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P417: Long-term deep remission after adalimumab discontinuation in Crohn’s disease patients.ECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Melotti, L.(1);Rizzello, F.(1);Calabrese, C.(1);Dussias, N.(1);Gionchetti, P.(1);
(1)University of Bologna, Dept of surgical and medical sciences, Bologna, Italy
P418: Does capsule endoscopy impact clinical management in established Crohn’s Disease?ECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Elosua Gonzalez, A.(1);Rullan Iriarte, M.(1);Rubio Iturria, S.(2);Oquiñena Legaz, S.(2);Rodríguez Gutiérrez, C.(2);Macías Mendizábal, E.(2);Borda Martín, A.(2);Fernández-Urién Sainz, I.(2);Nantes Castillejo, Ó.(2);
(1)Hospital García Orcoyen, Gastroenterology, Estella, Spain;(2)Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, Gastroenterology, Pamplona, Spain
P419: Psychological acceptability of surgery in patients with ulcerative colitis after total colectomyECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Itabashi, M.(1);Hirano, Y.(2,3);Saito, T.(4,5);Inoue, M.(6);Uchida, K.(6);Arai, K.(3);Minakuchi, E.(2);Ishihara, H.(2);Onizawa, R.(2);Hirayama, A.(2);Araki, K.(2);Kimura, H.(2);Kunisaki, R.(2);
(1)Tokyo Women's Medical University, Department of Surgery- Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo, Japan;(2)Yokohama City University Medical Centre, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Centre, Yokohama, Japan;(3)National Centre for Child Health and Development, Division of Gastroenterology, Tokyo, Japan;(4)Chiba University- Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Chiba, Japan;(5)Chiba Children's Hospital, Division of Pediatric Surgery, Chiba, Japan;(6)Mie University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Gastrointestinal and Pediatric Surgery, Mie, Japan
P420: Comparative efficacy and safety of oral ferric maltol in Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients with mild-to-moderate vs. more severe iron deficiency anaemiaECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Akriche, F.(1);Jacob, I.(2);Schmidt, C.(3);Howaldt, S.(4);
(1)Norgine, Medical, Uxbridge, United Kingdom;(2)Health Economics and Outcomes Research Ltd, Health Economics, Cardiff, United Kingdom;(3)Medical Clinic II- Fulda Hospital, Campus Fulda of Marburg University Hospital, Fulda, Germany;(4)HaFCED e.K., Hamburg Institute of IBD Research, Hamburg, Germany
P421: Treatment optimization with vedolizumab in treatment-refractory patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease – a real-world two-center cohort studyECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Attauabi, M.(1,2,3);Vind, I.(1,3);Pedersen, G.(1,3);Bendtsen, F.(3);Benedict Seidelin, J.(2);Burisch, J.(1,3);
(1)Copenhagen University Hospital, Gastrounit- Medical Section, Hvidovre, Denmark;(2)Herlev Hospital- University of Copenhagen, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Herlev, Denmark;(3)University of Copenhagen- Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Children- Adolescents and Adults, Hvidovre, Denmark
P422: COVID 19 infection in IBD patients treated with biologic therapy-experience from tertiary center in SerbiaECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Sokic Milutinovic, A.(1);Jevtovic, M.(2);Jovicic, I.(1);
(1)Clinical Centre of Serbia, Clinic for Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Belgrade, Serbia;(2)University of Belgrade, School of Medicine, Belgrade, Serbia
P423: Treatment escalation and associated cost in German Ulcerative Colitis patients treated with advanced therapiesECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Picker, N.(1);Patel, H.(2);Wilke, T.(3);Rosin, L.(4);Bokemeyer, B.(5);
(1)Ingress Health, HWM GmbH, Wismar, Germany;(2)Galapagos, Nv, Mechelen, Belgium;(3)IPAM, e.V., Wismar, Germany;(4)Galapagos, Biopharma Deutschland GmbH, München, Germany;(5)Interdisziplinäres Crohn Colitis Center Minden und Medizinische Klinik I- Universitätsklinik Schleswig-Holstein- Campus Kiel, Gastroenterologische Praxis Minden, Minden, Germany
P424: Treatment persistence of first-line anti-TNF therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases: results from a real-world study over 20 yearsECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Blesl, A.(1);Binder, L.(1);Högenauer, C.(1);Wenzl, H.(1);Borenich, A.(2);Pregartner, G.(2);Berghold, A.(2);Mestel, S.(1);Kump, P.(1);Baumann-Durchschein, F.(1);Petritsch, W.(1);
(1)Medical University of Graz, Division of Gastroenterology und Hepatology, Graz, Austria;(2)Medical University of Graz, Institute for Medical Informatics- Statistics and Documentation, Graz, Austria
