan

P849: Urease-positive proteobacteria in Crohn’s disease identified by novel ex vivo mucosal microbe culture combined with metagenomic sequencing (MC-MGS): the ENIGMA study

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

E. M. Berendsen*1,2, E. C. Hoedt1,2,3, J-J. Teh1,2, J. Zhang4,5, F. Zhang4,5, Q. Liu4,5, A. L. Hamilton6, J. Ching4,5, J. J. Sung4,5, J. Yu4,5, S. C. Ng4,5,7, M. A. Kamm6, M. Morrison1,2

1The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Brisbane, Australia, 2Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia, 3University College Cork, APC Microbiome Ireland, Cork, Ireland, 4The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 5The Chinese University of Hong Kong, LKS Institute of Health Sciences, Institute of Digestive Disease and State Key Laboratory of Digestive Diseases, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 6The University of Melbourne and St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Department of Medicine and Department of Gastroenterology, Melbourne, Australia, 7The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Centre for Gut Microbiota Research, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

P850: Measles virus immune status in a cohort of Spanish patients with inflammatory bowel disease

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

A. Gómez-Outomuro1, A. Castaño-García1, P. Flórez-Díez1, R. de Francisco*1,2, M. Rodriguez3, I. Huerta-González4, I. Pérez-Martínez1, S. Martínez-González1, M. Fernández-Prada5, A. Suárez1,2, S. Riestra1,2

1Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Gastroenterology, Oviedo, Spain, 2Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Principado de Asturias, Oviedo, Spain, 3Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Laboratory of Medicine, Oviedo, Spain, 4Regional Ministry of Health of the Principality of Asturias, Department of Epidemiological Surveillance, Oviedo, Spain, 5Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Oviedo, Spain

P851: Effects of manipulation of the gut microbiota on colon tumorigenesis in AOM-DSS model

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

C. S. Eun*1, D. S. Han1, J. G. Lee1, C. H. Park1

1Hanyang University Guri Hospital, Guri, South Korea

P852: Characterisation of Crohn’s disease mucosa-associated microbiota by a novel combination of microbe culture and metagenomic sequencing (MC-MGS): the ENIGMA study

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

E. M. Berendsen*1,2, E. C. Hoedt1,2,3, J-J. Teh1,2, J. Zhang4,5, F. Zhang4,5, Q. Liu4,5, A. L. Hamilton6, A. Wilson-O'Brien6, J. Ching4,5, J. J. Sung4,5, J. Yu4,5, S. C. Ng4,5,7, M. A. Kamm6, M. Morrison1,2

1The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Brisbane, Australia, 2Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia, 3University College Cork, APC Microbiome Ireland, Cork, Ireland, 4The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 5The Chinese University of Hong Kong, LKS Institute of Health Sciences, Institute of Digestive Disease and State Key Laboratory of Digestive Diseases, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 6The University of Melbourne and St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Department of Medicine and Department of Gastroenterology, Melbourne, Australia, 7The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Centre for Gut Microbiota Research, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

P853: The gut microbiota of pregnant inflammatory bowel disease patients shows a low diversity, but stable profile throughout pregnancy

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

J. van der Giessen1, D. Binyamin2, O. Koren2, M. Peppelenbosch1, C. J. van der Woude1, G. M. Fuhler1

1Erasmus Medical Centrum, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2Bar-Ilan University, The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Safed, Israel

P854: Insights into alteration of gut microbiota in inflammatory bowel disease patients with and without Clostridium difficile infection

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

D. Chen1, Y. Li*1, H. Sun1, M. Xiao1, N. Lv2, S. Liang2, B. Tan1, B. Zhu2

1Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing, China, 2Institute of microbiology, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China

P855: Variable importance analysis based on gut microbiota and dietary factors between IBD patients and healthy controls in China

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

J. Hu1,2, P. Wang3,4, X. Zhou5, A. Xiao6, N. You5, Y. Zhang2, M. Zhang2, M. Zheng2, S. Hutfless3,4, M. Zhi*2

1The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong Key Laboratory of Colorectal and Pelvic Floor Diseases, Guangzhou, China, 2the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Department of Gastroenterology, Guangzhou, China, 3Johns Hopkins University, Department of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA, 4Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, Baltimore, MD, USA, 5Sun Yat-Sen University, School of Mathematics and Computational Science, Guangzhou, China, 6Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

P856: Compositional changes in the gut microbiota of Korean inflammatory bowel disease patients are linked to clinical phenotypes

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

C. H. Choi*1, Y. Kim1, S. Y. Shin1, K. Kim2, K-M. Lee3, S-A. Jung4, C. Serrano5, S. C. Lee5

1Chung-Ang University College of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Seoul, South Korea, 2Chung-Ang University College of Medicine, Microbiology, Seoul, South Korea, 3The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Internal Medicine, Suwon, South Korea, 4Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Seoul, South Korea, 5South Texas Center of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Biology, San Antonio, USA

