P0357: Comparing Surgical Outcomes Between Crohn’s disease and Gastrointestinal Behçet’s disease: A Single-Center Retrospective Cohort StudyECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Shin, D.H.(1)*;Kang, S.(1);Kim, J.(1);Bae, H.W.(1);Park, M.Y.(1);Yang, S.Y.(1);Han, Y.D.(1);Hur, H.(1);Min, B.S.(1);Cho, M.S.(1);
(1)Yonsei University College of Medicine- Severance Hospital, Department of Surgery- Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;
Yazisiz V. Similarities and differences between Behçet's disease andCrohn's disease. World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol. 2014.15; 5(3): 228-238.
Baek SJ, Kim CH, Cho MS et al. Surgical Treatment and Outcomes in Patients WithIntestinal Behçet Disease: Long-term Experience ofa Single Large-Volume Center. Dis Colon Rectum 2015; 58: 575–581DOI: 10.1097
Zeng L, Meng WJ, Wen ZH et al. Management and outcomes of surgical patients with intestinalBehçet’s disease and Crohn’s disease in southwest China. World J Clin Cases. 2021; 9(16): 3858-3868.
P0358: The effects of reading experience on small intestine capsule endoscopy scoring of Crohn’s diseaseECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Wada, H.(1)*;Omori, T.(1,2);Mitsui, T.(1);Hayashida, M.(1);Matsuura, M.(1);Hisamatsu, T.(1);
(1)Kyorin University School of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mitaka-shi, Japan;(2)Kyorin University Suginami Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Suginami-ku, Japan;
P0359: Characteristics and long-term outcomes of biopsy proven serrated epithelial change in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a retrospective analysisECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Vaitiekunas, L.(1)*;Kakkadasam Ramaswamy, P.(1);Pillai, S.(2);Willis, T.(2);Mohsen, W.(1);
(1)Gold Coast University Hospital, Digestive Health, Southport, Australia;(2)Gold Coast University Hospital, Department of Pathology, Southport, Australia;
1. Johnson DH, Khanna S, Smyrk TC, et al. Detection rate and outcome of colonic serrated epithelial changes in patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s colitis. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2014;39(12):1408-1417. doi:10.1111/apt.12774
2. Parian A, Koh J, Limketkai BN, et al. Association between serrated epithelial changes and colorectal dysplasia in inflammatory bowel disease. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2015;84(1):87-95.e1. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2015.12.010
P0360: Bowel Ultrasonography and Computed Tomography tell the same story using different languages in analizing Crohnˈs disease lesionsECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Les, A.(1)*;Sarbu, A.M.(2);Dumitru, R.(2);Saizu, R.(3);Gheorghe, L.(1);Gheorghe, C.(1);
(1)Fundeni Clinical Institute, Gastroenterology, Bucharest, Romania;(2)Fundeni Clinical Institute, Radiology, Bucharest, Romania;(3)Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Gastroenterology, Bucharest, Romania;
P0361: Clinical outcomes of acute severe colitis in Latin American: a case series.ECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Burmann, B.P.(1);Barros, L.L.(1)*;Romero, A.E.P.(1);Salgado, J.G.D.(1);Prado, R.D.C.P.(1);Mattos, P.S.L.D.(1);Azevedo, M.F.C.D.(1);Carlos, A.D.S.(1);Damião, A.O.M.C.(1);
(1)University of São Paulo School of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology and Nutrology, São Paulo, Brazil;
1. Quaresma AB, Damiao AOMC, Coy CSR, Magro DO, Hino AAF, Valverde DA, Panaccione R, Coward SB, Ng SC, Kaplan GG, Kotze PG. Temporal trends in the epidemiology of inflammatory bowel diseases in the public healthcare system in Brazil: A large population-based study. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2022 Jun 9;13:100298.
2. Rivière P, Li Wai Suen C, Chaparro M, De Cruz P, Spinelli A, Laharie D. Acute severe ulcerative colitis management: unanswered questions and latest insights. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2024 Mar;9(3):251-262.
