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DOP87 SUCNR1 a novel key protagonist in fistula development

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

C. Bauset1, L. Gisbert-Ferrandiz1, D. Ortiz-Masia2, S. Coll1, C. Mamie3, M. Scharl3, S. Calatayud1, M.D. Barrachina1, J. Cosín-Roger4

1Department of Pharmacology, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 2Department of Medicine, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 3Department of Gastroenterology, UniversitatsSpital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 4Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Hospital Dr. Peset, Valencia, Spain

DOP88 Visceral fat area correlates well with anti-TNFα drug levels and secondary loss of response in Crohn’s disease patients

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

Z. Lim1, C. Welman2, W. Raymond3, L. Thin1,3

1Department of Gastroenterology, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, Australia, 2Department of Radiology, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, Australia, 3School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia

DOP89 Pre-treatment mucosal inflammatory and wound healing gene programmes reveal mechanisms associated with future stricturing behaviour during 5-year follow-up in paediatric Crohn’s disease

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

Y. Haberman Ziv1, P. Minar1, R. Karns1, P. Dexheimer1, S. Ghandikota1, S. Tegge1, D. Shapiro1, B. Shuler1, S. Venkateswaran2, T. Braun3, B. Aronow1, G. Gibson4, J. Hyams5, S. Kugathasan2, A. Jegga1, L. Denson1, CCF sponsored RISK Study

1Department of Gastroenterology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, USA, 2Department of Gastroenterology, Emory University, Atlanta, USA, 3Department of Gastroenterology, Sheba Medical Center, Ramat Gan, Israel, 4Institute of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, 5Department of Gastroenterology, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, Hartford, USA

DOP90 The role of Nlrp9b, a novel NLR member in regulating experimental colitis

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

D. Zheng1,2, M. Levy1, E. Elinav1

1Immunology Department, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2Department of Gastroenterology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China

N01 Factors related to self-medication with corticosteroids, aminosalicylates or analgesics and reasons given by patients with ulcerative colitis from Spain

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

M. Cañas1, F. Mesonero2, I. Rodriguez-Lago3, C. Savini4, R. Saldaña4, L. Feo-Luca5, S. FERNANDEZ5, L. Cea-Calvo5, B. Juliá5

1Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Gastroenterology Department, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Gastroenterology Department- IBD Unit, Madrid, Spain, 3Hospital de Galdakao, Gastroenterology Department- IBD Unit, Madrid, Spain, 4Spanish confederation of associations of patients with Crohn′s disease and Ulcerative colitis ACCU, accu, Madrid, Spain, 5Merck Sharp & Dohme of Spain, Medical Affairs Department, Madrid, Spain

N02 The IBD-BOOST programme: developing a digital self-management intervention for symptoms of fatigue, pain and urgency in inflammatory bowel disease

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

S. Windgassen1, M. Artom2, C. Norton3, L. Sweeney3, R. Moss-Morris2

1King’s College London, Psychological Medicine, London, UK, 2King’s College London, Health Psychology Section, London, UK, 3King’s College London, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing-Midwifery and Palliative Care, London, UK

N03 Disease burden of patients with inflammatory bowel disease from the viewpoint of QOL and depression

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

M. Takahashi1, N. Aoyama2, M. Nunotani3

1Mukogawa Women’s University- Graduate School of Nursing, Department of nursing, Nishinomiya, Japan, 2Aoyama Clinic GI endoscopy & IBD, Gastroenterology, Kobe, Japan, 3Mukogawa Women’s University, Department of nursing, Nishinomiya, Japan

N05 IBDoc® Faecal calprotectin self-test retrospective audit in a District General Hospital (DGH)

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

P. Avery, K. Blackmore, C. Angel

Dorset County Hospital, inflammatory bowel disease, Dorchester, UK

N06 Help-seeking behaviours for fatigue in inflammatory bowel disease

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

D. NI DHALAIGH, G. Anna Marie, D. Farrell

Institute of Technology Tralee, Nursing, Kerry, Ireland

N07 Patient reported outcome measures collected from patients using a digital tablet: early benefits

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

P. Avery1, K. Blackmore2, C. Angel1

1Dorset County Hospital, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Nursing, Dorchester, UK, 2Dorset County Hospital, inflammatory bowel disease, Dorchester, UK

N08 IBD Home at GHP Stockholm Gastro Center in Sweden

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

S. Jäghult

Charlotte Höög Susana Soto Vilagran Amanda Lundgren Maria Nordin Anna Nordström, 1GHP Stockholm Gastro Center, Karolinska Institutet Danderyd Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

N09 Pain management in inflammatory bowel disease: feasibility of an online therapist-supported CBT-self-management intervention

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

L. Sweeney1, R. Moss-Morris2, W. Czuber-Dochan1, C. Norton1

1King’s College London, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing-Midwifery and Palliative Care, London, UK, 2King’s College London, Health Psychology Section, London, UK

N10 Effectiveness of self-management workshop in inflammatory bowel diseases according to psychosocial profiles. Clinical trial

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

A. Rivera Sequeiros1, Y. Torres Dominguez2, M. Á1, Izquierdo. Macías3, M.V. Ruiz Romero4

1Hospital San Juan de Dios del Aljarafe, Unidad de investigación, Sevilla, Spain, 2Hospital San Juan de Dios del Aljarafe, Digestive department, Sevilla, Spain, 3Hospital San Juan de Dios del Aljarafe, User support, Sevilla, Spain, 4Hospital San Juan de Dios del Aljarafe, Quality unit, Sevilla, Spain

N11 Pregnancy Outcomes in Patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A single-centre experience

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

Y. BAILEY, C. Hanna, A. O’Connor, N. Breslin, B. Ryan, D. McNamara

Tallaght University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Dublin 24, Ireland

N12 An evaluation of the impact of IBDoc in clinical practice 5 years after introduction

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020

K. Sugrue, S. Gleeson, J. McCarthy, M. Buckley

Mercy University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Cork, Ireland

N13 has been withdrawn

ECCO'20 Vienna

Year: 2020