P857: The microbiota profile reflects disease severity in paediatric onset IBD

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

M. Malham*1, B. Lilje2, K. Winther3, G. Houen2, P. S. Andersen2, C. Jakobsen1,4

1Hvidovre University Hospital, The Paediatric Department, Hvidovre, Denmark, 2Statens Serum Institut, The Department for Bacteria, Parasites and Fungi, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3Nordsjaellands Hospital, The Paediatric Department, Hilleroed, Denmark, 4Hvidovre University Hospital, The GastroUnit, Hvidovre, Denmark

P858: Impact of ileocaecal resection on gut microbiota in ileal Crohn’s disease patients

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

J. Opstelten*1, F. Paganelli2, M. Bonten2, R. Willems2, B. Witteman3,4, H. Leavis5, B. Oldenburg1

1University Medical Center Utrecht, Department Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2University Medical Center Utrecht, Department Medical Microbiology, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 3Wageningen University, Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 4Hospital Gelderse Vallei, Department Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Ede, The Netherlands, 5University Medical Center Utrecht, Department Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Utrecht, The Netherlands

P859: Hepatitis E seroprevalence in Portuguese inflammatory bowel disease patients under immunosuppression is higher than expected

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

M. Garrido*1, T. Guedes1, M. Abreu2, I. Pedroto1, P. Lago1

1Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto, Gastroenterology, Porto, Portugal, 2Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto, Infectious Diseases, Porto, Portugal

P860: Evaluation of the probiotic features of two different multi-strain probiotic preparations from two different manufacturers

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

S. Colombo*1, V. Sagheddu2, M. Elli2, D. Mora3

1Beingpharma, Milan, Italy, 2AAT-Advanced Analytical Technologies Srl, Fiorenzuola d’Arda, Italy, 3Università degli studi di Milano, Defens, Milano, Italy

P861: Differences in bacteroidal genotypes between newly diagnosed ulcerative colitis patients and healthy controls

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

I. Baston*1, R. Sueiro2, C. Calviño1, D. De la Iglesia1, R. Ferreiro-Iglesias1, J. M. Leiro2, J. E. Dominguez-Munoz1, M. Barreiro-de Acosta1

1University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

DOP001: Effectiveness and safety of vedolizumab in anti-TNF naïve patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a multicentre retrospective European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation studyECCO '18 Vienna
Year: 2018

U. Kopylov1*, B. Verstockt2, L. Biedermann3, S. Sebastian4, D. Pugliese5, E. Sonnenberg6, P.R. Steinhagen6, N. Arebi7, Y. Ron8, T. Kucharzik9, X. Roblin10, B. Ungar1, A. Bar-Gil Shitrit11, S. Ardizzone12, P. Molander13, M. Coletta14, L. Peyrin-Biroulet15, P. Bossuyt16, I. Avni-Biron17, E.I. Tsoukal18, M. Allocca19, K. Katsanos20, T. Raine21, T. Sipponen22, G. Fiorino23, S. Ben-Horin1, R. Eliakim1, A. Armuzzi5, B. Siegmund6, D.C. Baumgart6, N. Kamperidis7, N. Maharshak8, C. Maaser9, G. Mantzaris18, H. Yanai17, D. Christodoulou20, I. Dotan17, M. Ferrante2

1Sheba Medical Center, Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel, 2KU Leuven, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Translational Research Center for Gastrointestinal Disorders (TARGID), Leuven, Belgium, 3University of Zurich, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Zurich, Switzerland, 4Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Hull, UK, 5IBD Unit, Complesso Integrato Columbus, Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli, Università Cattolica, internal Medicine, Gastroenterology Division, Rome, Italy, 6Charité - University Hospital Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Department of Gastroenterology and Medicine I, Berlin, Germany, 7LNWH ST MARKS HOSPITAL, Harrow, UK, 8Tel Aviv Medical Ceter, IBD Center, Department of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Tel Aviv, Israel, 9Hospital Lüneburg, Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Lüneburg, Germany, 10CHU de Saint-Etienne, Gastroenterology, Saint-Etiennne, France, 11Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Digestive diseases Institute, Jerusalem, Israel, 12ASST Fatebenefratelli - Sacco, Milan, Italy, 13Helsinki University Central Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Helsinki, Finland, 14Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy, Gatroenterology, Milan, Italy, 15Nancy University Hospital, Université de Lorraine, Hepatogastroenterology, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France, 16Imelda GI Clinical Research Center, Gastroenterology, Bonheiden, Belgium, 17Rabin Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Petach Tikva, Israel, 18Evaggelismos Hospital, Gastroenterology, Athens, Greece, 19Humanitas Gradenigo, Gastroenterology, Turin, Italy, 20University of Ioannina, Gastroenterology, Ioannina, Greece, 21Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Gastroenterology, Cambridge, UK, 22Helsinki University Central Hospital - Meilahti Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Helsinki, Finland, 23Humanitas Research Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, IBD Center, Rozzano, Italy