P0362: Bowel urgency in inflammatory bowel disease: The URGENT indexECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Caron, B.(1)*;Bouhnik, Y.(2);Stefanescu, C.(2);Treton, X.(2);Buisson, A.(3);Bourreille, A.(4);Fumery, M.(5);Nachury, M.(6);Roblin, X.(7);Nancey, S.(8);Vicaut, E.(9);Peyrin-Biroulet, L.(1);
(1)Nancy University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France;(2)Institut des MICI, Gastroenterology, Neuilly sur Seine, France;(3)Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Clermont-Ferrand, France;(4)Nantes University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Nantes, France;(5)Amiens University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Amiens, France;(6)Lille University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Lille, France;(7)Saint Etienne University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Saint Etienne, France;(8)Lyon University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Lyon, France;(9)Lariboisière Hospital, Unit of clinical trials, Paris, France;
Caron B, Ghosh S, Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L. Identifying, Understanding, and Managing Fecal Urgency in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2023 Jun;21(6):1403-1413.e27. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2023.02.029. Epub 2023 Mar 9. PMID: 36906079.
P0364: Establishment and validation of a central reader pool for magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) for use in Crohn’s disease clinical trialsECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Pillay, L.(1)*;Paverd, H.(2);Noor, N.(1);Hickman, K.(2);De Paepe, K.(3);Godfrey, E.M.(2);Khwaja, S.(2);Upponi, S.(2);Kennedy, N.A.(4);Parkes, M.(1);Raine, T.(1);
(1)Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Gastroenterology, Cambridge, United Kingdom;(2)Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Radiology, Cambridge, United Kingdom;(3)Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Boston, United States;(4)Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Gastroenterology, Exeter, United Kingdom;
Nurulamin M. Noor et al., "A Biomarker-Stratified Comparison of Top-down versus Accelerated Step-up Treatment Strategies for Patients with Newly Diagnosed Crohn’s Disease (PROFILE): A Multicentre, Open-Label Randomised Controlled Trial," The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology 9, no. 5 (May 1, 2024): 415–27
P0365: The evolution of Geldof fistula class in patients with Crohn's disease perianal fistulaECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Ibrahim, F.A.E.(1)*;Sebastian, S.(1);
(1)Hull University Teaching Hospitals - NHS trust, IBD Unit, Hull, United Kingdom; On behalf of GONDOMAR Study group United Kingdom - Email: Hyp-tr.gondomar@nhs.net
(1) Geldof J, Iqbal N, LeBlanc JF, et al. Classifying perianal fistulising Crohn's disease: an expert consensus to guide decision-making in daily practice and clinical trials. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022;7(6):576-584. doi:10.1016/S2468-1253(22)00007-3
P0366: Endoscopic remission in Crohn’s disease, the CREDO trial: Inter-reader variation study of the detection of endoscopic lesions assumed consensually to be related to remission.ECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: BossuytMD PhD, P.(1)*;Mary, J.Y.(2);Louis, E.(3);Baert, F.(4);Caillo, L.(5);de Suray, N.(6);Dewint, P.(7);Ferrante, M.(8);Filippi, J.(9);Laharie, D.(10);Reenaers, C.(3);SImon, M.(11);Stefanescu, C.(12);Trang, C.(13);Vuitton, L.(14);Vermeire, S.(8);Bouhnik, Y.(12);
(1)Imelda General Hospital Bonheiden, Department of Gastroenterology, Bonheiden, Belgium;(2)Hôpital Saint-Louis, UMR1153 Inserm CRESS- équipe ECSTRRA- SBIM, Paris, France;(3)CHU Liège, Department of gastroenterology, Liège, Belgium;(4)AZ Delta, Department of gastroenterology, Roeselare, Belgium;(5)CHU Nimes, Department of gastroenterology, Nimes, France;(6)Grand Hôpital de Charleroi, Department of gastroenterology, Charleroi, Belgium;(7)AZ Maria Middelares, Department of gastroenterology, Ghent, Belgium;(8)University Hospitals Leuven, Department of gastroenterology and hepatology, Leuven, Belgium;(9)Hopital De L'archet Du Chu De Nice, Department of gastroenterology, Nice, France;(10)CHU Bordeaux, Department of gastroenterology, Bordeaux, France;(11)Institut Mutualiste Montsouris, Department of gastroenterology, Paris, France;(12)Groupe hospitalier privé Ambroise Paré - Hartmann, Institut des mici, Neuilly sur Seine, France;(13)CHU Nantes, Department of gastroenterology, Nantes, France;(14)CHU Besancon, Department of gastroenterology, Besancon, France;
a/ Fleiss J L. Balanced incomplete block design for intra-rater reliability studies. Applied Psychological Measurement 1981; 5: 105-112.b/ Landis JR, Koch GG. The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data. Biometrics 1977; 33:159-75.
