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P803 The risk of spine and hip fracture in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases: a nationwide population-based study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

Y.J. Kim1, H.J. Ahn2, S. Noh3, J.C. Park3, J.Y. Kim3, J. Kim3, N.S. Ham3, E.H. Oh3, S.W. Hwang3, D.H. Yang3, B.D. Ye3, J.S. Byeon3, S.J. Myung3, S.K. Yang3, S.H. Park3

1Asan Medical Center, Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2Asan Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 3Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Gastroenterology, Seoul, Republic of Korea

P804 Temporal trends and the influence of regional and socioeconomic status on the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease: Using National Health Insurance Service Database in Korea, 2005–2017

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

S. Kim1, J. Lee4, G. Kwak2, Y. Park3, S. Oh1, S. -1, K. Yang5, H. Yoon3, K. Kim1

1Asan Medical Center Children’s Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2Seoul National University College of Engineering, Interdisciplinary Programme for Bioengineering, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 3Seoul National University College of Medicine, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 4Chonnam National University Children’s Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Gwangju, Republic of Korea, 5Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine Department of Gastroenterology

P805 Patients with Crohn’s disease treated with ustekinumab vs. vedolizumab in real-world settings

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

M. Chiorean Physician1, J. Jiang2, N. Candela2, G. Chen3, H. Romdhani4, D. Latremouille-Viau4, S. Shi4, R. Bungay4, T. Fan2

1Virginia Mason Medical Center, Gastroenterology, Seattle, USA, 2Takeda Development Center Americas Inc, Gastroenterology, Cambridge, USA, 3Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A- Inc, Gastroenterology, Deerfield, USA, 4Analysis Group- Inc., Gastroenterology, Montreal, Canada

P806 Increasing incidence of microscopic colitis in a population-based cohort study in a French speaking region of Switzerland

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

H. Maye1, S. Ekaterina2, A. Schoepfer3

1University Hospital Fribourg, Gastroenterology, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, Public Health, Bern, Switzerland, 3CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Lausanne, Switzerland

P807 UCEIS is associated with PRO2, partial Mayo and SCCAI remission in UC: preliminary results from a prospective study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

P.A. Golovics1, L. Gonczi2, J. Reinglass3, C. Verdon3, W. Afif3, G. Wild3, A. Bitton3, E. Seidman3, T. Bessissow3, P.L. Lakatos PhD2,3

1Medical Centre- Hungarian Defence Forces, Division of Gastroenterology, Budapest, Hungary, 2Semmelweis University, Department of Medicine I, Budapest, Hungary, 3McGill University, Division of Gastroenterology, Montreal, Canada

P808 Prevalence and factors associated with sleep disturbances in inflammatory bowel disease patients compared with normal controls

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

E. Caloz1, M. Vullièmoz2, J. Haba Rubio3, V. Pittet4, P. Mamadou Barry4, P. Michetti2, R. Heinzer3, M.H. Maillard2

1Lausanne University Hospital, Service of Internal Medicine, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Crohn and Colitis Center, Clinique la Source, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Lausanne University Hospital, Center for Investigation and Research in Sleep, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Unisanté, Center for Primary Care and Public Health, Lausanne, Switzerland

P809 Increase of tuberculosis due to combination therapy in inflammatory bowel disease: a nationwide population-based study in Korea

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

S.J. Choi, E.S. Kim, J.M. Lee, H.S. Choi, B. Keum, Y.T. Jeen, H.J. Chun

Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Seoul, Republic of Korea

P810 Geriatric impairments in older inflammatory bowel disease patients are associated with higher disease burden: results of a multicentre cohort study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

V. Asscher1, S. Waars1, A. van der Meulen-de Jong1, R. Stuyt2, S. Brouwer2, S. van der Marel3, J. Haans4, F. van Deudekom5, S. Mooijaart5,6, J. Maljaars1

1Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2Haga Teaching Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 3Haaglanden Medical Centre, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 4Maastricht University Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 5Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Leiden, The Netherlands, 6Institute for Evidence-Based Medicine in Old Age IEMO, Institute for Evidence-Based Medicine in Old Age IEMO, Leiden, The Netherlands

P811 A watchful approach for newly diagnosed Crohn’s disease patients with an inflammatory phenotype

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

S. Yassin, N. Fliss-Isakov, Y. Ron, A. Hirsch, N.A. Cohen, N. Maharshak

Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Gastroenterology Unit, Tel Aviv, Israel

P812 Inflammatory bowel disease and hepatopathies: Beyond primary sclerosing cholangitis

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

M.B. Sanchez, M.J. Etchevers, J.A. De Paula, R. Gonzalez Sueyro, P. Daffra, J. Ramirez Medinacelli, M.J. Sobrero, M.M. Marcolongo

Gastroenterology, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

P813 Inflammatory bowel disease in older patients: experience at a single centre

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

M.M. Diaz Alcazar, P. Martinez Tirado, B. Vidal Vilchez, B. Zuñiga de Mora Figueroa

Hospital Universitario San Cecilio, UGC Aparato Digestivo, Granada, Spain

P814 Incidence and significance of fatigue in patients with IBD

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

G. Kokkotis1, D. Bekiari1, M. Bletsa1, M. Gizis1, N. Perlepe1, V. Athanasiou1, G. Kounadis1, I. Koutsounas1, G. Kolios2, G. Bamias1

