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P703 Addition of azathioprine to switch of anti-TNF in patients with IBD in clinical relapse with pharacokinetic failure: A post hoc analysis of a prospective randomised trial using drug-tolerant assay

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

S. Paul1, N. Williet2, S. Nancey3, P. Veyrard2, G. Boschetti3, A.E. Berger1, B. Flourie3, L. Peyrin Biroulet4, X. Roblin2

1Immunology, CHU Saint Etienne, Hospital Nord, Saint Priest en Jarez, France, 2Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Inserm CIC1408, CHU Saint Etienne, Hospital Nord, Saint Priest en Jarez, France, 3CHU Lyon, Gastroenterology, Lyon, France, 4CHU Nancy, Gastroenterology, Nancy, France

P704 The biennial direct pharmaceutical costs per treatment with biologics for the inflammatory bowel disease in Greece: A comparative calculation study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

C. Liatsos1, A. Papaefthymiou1, N. Kyriakos1, M. Giakoumis1, M. Tzouvala2, M. Doulberis3, C. Mavrogiannis4, J. Kountouras5

1Department of Gastroenterology, 401 General Military Hospital of Athens, Athens- Attica, Greece, 2Department of Gastroenterology, Agios Panteleimon General Hospital, Nikaia- Attica, Greece, 3Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 4Faculty of Nursing- School of Public Health, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens- Attica, Greece, 5Department of Internal Medicine- Second Medical Clinic, Ippokration Hospital- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki- Macedonia, Greece

P705 Dietary practices and beliefs of patients with older-onset inflammatory bowel disease: A prospective UK study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

B. Crooks1, J. McLaughlin2, J.K. Limdi1

1Department of Gastroenterology, Northern Care Alliance, Manchester, UK, 2Division of Diabetes- Endocrinology and Gastroenterology, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

P706 Adalimumab drug levels at secondary loss of response in Crohn’s disease; are we aiming high enough? A retrospective, international multi-centre study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

A. Swaine1, R. Reynolds2, X. Roblin3, D. Gibson1, C. Martin4, P. Irving2, M. Sparrow1, M. Ward1

1Gastroenterology, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, 2Gastroenterology, Guys and St Thomas’ Trust, London, UK, 3Gastroenterology, CHU de St. Etienne, St. Etienne, France, 4Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

P707 Anti-TNFα therapy has no effect on bone mineral density in younger patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A single-centre observational study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

R. Filip1,2, S. Jarmakiewicz - Czaja3, D. Piątek4, J. Sztembis5, A. Pękala1, W. Guz6

1Department of Gastroenterology with IBD Unit, Clinical Hospital No.2- Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland, 2Institute of Medical Sciences, Medical College of Rzeszow University, Rzeszow, Poland, 3Institute of Health Sciences, Medical College of Rzeszow University, Rzeszow, Poland, 4Department of Conservative Dentistry with Endodontics, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland, 5Department of Internal Medicine- Endocrinology- Nephrology, Clinical Hospital No.2 Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland, 6Medical College of Rzeszow University

P708 The effect of psychotherapy on quality of life in inflammatory bowel disease patients: A systematic literature review

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

E. Paulides1,2, I. Boukema2, C.J. van der Woude1, N.K.H. de Boer2

1ErasmusMC, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2Amsterdam UMC- location vumc, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

P709 Is azathioprine safe as long-term treatment in paediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease?

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

M.A. Martínez Ibeas, I. Bacelo Ruano, S. Rodríguez Manchón, M. Velasco Rodríguez-Belvís, J.F. Viada Bris, G. Domínguez Ortega, R.A. Muñoz Codoceo

Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Department, Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús, Madrid, Spain

P710 The influence of probiotics to the efficacy of 5-ASA for the patients of ulcerative colitis

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

R. YASUDA, K. Uchiyama, T. Takagi, M. Kubota, S. Sugino, Y. Azuma, H. Kitae, T. Torii, S. Takayama, K. Inoue, K. Katada, K. Kamada, T. Ishikawa, H. Konishi, Y. Naito, Y. Itoh

Department of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine- Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto, Japan

P711 Carriage of the HLA-DQA1*05 allele is associated with a high risk of loss of response to adalimumab in patients with Crohn’s disease

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

J. Guardiola Capón1, K. SERRA1, L. Rodríguez-Alonso1, E. Santacana2, A. Padró3, N. Padullés2, A. Ruiz-Cerulla1, C. Arajol1, B. Camps1, G. Surís1, J. Orobitg1, F. Rodríguez-Moranta1

1Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain, 2Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Pharmacy, Barcelona, Spain, 3Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Clinical Genetics Laboratory, Barcelona, Spain

P712 Association of histologic-endoscopic mucosal healing after ustekinumab induction or maintenance therapy with 2-year outcomes in the UNIFI Phase 3 study in ulcerative colitis

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

K. Li1, F. Yang1, C. Marano1, H. Zhang2, W.J. Sandborn3, B.E. Sands4, B.G. Feagan5, D.T. Rubin6, L. Peyrin-Biroulet7, J.R. Friendman1, G. De Hertogh8

