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P280: Prediction factors for low bone mineral density in children with Crohn’s disease

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

N. Ronel1, A. Guz-Mark2, A. Assa2, R. Lev Zion1, E. Shteyer1, D. Strich1, D. Turner1, O. Ledder*1

1Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel, 2Schneider Medical Center, Petach Tikva, Israel

P281: Endoscopic healing assessed by advanced optical enhancement techniques combined with faecal calprotectin (FCP) can accurately assess histological healing in ulcerative colitis patients

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

R. Cannatelli*1, U. N. Shivaji2,3, S. C. Smith1, D. Zardo4, A. Bazarova1, G. Gkoutos1, S. Ghosh1,2,3, M. Iacucci1,2,3,5

1University of Birmingham, Institute of Translational Medicine, Birmingham, UK, 2National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre, Birmingham, UK, 3University of Birmingham, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, Birmingham, UK, 4University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Histopathology, Birmingham, UK, 5University of Calgary, IBD Unit, Calgary, Canada

P282: Combination of biomarkers reflecting type IV collagen degradation and citrullinated vimentin predicts response to adalimumab with high diagnostic accuracy, in patients with Crohn’s disease

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

J. H. Mortensen*1, M. A. Karsdal1, H. Grønbæk2, C. L. Hvas2, A. Dige2, T. Manon-Jensen1

1Nordic Bioscience, Biomarkers and Research, Herlev, Denmark, 2Aarhus University Hospital, Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Aarhus, Denmark

P283: Bowel urgency in patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis: prevalence and correlation with clinical outcomes, biomarker levels, and health-related quality of life from U-ACHIEVE, a Phase 2b study of upadacitinib

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

S. Ghosh*1, E. Louis2, E. V. Loftus Jr3, W. Reinisch4, F. Cataldi5, W. Zhou5, W-J. Lee5, J. Panes6

1University of Birmingham, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, Institute of Translational Medicine, Birmingham, UK, 2University Hospital CHU of Liège, Liège, Belgium, 3Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, USA, 4Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 5AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, USA, 6University of Barcelona, Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

P284: Assessment of prothrombotic tendency in IBD pregnant patients and its associated risk factors

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

A. Rottenstreich1, M. Diminsky2, S. Grisaru-Granovsky3, M. Tali3, B. Roth5, G. Spectre6, J. Kalish5, G. Abitbol8, A. Hoyda8, E. Goldin10, A. Bar-Gil Shitrit*8

1Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jerusalem, Israel, 2Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Department of Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel, 3Shaare Zedek Medical Center affiliated with the Medical School of the Hebrew University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jerusalem, Israel, 5Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Hematology Department, Jerusalem, Israel, 6Belinson Hospital, Rabin Medical Center, affiliated with Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Institute of Hematology, Petach Tiqua, Israel, 8Shaare Zedek Medical Center affiliated with the Medical School, Hebrew University, DIgestive Diseases Institute, IBD MOM Unit, Jerusalem, Israel, 10Shaare Zedek Medical Center, affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, Digestive Diseases Institute, Jerusalem, Israel

P285: Deep learning for automated detection of mucosal inflammation by capsule endoscopy in Crohn’s disease

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

E. Klang1, Y. Barash1, R. Margalit2, S. Ben Horin2, M. Amitai1, R. Eliakim2, U. Kopylov*2

1Sheba Medical Center, Diagnostic imaging, Ramat Gan, Israel, 2Sheba Medical Center, Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel

P286: Bariatric surgery in inflammatory bowel disease: outcome and safety from a GETAID registry population

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

C. Reenaers*1, M. Nachury2, C. Stefanescu3, G. Pineton de Chambrun4, D. Laharie5, J. Boileve6, S. Viennot7, L. Peyrin-Biroulet8, X. Roblin9, J-C. Grimaud10, G. Bouguen11, S. Nahon12, F. Goutorbe13, B. Coffin14

1CHU Liège, Liège, Belgium, 2CHR Lille, Lille, France, 3Hôpital Beaujon, Paris, France, 4CHU Montpellier, Montpellier, France, 5CHU Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 6CHU Nantes, Nantes, France, 7CHU Caen, Caen, France, 8CHU Nancy, Nancy, France, 9CHU Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne, France, 10CHU Marseille, Marseille, France, 11CHU Rennes, Rennes, France, 12GHI Le Raincy-Montfermeil, Montfermeil, France, 13Centre Hospitalier de la côte basque, Bayonne, France, 14Hôpital Louis-Mourier, Université Paris Diderot, Colombes, France

P287: The clinical utility of low radiation dose computed tomography as a first-line investigation for evaluation of small bowel pathology

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

A. Patel*1, N. Gouvas1, S. Wadhwani2, R. Lovegrove1

1Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, Department of Colorectal Surgery, Worcester, UK, 2Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, Department of Radiology, Worcester, UK

P288: Is there any value of preoperative small bowel evaluation in patients with ulcerative colitis about to undergo ileal pouch-anal anastomosis?