1University of Athens, Gastrenterology department- 3rd Internal Medicine clinic- University of Athens, Athens, Greece, 2Democritus University of Thrace, Laboratory of Pharmacology, Alexandroupoli, Greece

P815 Are hospitalised patients with inflammatory bowel disease at increased risk of invasive bacterial infections? Results from POLIBD 2-year cohort study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

R. Filip1, J. Gruszecka2

1Kliniczny Szpital Wojewodzki Nr 2 im. Sw. Krolowej Jadwigi w Rzeszowie, Klinika Gastroenterologii i Centralna Pracownia Endoskopii, Rzeszow, Poland, 2Instytut Nauk o Zdrowiu- Kolegium Nauk Medycznych, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Rzeszów, Poland

P816 Association of autoimmune rheumatic disease with inflammatory bowel disease: a nationwide population-based study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

D. Baek1, H.S. Lee2, S.B. Park3, H.K. Song4, B.I. Jang5, J.H. Bae6, H.J. Goong7, H.S. Kang8, S.H. Jung9, T.O. Kim10, G.A. Song1, E.Y. Park1

1Pusan National University School of Medicine & Pusan National University Hospital, Internal Medicine, Busan, Republic of Korea, 2Inje University Busan Paik Hospital, Internal Medicine, Busan, Republic of Korea, 3Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, Internal Medicine, Yangsan, Republic of Korea, 4Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 5Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Daegu, Republic of Korea, 6Healthcare System Gangnam Center, Seoul National University Hospital, Internal Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 7Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Bucheon, Republic of Korea, 8Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital, Internal Medicine-, Anyang, Republic of Korea, 9The Catholic University of Korea, Internal Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 10Inje university Haeundae Paik Hospital, Internal Medicine, Busan, Republic of Korea

P817 Influence of inflammatory bowel diseases on depression and suicidal risk: a questionnaire-based survey

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

T. Molnár1, P. Miheller2, P. Sarlós3, A. Sánta1, A. Juhász2, E. Hamvas4, T. Nyári5, K.J. Szántó1, R. Bor1, A. Fábián1, A. Bálint1, Á. Milassin1, M. Rutka1, Z. Szepes1, K. Farkas1

1University of Szeged, First Department of Medicine, Szeged, Hungary, 2University of Semmelweis, First Department of Surgery, Budapest, Hungary, 3University of Pécs, First Department of Medicine, Pécs, Hungary, 4University of Pécs, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Pécs, Hungary, 5University of Szeged, Department of Medical Physics and Informatics, Szeged, Hungary

P818 Venous thromboembolism is rare among hospitalised patients with an inflammatory bowel disease flare: a multicentre retrospective cross-sectional study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

T. Khoury1, A. Shafrir2, I. Kalisky2, M. Safadi3, A. Mari3, M. Mahamid3, L. H Katz2, A. Kadah1, W. Sbeit1

1Department of Gastroenterology, Galilee Medical Center, Bar Ilan University, Safed- Israel, Naharia, Israel, 2Hadassah Medical Organization, Department of Gastroenterology and liver disease, Jerusalem, Israel, 3EMMS Nazreth Hospital, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Units, Nazareth, Israel

P819 Seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies in patients with ulcerative colitis

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

A.C. Dulger

Lefkoşa State Hopital Education and Research Hospital, Gastroenterology, Lefkoşa/Turkish side, Cyprus

P820 An easy and rapid targeted next generation sequencing-based genotyping assay for the validated IBD risk loci

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

S. Verstockt1, L. Hannes2, S. Deman2, W.J. Wollants1, E. Souche2, B. Verstockt1, I. van der Werf3, A. Hoischen4, M. Ferrante1, S. Vermeire1, I. Cleynen2

1Department of Chronic Diseases- Metabolism and Ageing, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2Department of Human Genetics, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 3University of Antwerp, Department of Biomedical sciences, Antwerp, Belgium, 4Radboud University Medical Center, Department of Human Genetics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

P821 HLADQA1-HLADRB1 pre-emptive screening for azathioprine-induced pancreatitis in inflammatory bowel disease: a preliminary report

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

A. Wilson1, Q. Wang2, J. Gregor1, N. Chande1, M. Beaton1, T. Ponich1, M. Sey1, B. Yan1, R. Kim1

1London Health Sciences Centre, Medicine, London, Canada, 2Western University, Medicine, London, Canada

P822 Genetic analysis of ulcerative colitis in Japanese individuals using population-specific SNP array

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

D. Okamoto1, Y. Kakuta1, N. Takeo1, R. Moroi1, M. Kuroha1, Y. Kanazawa1, S. Hisashi1, Y. Fuyuno2, J. Umeno2, A. Hirano2, T. Torisu2, M. Nakamura3, M. Esaki4, T. Matsumoto5, Y. Kinouchi1, A. Masamune1

1Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Sendai, Japan, 2Graduate School of Medical Sciences- Kyusyu University, Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Fukuoka, Japan, 3National hospital organization NHO Nagasaki Medical Center, Clinical Research Center, Omura, Japan, 4Saga University, Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Saga, Japan, 5Iwate Medical University, Division of Gastroenterology- Department of Internal Medicine- Faculty of Medicine, Morioka, Japan