1UNIFI Investigators, 1Janssen Research & Development- LLC, Immunology, Spring House, USA, 2Janssen Research & Development- LLC, Clinical Biostats, Spring House, USA, 3University of California San Diego, Gastroenterology, La Jolla, USA, 4Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Gastroenterology, New York, USA, 5Robarts Research Institute, Robarts Clinical Trials, London, Canada, 6University of Chicago Medicine, Gastroenterology, Chicago, USA, 7Nancy University Hospital- Université de Lorraine, Gastroneterology, Nancy, France, 8University Hospitals KU Leuven, Pathology, Leuven, Belgium

P713 Effects of vedolizumab on health-related quality of life, work productivity and patient concerns in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease in the UK and Ireland: OCTAVO cohort 2

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

G. Parkes1, A. Akbar2, I. Beales3, M. Buckley4, T. Creed5, S. Din6, A. Fraser5, N. Plevris7, S. Meadowcroft8, G. Owen9, N. Heggs8, OCTAVO

1Department of Gastroenterology, The Royal London Hospital- Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK, 2Gastroenterology Department, St Mark’s Hospital and Academic Institute-, London, UK, 3Department of Gastroenterology, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Norwich, UK, 4Department of Gastroenterology, Mercy University Hospital, Cork, Ireland, 5Gastroenterology Department, Bristol Royal Infirmary- University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol, UK, 6Department of Gastroenterology, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust- Royal Derby Hospital, Derby, UK, 7Gastroenterology, The Edinburgh IBD Unit- Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK, 8Medical Department, Takeda UK Ltd, London, UK, 9Market Access, Takeda UK Ltd, London, UK

P714 Real-world effectiveness of vedolizumab in ulcerative colitis: Week 52 results from the Swedish multi-centre, prospective, observational SVEAH UC study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

C. ERIKSSON1, S. Rundquist1, V. Lykiardopoulos2, R. Udumyan3, P. Karlén4, O. Grip5, C. Söderman6, S. Almer7, E. Hertervig8, J. Gunnarsson9, C. Malmgren10, J. Delin11, H. Strid12, M. Sjöberg13, D. Öberg14, D. Bergemalm1, H. Hjortswang2, J. Halfvarson1

1The SWIBREG SVEAH Study Group, 1Department of Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine and Health- Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, 2Department of Gastroenterology, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, 3Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Medical Sciences- Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, 4Department of Internal Medicine, Danderyd Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 5Department of Gastroenterology, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden, 6Department of Internal Medicine, St Göran Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 7IBD-Unit-Gastroenterology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 8Department of Gastroenterology, Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, 9Department of Internal Medicine, Kungälv Hospital, Kungälv, Sweden, 10Takeda Pharma AB, Takeda, Stockholm, Sweden, 11Department of Gastroenterology, Ersta Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 12Department of Internal Medicine, Södra Älvs.borgs Hospital, Borås, Sweden, 13Department of Internal Medicine, Skaraborgs Hospital, Lidköping, Sweden, 14Department of Internal Medicine, Sunderby Hospital, Sunderbyn, Sweden

P715 The prevalence of chronic musculoskeletal pain in patients with ulcerative colitis in comparison to control subjects: A cross-sectional study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

N. Pettersson1, F. Kragsbjerg1, A. Hamrin2, H. Forsblad-D′elia3, P. Karling1

1Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine- Umeå University, Medicine, Umeå, Sweden, 2Region Västernorrland, Medicine, Sundsvall, Sweden, 3Department of Public Health and Clinical medicine- Umeå University, Reumatology and Medicine, Umeå, Sweden

P716 Clinical significance of residual non-rectal inflammation in ulcerative colitis patients with clinical remission

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

J. Shin, G. Seong, J.H. Song, S.M. Kong, T.J. Kim, E.R. Kim, S.N. Hong, D.K. Chang, Y.H. Kim

Samsung Medical Center, Internal Medicine Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Seoul, Republic of Korea

P717 Ustekinumab in Crohn’s disease: Real-world outcomes from the Sicilian Network for inflammatory bowel diseases (SN-IBD):–Preliminary results

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

A. Viola1, G. Fiocco1, A. Alibrandi2, F.S. Macaluso3, M. Cappello4, A.C. Privitera5, G. Magrì6, S. Garufi7, A. Centritto1, M. Ventimiglia3, E. Giuffrida4, C. Ferracane6, G. Costantino1, S. Renna3, A. Orlando3, W. Fries1

1Inflammatory Bowel Disease Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Messina, A.O.U. Policlinico ‘G. Martino’, Messina, Italy, 2Department of Economics, Unit of Statistical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Messina, Italy, 3A.O.O.R. ‘Villa Sofia-Cervello’, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Unit, Palermo, Italy, 4Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit, A.O.U. Policlinico ‘G. Giaccone’,, University of Palermo, , Palermo, Italy, 5A.O Cannizzaro, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Unit, Catania, Italy, 6A.O. ‘Santa Marta e S. Venera’, Gastroenterology Unit, Acireale, Italy, 7A.O.O.R. ‘S. Elia- M. Raimondi’, Gastroenterology Unit, Caltanissetta, Italy