P0367: A Clustering approach to discriminate slow and rapid biologics switchers in difficult-to-treat Crohn’s Disease patients.ECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Vuckovic, C.(1)*;Cremer, A.(1);Minsart, C.(1);Amininejad, L.(1);Bottieau, J.(2);Franchimont, D.(1);Liefferinckx, C.(1);
(1)HUB-Erasme, Gastroenterology, Bruxelles, Belgium;(2)Université Libre de Bruxelles, Laboratoire de Gastro-Enterologie Expérimentale LGE, Bruxelles, Belgium;
P0368: Novel endoluminal parameters to predict primary loss of response in patients with Crohn’s disease: a national survey and multi-centre study.ECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Shen, J.(1);Feng, Q.(2);Yao, R.(1)*;Cai, C.(1);Liang, J.(3);Tian, F.(4);Cao, X.(5);Li, Y.(6);Gu, Y.(7);
(1)Renji Hospital- School of Medicine- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Shanghai, China;(2)Renji Hospital- School of Medicine- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of Radiology- Renji Hospital- School of Medicine, Shanghai, China;(3)Xijing Hospital of Digestive Diseases- Fourth Military Medical University, 3. State Key Laboratory of Holistic Integrative Management of Gastrointestinal Cancers and National Clinical Research Center for Digestive Diseases, Xian, China;(4)Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University, Department of Gastroenterology, Shenyang, China;(5)Tianjin Medical University General Hospital- Tianjin Medical University, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tianjin, China;(6)Peking Union Medical College Hospital- Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing, China;(7)Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology, Shanghai, China; Mimic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Group
[1] Feagan BG, Sandborn WJ, Gasink C, Jacobstein D, Lang Y, Friedman JR, Blank MA, Johanns J, Gao LL, Miao Y, Adedokun OJ, Sands BE, Hanauer SB, Vermeire S, Targan S, Ghosh S, de Villiers WJ, Colombel JF, Tulassay Z, Seidler U, Salzberg BA, Desreumaux P, Lee SD, Loftus EV, Jr., Dieleman LA, Katz S, Rutgeerts P, Group U-I-US. Ustekinumab as Induction and Maintenance Therapy for Crohn's Disease. N Engl J Med. 2016 Nov 17;375(20):1946-1960.