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

A. Truong*1, K. Fernandez1, K. Zaghiyan1, P. Fleshner1

1Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Colorectal Surgery, Los Angeles, USA

P289: The initial development of a Chat-Bot for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients for use in e-health applications

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

A. Zand*1, A. Sharma1, Z. Stokes1, C. Reynolds1, D. Hommes1

1University of California, Los Angeles, Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Division of Digestive Diseases, Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Los Angeles, USA

P290: Compliance to vaccination guidelines in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: a cross-sectional, single-centre study

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

S. Coenen*1, D. Bertrand2, T. Vanhoutvin3, P. Verschueren4, P. De Haes3, P. De Munter5, S. Vermeire1, M. Ferrante1

1UZ Leuven, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Leuven, Belgium, 2KU Leuven, Skeletal Biology and Engineering Research Center, Leuven, Belgium, 3UZ Leuven, Department of Dermatology, Leuven, Belgium, 4UZ Leuven, Department of Rheumatology, Leuven, Belgium, 5UZ Leuven, Department of Infectious Diseases, Leuven, Belgium

P291: Improvements in access to IBD care following the implementation of a novel tiered triage model

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

L. Wilson*1, D. Loomes1,2

1Vancouver Island IBD Clinic, Victoria, Canada, 2University of British Columbia, Faculty of Medicine, Vancouver, Canada

P292: Immunomodulator and biological therapy are increased in inflammatory bowel disease patients with associated immune-mediated inflammatory diseases

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

M. J. Garcia Garcia*1, M. Pascual Mato1, C. Del Pozo Calzada1, L. Rasines Perez1, B. Castro Senosiain1, J. Crespo Garcia1, M. Rivero Tirado1

1Marques De Valdecilla Universitary Hospital, Gastroenterology, Santander, Spain

P293: Prognosis of small intestinal ulcers (SIUs) on capsule endoscopy when magnetic resonance enterography is normal

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

B. González Suárez1,2, J. Castro-Poceiro1, A. Fernández-Clotet1, J. Feurstein2, E. Ricart1, K. Falchuk2, I. Ordás1, S. Rodriguez1, D. Pleskow2, J. LLach1, J. Panés1, A. Moss2

1Hospital Clinic, Gastroenterology Department, Barcelona, Spain, 2Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, BIDMCand Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA

P294: Microscopic colitis: a missed opportunity to diagnose during colonoscopy

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

S. A. Raju*1, M. Kurien1, T. S. Chew1, K. Chapple2, D. S. Sanders1

1Academic Unit of Gastroenterology, Department of Infection, Immunity and Cardiovascular Disease, Sheffield, UK, 2Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK

P295: Impact of superimposed cytomegalovirus infection on the outcomes of ulcerative colitis flare-up

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

H. J. Kim*1, S. J. Oh1, Y-W. Kim2, J. R. Moon1, H-S. Kim3, C. K. Lee1

1Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Seoul, South Korea, 2Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Seoul, South Korea, 3Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Wonju, South Korea

P296: Effect of upadacitinib on patient-reported symptoms by the new Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms Questionnaire (UC-SQ) in patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis: data from the Phase 2b study U-ACHIEVE

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

S. Ghosh*1, F. Aberra2, R. Cross3, W. Zhou4, N. Chen4, W-J. Lee4, R. Panaccione5

1University of Birmingham, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, Institute of Translational Medicine, Birmingham, UK, 2Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 3University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA, 4AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, USA, 5University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada

P297: The change of bone mineral density in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

W. Moon*1, S. J. Park1, M. I. Park1, S. E. Kim1, J. H. Kim1, K. Jung1

1Department of Internal Medicine, Kosin University College of Medicine, Busan, South Korea

P298: Wall thickness ratio, a new magnetic resonance parameter, predicts the outcome of biological therapy in patients with ileal and ileocolonic Crohn’s disease

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

P. Balestrieri*1, M. Ribolsi1, A. Tullio1, E. Solida1, A. Giordano1, M. Cicala1

1Campus Bio Medico University, Digestive Disease, Rome, Italy

P299: A novel ileocolonic Crohn’s staging tool: the development and validation of an evidence-based, end-user informed radiological decision-aid

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

P. S. Morar*1,2, K. A. Wasmann3, A. C. T. Fareleira4, K. Sahnan1,2, S. O. Adegbola1,2, E. Mainta1, R. Ilangovan1, S. Arora2, N. Sevdalis5, K. Koysombat1, A. Hart1,2, D. Burling1, C. Edwards6, J. Warusavitarne1,2, A. Gupta1, W. A. Bemelman3, O. Faiz1,2

1St Mark's Hospital, London, UK, 2Imperial College London, London, UK, 3Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4Centro Hospitalar S. Joao,, Porto, Portugal, 5King’s College, London, UK, 6South Devon NHS Foundation Trust,, Torbay, UK