P718 Combination therapy of adalimumab with an immunomodulator is not more effective than adalimumab monotherapy in children with Crohn’s disease

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

M. Matar1, R. Shamir1, D. Turner2, E. Broide3, B. Weiss4, O. Ledder2, A. Guz-Mark1, F. Rinawi1, S. Cohen5, C. Topf Olivestone6, R. Shaul7, S. Ben-Horin8, A. Assa1

1The Schneider Children’s Hospital, Petach-Tikva, Israel, The institute of Gastroenterology- Nutrition and Liver diseases, Petach Tikva, Israel, 2Shaare Zedek Medical Center- The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, The Juliet Keidan institute of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Jerusalem, Israel, 3Shamir Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit, Zerifin, Israel, 4Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit, Ranat Gan, Israel, 5Dana-Dwek Children’s Hospital, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit, Tel Aviv, Israel, 6Kaplan Medical Center, Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit, Rehovot, Israel, 7Rambam Medical Center, Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit, Haifa, Israel, 8Sheba Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel

P719 Effectiveness and safety of ustekinumab induction therapy in ulcerative colitis: A GETAID real-world cohort study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

A. Amiot1, A. Vered2, J. Filippi3, G. Cadiot4, D. Laharie5, S. Melanie6, R. Altwegg7, Y. Bouhnik8, L. Peyrin-biroulet9, C. Gilletta10, X. Roblin11, G. Pineton de chambrun7, L. Vuitton12, A. Bourrier13, S. Nancey14, J.M. Gornet15, S. Nahon16, G. Bouguen17, S. Viennot18, P. Benjamin19, M. Fumery20, GETAID

1Gastroenterology, Henri Mondor Hospital, Creteil, France, 2Gastroenterology, Cochin Hospital, Paris, France, 3Gastroenterology, Nice University Hospital, Nice, France, 4Gastroenterology, Reims University Hospital, Reims, France, 5Gastroenterology, Bordeaux University Hospital, Bordeaux, France, 6Gastroenterology, Marseille University Hospital, Marseille, France, 7Gastroenterology, Montpellier University Hospital, Montpellier, France, 8Gastroenterology, Beaujon Hospital, Clichy, France, 9Gastroenterology, Nancy University Hospital, Nancy, France, 10Gastroenterology, Toulouse University Hospital, Toulouse, France, 11Gastroenterology, St Etienne, St Etienne, France, 12Gastroenterology, Besancon University Hospital, Besancon, France, 13Gastroenterology, St Antoine Hospital, Paris, France, 14Gastroenterology, Lyon University Hospital, Lyon, France, 15Gastroenterology, St Louis Hospital, Paris, France, 16Gastroenterology, Montfermeil Hospital, Montfermeil, France, 17Gastroenterology, Rennes University Hospital, Rennes, France, 18Gastroenterology, Caen University Hospital, Caen, France, 19Gastroenterology, Lille, Lille, France, 20Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amiens University Hospital, Amiens Cedex 1, France

P720 Recurrent rectovaginal fistula in patients with Crohn’s disease: How can we improve the success rate of graciloplasty? A bi-centric European study in 30 patients

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

A. Frontali1, M. Rottoli2, A. Chierici1, G. Poggioli2, Y. Panis3

1Beaujon Hospital, Colorectal Surgery, Clichy, France, 2Ospedale Policlinico di Sant’Orsola-Malpighi, Digestive Surgery, Bologna, Italy, 3APHP Beaujon, Department of Colorectal Surgery, Clichy, France

P721 Early vedolizumab trough levels are associated with induction therapy outcome

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

J. O’Connell1, R. Corcoran1, R. Argue1, P. McDonagh1, M.S. Ismail2, G. Cullen3, G. Doherty3, K. Hartery1, M. Healy4, M. McCormack4, F. MacCarthy1, S. McKiernan1, A. O’Connor2, B. Ryan2, D. McNamara2, D. Kevans1

1Department of Gastroenterology, St James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, 2Gastroenterology, Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, 3Gastroenterology, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, 4Department of Biochemistry, St James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

P722 Upadacitinib was not associated with anaemia in patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis: Results from the U-ACHIEVE study

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

G. D’Haens1, X. Hebuterne2, P.D.R. Higgins3, E.V. Loftus- Jr.4, W. Zhou5, A.P. Lacerda5, W. Xie6, J. Liu6, S. Danese7

1Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- C2-112- Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Academic Medical Center AMC University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis- Hôpital de l’Archet, Faculté de Médecine, Nice, France, 3Department of Medicine- Division of Gastroenterology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 4Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA, 5AbbVie Inc., Global Pharmaceutical Research and Development, North Chicago, USA, 6AbbVie Inc., Data and Statistical Sciences, North Chicago, USA, 7Humanitas Clinico Research Centre, IBD Centre, Milan, Italy