P0369: The use of exhaled volatile organic compounds for the non-invasive assessment of endoscopic inflammation in patients with ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA)ECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Qazi, T.(1)*;Cohen, B.(2);Ma, J.(3);Yang, Q.(4);Grove, D.(3);Regueiro, M.(5);Dweik, R.(6);Rieder, F.(7);
(1)Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Beachwood, United States;(2)Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, Cleveland, United States;(3)Lerner Research Institute, Department of Inflammation and Immunity, Cleveland, United States;(4)Lerner Research institute, Quantitative Health Sciences, Cleveland, United States;(5)Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Digestive Disease and Surgery, Cleveland, United States;(6)Cleveland Clinic Foundation: Respiratory Institute, Pulmonary Medicine, Cleveland, United States;(7)Cleveland Clinic Foundation- Lerner Research Institute, Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute- Department of Inflammation and Immunity, Cleveland, United States;
P0370: Transmural healing in Ulcerative Colitis patients improves long-term outcomes compared to endoscopic healing aloneECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Lim, C.T.(1,2)*;Teichert, C.(2);Pruijt, M.(2);de Voogd, F.(2);D'Haens, G.(2);Gecse, K.(2);
(1)Singapore General Hospital, Departent of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Singapore, Singapore;(2)Amsterdam University Medical Centre, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
1. Turner D, Ricciuto A, Lewis A, et al. STRIDE-II: An Update on the Selecting Therapeutic Targets in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (STRIDE) Initiative of the International Organization for the Study of IBD (IOIBD): Determining Therapeutic Goals for Treat-to-Target strategies in IBD. Gastroenterology. 2021;160(5):1570-1583. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2020.12.031
P0371: Building a Robust Artificial Intelligence Solution for Use in Ulcerative Colitis Clinical TrialsECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Byrne, M.(1,2)*;Requa, J.(2);Panés, J.(3);Bressler, B.(4);Panaccione, R.(5);Mendel, R.(2);East, J.E.(6);Parsa, N.(2,7);Banerjee, R.(8);Kalapala, R.(8);Reddy, D.N.(8);Rughwani, H.R.(8);Flegg, D.(9);Moran, G.(10);Gallinger, Z.(11);Cheung, V.(6);Tan, M.(12);Ma, C.(5);Travis, S.P.(6);Jairath, V.(13);
(1)Vancouver General Hospital - University of British Columbia, Division of Gastroenterology, Vancouver, Canada;(2)Satisfai Health, AI IBD Group, Vancouver, Canada;(3)Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Division of Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain;(4)St. Paul's Hospital - University of British Columbia, Division of Gastroenterology, Vancouver, Canada;(5)University of Calgary, Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Calgary, Canada;(6)University of Oxford, Translational Gastroenterology Unit and Oxford NIHR Biomedical Research Centre- Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine- Experimental Medicine Division, Oxford, United Kingdom;(7)University of Minnesota, Division of Gastroenterology Hepatology & Nutrition, Minneapolis, United States;(8)Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, Division of Gastroenterology, Hyderabad, India;(9)University of British Columbia, Division of Internal Medicine, Vancouver, Canada;(10)University of Nottingham, Division of Gastroenterology, Nottingham, United Kingdom;(11)Sinai Health System, Division of Gastroenterology, Toronto, Canada;(12)Singapore General Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Singapore, Singapore;(13)Alimentiv, Clinical Trial Division, London, Canada;
P0372: Fatigue in Swedish patients with Inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Jäghult, S.(1)*;Pilhl Lesnovska, K.(2);Marsal, J.(3);
(1)Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden;(2)Linköpings Universitetssjukhus, Linköpings Universitetssjukhus, Linköping, Sweden;(3)Skåne Universitetssjukhus, Skåne Universitetssjukhus, Malmö, Sweden;
Authors: Amal, J.(1)*;Abdelwahab, N.(1);Sonia, B.(1);myriam, A.(2);zeineb, B.(1);nessrine, H.(1);bochra, B.(1);taieb, J.(2);rym, E.(1);Med Hedi, D.(2);
(1)Mongi Slim Hospital, Gastroenterology, Tunis, Tunisia;(2)FSI Hospital, gastroenterology, tunis, Tunisia;
Hammoudi N, Auzolle C, Tran Minh ML, Boschetti G, Bezault M, Buisson A, et al. Postoperative endoscopic recurrence on the neoterminal ileum but not on the anastomosis is mainly driving long-term outcomes in crohn’s disease. Am J Gastroenterol. 2020 Jul;115(7):1084-93.
P0374: Prevalence, risk factors and clinical outcomes of malignancies in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a case-control studyECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Foteinogiannopoulou, K.(1)*;Nikolaou, P.(2);Orfanoudaki, E.(1);Theodoraki, E.(1);Theodoropoulou, A.(2);Karmiris, K.(2);Koutroubakis, I.(1);
(1)University Hospital of Heraklion, Department of Gastroenterology, Heraklion, Greece;(2)Venizelion General Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Heraklion, Greece;
1. Jess T, Simonsen J, Jørgensen KT, Pedersen BV, Nielsen NM, Frisch M. Decreasing risk of colorectal cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel disease over 30 years. Gastroenterology. 2012 Aug;143(2):375-81.e1; quiz e13-4.
