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P160: Hypercoagulability in patients undergoing abdominopelvic surgery for inflammatory bowel disease: insights from thromboelastography

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

S. Holubar*1, C. H. A. Lee1, A. Feinberg1, O. Lavryk1, L. Stocchi1, F. Rieder2, M. Regeuiro2, T. Hull1, S. Steele1

1Cleveland Clinic, Colon and Rectal Surgery, Cleveland, USA, 2Cleveland Clinic, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Cleveland, USA

P161: Faecal calprotectin identifies microscopic inflammation in ulcerative colitis patients with complete endoscopic healing: a post-hoc analysis of the MOMENTUM trial

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

T. W. Stevens*1, K. Gecse1, K. Barrett2, J. R. Turner3, G. de Hertogh4, D. T. Rubin5, G. R. D’Haens1

1Amsterdam University Medical Centres, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2Shire, Basingstoke, UK, 3Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Department of Pathology, Boston, USA, 4KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 5University of Chicago Medicine, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Centre, Chicago, IL, USA

P162: RAID-Monitor: a new non-invasive method to determine endoscopic activity in inflammatory bowel diseases

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

J. Amoedo*1,2, S. Ramió-Pujol1, A. Bahí3, C. Puig-Amiel3, L. Oliver1, P. Gilabert4, A. Clos5, M. Mañosa5, F. Cañete5, L. Torrealba6, J. O. Miquel-Cusachs6, D. Busquets6, M. Serra-Pagès1, M. Sàbat7, E. Domènech5, J. Guardiola4, L. J. Garcia-Gil1,2, X. Aldeguer1,3,6

1GoodGut SL, Girona, Spain, 2Universitat de Girona, Microbiology, Girona, Spain, 3Institut de Investigació Biomèdica de Girona, Girona, Spain, 4Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain, 5Hospital Universitari Germans Trias I Pujol, CIBEREHD, Badalona, Spain, 6Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta, Girona, Spain, 7Hospital de Santa Caterina, Salt, Spain

P163: Transmural healing assessed using MRI scores is associated with better outcomes and is a potential therapeutic target in patients with Crohn’s disease

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

A. Buisson*1, J. Vignette1, C. Allimant1, M. Reymond1, B. Pereira1, G. Bommelaer1, C. Hordonneau2

1University Hospital Estaing, IBD unit, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2University Hospital Estaing, Radiology department, Clermont-Ferrand, France

P164: Mucosal healing (MH) assessed with PICaSSO (Paddington International Virtual ChromoendoScopy ScOre) and probe Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE) do not reflect histological normalisation using the ECAP (Extent Chronicity Activity Plus) score

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

M. Iacucci*1,2,3,4, R. Cannatelli3, S. X. Gui5, B. C. Lethebe6, A. Bazarova3, G. Gkoutos3, G. Kaplan7, R. Panaccione7, R. Kiesslich8, S. Ghosh1,3,4

1University of Birmingham, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, Birmingham, UK, 2University of Calgary, IBD Unit, Calgary, Canada, 3University of Birmingham, Institute of Translational Medicine, Birmingham, UK, 4National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre, Birmingham, UK, 5University of Calgary, Department of Pathology, Calgary, Canada, 6University of Calgary, Research Unit, Calgary, Canada, 7University of Calgary, IBD Unit, Birmingham, UK, 8HSK Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology, Wiesbaden, Germany

P165: A global prospective observational study in children and adolescents with paediatric-onset IBD: the PIBD-SETQuality inception cohort

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

M. A. Aardoom*1, P. Kemos2, F. Ruemmele3, I. Tindemans1, J. N. Samsom1, N. Croft2, L. de Ridder1, PIBD SETQuality Consortium and PIBDnet1

1Erasmus Medical Center – Sophia Children's Hospital, Paediatric Gastroenterology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2Centre for Immunobiology, Blizard Institute, Barts and the London School of Medicine, Queen Mary University of London, Paediatric Gastroenterology, London, UK, 3Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité, APHP, Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades, Paediatric Gastroenterology, Paris, France

P166: A combined set of four serum inflammatory biomarkers reliably predicts endoscopic disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

A. R. Bourgonje*1, J. Z. H. von Martels1, R. Y. Gabriëls1, T. Blokzijl2, M. Buist-Homan2, J. Heegsma2, B. H. Jansen2, H. M. van Dullemen1, E. A. M. Festen1, M. C. Visschedijk1, R. K. Weersma1, P. de Vos3, K. N. Faber1, G. Dijkstra1

1University Medical Center Groningen, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2University Medical Center Groningen, Laboratory Medicine, Groningen, The Netherlands, 3University Medical Center Groningen, Pathology and Medical Biology, Groningen, The Netherlands

P167: The variation of faecal calprotectin level within the first months after bowel resection is predictive of endoscopic postoperative recurrence in patients with Crohn’s disease

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

M. Boube1, D. Laharie2, S. Nancey3, X. Hébuterne4, M. Fumery5, B. Pariente6, X. Roblin7, L. Peyrin-Biroulet8, M. Reymond1, C. Allimant1, R. Minet-Quinard9, B. Pereira1, G. Bommelaer1, A. Buisson*1

1University Hospital Estaing, IBD Unit, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2CHU Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 3HCL Lyon-Sud, Lyon, France, 4CHU Nice, Nice, France, 5CHU Amiens, Amiens, France, 6CHU Lille, Lille, France, 7CHU Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne, France, 8CHU Nancy, Nancy, France, 9University Hospital Estaing, Biochemistry Lab, Clermont-Ferrand, France

P168: Adjusting serum ferritin concentrations to remove the effects of acute-phase response in patients with IBD and iron deficiency: is using C-reactive protein sufficient?