2. Lutgens MW, van Oijen MG, van der Heijden GJ, Vleggaar FP, Siersema PD, Oldenburg B. Declining risk of colorectal cancer in inflammatory bowel disease: an updated meta-analysis of population-based cohort studies. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2013; 19: 789–99.
P0375: Fibromyalgia as a predictive factor of fatigue and reduced quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.ECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Prado , R.D.C.P.(1);Domiciano , D.S.(2);Mattos , P.S.L.D.(1);Linhares , F.D.S.(1);Azevedo , M.F.C.D.(1);Carlos , A.D.S.(1);Damião , A.O.M.C.(1);Barros , L.L.(1)*;
(1)University of São Paulo School of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology and Nutrology, São Paulo, Brazil;(2)University of São Paulo School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, São Paulo, Brazil;
1. Wolfe F, Clauw DJ, Fitzcharles MA, Goldenberg DL, Häuser W, Katz RL, Mease PJ, Russell AS, Russell IJ, Walitt B. 2016 Revisions to the 2010/2011 fibromyalgia diagnostic criteria. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2016 Dec;46(3):319-329.
2. Kocyigit BF, Akyol A. Fibromyalgia syndrome: epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment. Reumatologia. 2022;60(6):413-421.
3. Martinis F, Tinazzi I, Bertolini E, Citriniti G, Variola A, Geccherle A, Marchetta A, McGonagle D, Macchioni P. Clinical and sonographic discrimination between fibromyalgia and spondyloarthopathy in inflammatory bowel disease with musculoskeletal pain. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020 Oct 1;59(10):2857-2863.
P0376: Advancing intestinal ultrasound for IBD in Turkey: results of a national survey.ECCO'25Year: 2025
Authors: Bilican, G.(1);Karakan, T.(1);Eğritaş Gürkan, Ö.(2);Sabhan, H.(3);Hedin, C.(4);Forss, A.(5);Petrousis, G.(6);Cindoruk, M.(1);Can, A.(2);Haas, S.L.(6,7)*;
(1)Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine- Department of Gastroenterology, Ankara, Turkey;(2)Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine- Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Ankara, Turkey;(3)Saint Göran Hospital and Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medicine- Solna, Stockholm, Sweden;(4)Karolinska University Hospital, Centre for Digestive Health- Department of Gastroenterology- Dermatovenereology and Rheumatology- Karolinska Institutet- Department of Medicine- Solna, Stockholm, Sweden;(5)Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics- Department of Medicine- Solna, Stockolm, Sweden;(6)Karolinska University Hospital, Centre for Digestive Health- Department of Gastroenterology- Dermatovenereology and Rheumatology, Stockholm, Sweden;(7)Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medicine- Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden;
1Chavannes M, Dolinger MT, Cohen-Mekelburg S, Abraham B. AGA Clinical Practice Update on the Role of Intestinal Ultrasound in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Commentary. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2024;22(9):1790-1795.e1. doi:10.1016/j.cgh.2024.04.039.
2Pruijt MJ, de Voogd FAE, Montazeri NSM, van Etten-Jamaludin FS, D'Haens GR, Gecse KB. Diagnostic accuracy of intestinal ultrasound in the detection of intra-abdominal complications in Crohn's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Crohns Colitis. 2024;18(6):958-972. doi:10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjad215
3Ivermark JFKF, Hansen T, Goodsall TM, Seidelin JB, Al-Farhan H, Allocca M, Begun J, Bryant RV, Carter D, Christensen B, Dubinsky MC, Gecse KB, Kucharzik T, Lu C, Maaser C, Maconi G, Nylund K, Palmela C, Wilson SR, Novak K, Wilkens R. Defining Transabdominal Intestinal Ultrasound Treatment Response and Remission in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Systematic Review and Expert Consensus Statement. J Crohns Colitis. 2022;16(4):554-580. doi:10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjab173.
4Verstockt B, Stoker J, et al. ECCO-ESGAR Guideline for Diagnostic Assessment in IBD Part 1: Initial diagnosis, monitoring of known IBD, detection of complications. J Crohns Colitis. 2019;13(2):144-164. doi:10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjy_154.