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

K. Farrag*1,2, V. Ademaj-Kospiri1,2, I. Mavrommataki1,2, A. Aksan1,3, E. Leventi1,2, F-P. Armbruster4, A. Dignass5, J. Stein1,2

1Interdisciplinary Crohn Colitis Centre Rhein-Main, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 2DGD Clinics Sachsenhausen, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 3Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 4Immundiagnostik AG, Bensheim, Germany, 5Agaplesion Markuskrankenhaus, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

P169: Bowel ultrasound is accurate in assessing disease extent and disease activity in ulcerative colitis

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

P. Kakkadasam Ramaswamy*1, K. V. Nagarajan1, A. Yelsangikar1, A. Nagar1, N. Bhat1

1Aster CMI Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Liver Diseases and Clinical Nutrition, Bangalore, India

P170: Diagnostic criteria for IBD subtype classification: a multi-centre validation cohort

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

M. Sonnino1, M. Matar2, A. Assa2, R. Lev Zion1, E. Shteyer1, A. Griffiths3, D. Turner1, O. Ledder*1

1Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel, 2Schneider Medical Center, Petach Tikva, Israel, 3Hospital for Sick Kids, Toronto, Canada

P171: Augmented endoscopy for surveillance of colonic inflammatory bowel disease: systematic review with network meta-analysis

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

F. Castiglione1, N. Imperatore*1, A. Testa1, G. D. De Palma2, L. Pellegrini1, N. Caporaso1, A. Rispo1, IBD Naples1

1Gastroenterology, School of Medicine Federico II of Naples, Naples, Italy, 2Surgical Endoscopy, School of Medicine Federico II of Naples, Naples, Italy

P172: Postoperative recurrence of Crohn's disease: correlation between endoscopy and bowel ultrasound

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

J. Yebra Carmona*1, C. Suárez Ferrer1, J. Poza Cordón1, J. L. Rueda García1, J. Lucas Ramos1, I. Andaluz García1, E. Martín Arranz1, S. Gómez Senent1, M. D. Martín Arranz1, P. Mora Sanz1

1La Paz Hospital, Gastroenterology, Madrid, Spain

P173: The deeper, the better: Histological activity defined as Nancy Index >2 predicted bad outcomes in patients with ulcerative colitis that achieved mucosal healing

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

I. Gonzalez-Partida1, Y. Gonzalez-Lama1, C. Gonzalez-Lois2, R. Sanchez-Yuste2, I. Salas2, C. Suarez1, M. Calvo1, V. Matallana1, C. Salas2, I. Vera1

1Puerta de Hierro University Hospital, Gastroenterology Department, Madrid, Spain, 2Puerta de Hierro University Hospital, Pathology Department, Madrid, Spain

P174: System delays have real consequences: Impact of timing of biologic commencement on inflammatory bowel disease patient response

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

A. McCulloch*1, M. Abbas1, A. Bannaga1, P. McDowell1, T. Bate1, M. Kandathil1, J. Shah1, Q. Sharif1, M. Love1, N. Sharma1, R. Cooney1

1Queen Elizabeth Hospital, University Hospital Birmingham, Department of Gastroenterology, Birmingham, UK

P175: Capsule endoscopy for small bowel Crohn’s disease—should we trust in magnetic resonance enterography?

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

S. Xavier*1,2,3, P. Boal Carvalho1,2,3, F. Dias de Castro1,2,3, J. Magalhães1,2,3, B. Rosa1,2,3, M. J. Moreira1,2,3, J. Cotter1,2,3

1Hospital da Senhora da Oliveira, Guimarães, Gastroenterology, Guimarães, Portugal, 2School of Medicine, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 3ICVS/3B’s Associate Laboratory, University of Minho, Braga/Guimarães, Portugal

P176: Real-world use of the IBD Disk tool for evaluation of patient-reported disability in the outpatient clinic

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

E. Savelkoul*1, N. Sharma2, B. Disney3, A. Shah4, S. de Silva5, M. Iacucci6, S. Ghosh6, R. Cooney2

1Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK, 3University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry, UK, 4The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, Wolverhampton, UK, 5The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, Dudley, UK, 6University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

P177: Small intestinal mucosal healing assessed by video capsule endoscopy in Crohn’s disease patient treated with adalimumab: The SIMCHA study—interim results

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

C. Verdon*1, U. Kopylov1,2, C. Y. Chao1,3, S. Restellini-Kherad1, M. Girardin1, W. Afif1, P. Lakatos1, T. Bessissow1, A. Bitton1, E. Seidman1

1Research Insitute of the McGill University Health Centre, Gastroenterology, Montreal, Canada, 2Sheba Medical Center, Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel, 3Princess Alexandra Hospital, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Brisbane, Australia

P178: Role of prognostic nutritional index in predicting severity in active ulcerative colitis

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

A. Giordano*1, M. Ribolsi1, P. Balestrieri1, S. Emerenziani1, M. Cicala1

1Università Campus Bio-medico di Roma, Gastroenterology, Rome, Italy

P179: Changes in the haemostatic system in patients with ulcerative colitis depending on the degree of activity of the disease

ECCO '19 Copenhagen

Year: 2019

O. Knyazev*1, A. Kagramanova1, A. Lishchinskaya1, G. Dudina2, V. Subbotin3, K. Noskova4, A. Parfenov1

1Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after A. S. Loginov, Department of inflammatory bowel diseases, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after A. S. Loginov, Department of Hematology, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after A. S. Loginov, Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation, Moscow, Russian Federation, 4Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after A. S. Loginov, Department of laboratory diagnostics, Moscow, Russian Federation