P425: Real-world evidence on effectiveness and safety of vedolizumab therapy for inflammatory bowel disease in Taiwan: Results from the TSIBD registry (VIOLET Study)ECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Wei , S.C.(1);Lin , W.C.(2);Chang , C.H.(3);Tu , C.H.(1);Feng , I.C.(4);Shieh , M.J.(5);Chung , C.S.(6);Yen , H.H.(7);Chou , J.W.(8);Tai , W.C.(9);Wong , J.M.(1);Liu , Y.H.(10);Huang , T.Y.(11);Chuang , C.H.(12);Tsai , T.J.(13);Chiang , F.F.(14);Lu , C.Y.(15);Hsu , W.H.(15);Yu , F.J.(15);Chao , T.H.(14);Wu , D.C.(15);Ho , A.S.(16);Lin , H.H.(17);Feng , C.L.(18);Wu , K.L.(9);Wong , M.W.(19);Tung , C.C.(20);Lin , C.C.(17);Chen , C.C.(3);Hu , H.M.(21);Lu , L.S.(22);Wang , H.S.(23);Wu , I.C.(15);Kuo , H.Y.(24,25);Wu , J.F.(26);Shih , H.Y.(15);Ni , Y.H.(27);Tang , S.L.(28);Chang , H.C.(28);Chen , P.H.(28);
(1)National Taiwan University Hospital- National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan;(2)Mackay Memorial Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan;(3)Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Department of Internal Medicine, Taichung, Taiwan;(4)Chi Mei Medical Center, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tainan, Taiwan;(5)National Taiwan University Hospital, Department of Oncology, Taipei, Taiwan;(6)Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Department of Internal Medicine, New Taipei city, Taiwan;(7)Changhua Christian Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology- Department of Internal Medicine, Changhua, Taiwan;(8)China Medical University Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Department of Internal Medicine, Taichung, Taiwan;(9)Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Division of Hepatogastroenterology- Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan;(10)Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan;(11)Tri-Service General Hospital- National Defense Medical Center, Division of Gastroenterology- Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan;(12)National Cheng Kung University, Department of Internal Medicine- Medical College and Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan;(13)Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Department of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan;(14)Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery- Department of Surgery- Chiayi and Wangiao Branch, Taichung, Taiwan;(15)Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital- Kaohsiung Medical University, Division of Gastroenterology- Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan;(16)Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology- Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan;(17)Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Division of Colon & Rectal Surgery- Department of Surgery, Taipei, Taiwan;(18)China Medical University Hsinchu Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Hsinchu, Taiwan;(19)Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital- Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation and Tzu Chi University, Department of Medicine, Hualien, Taiwan;(20)National Taiwan University Hospital, Department of Integrated Diagnostics & Therapeutics, Taipei, Taiwan;(21)Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan;(22)Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Division of Hepato-Gastroenterology- Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan;(23)Taipei Veterans General Hospital- National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Division of Colorectal Surgery- Department of Surgery, Taipei, Taiwan;(24)National Cheng Kung University Hospital- College of Medicine- National Cheng Kung University, Department of Internal Medicine, Tainan, Taiwan;(25)National Cheng Kung University, Institute of Clinical Medicine- College of Medicine, Tainan, Taiwan;(26)National Taiwan University Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Taipei, Taiwan;(27)National Taiwan University, College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan;(28)Takeda Pharmaceuticals Taiwan- Ltd., Medical Affairs, Taipei, Taiwan
P426: Health-Related Quality of Life and Work Productivity in patients with moderate-to-severe Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Argentina: Data from the RISE AR studyECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Correa, G.J.(1);Yantorno, M.(1);Olivera Sendra, P.(2,3);Lasa, J.S.(2,4);Lubrano, P.(3);Balderramo, D.C.(5,6);Zubiaurre, I.(4);Ruffinengo, O.(7);Brion, L.(8);Leonardi, D.B.(8);El-Hakeh, J.(8);Guimaraens, P.N.(8);Sambuelli, A.(9);
(1)Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos General José de San Martin, Gastroenterology Department, La Plata- Buenos Aires, Argentina;(2)Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas Norberto Quirno CEMIC, Gastroenterology Section- Department of Internal Medicine, Buenos Aires, Argentina;(3)Sanatorio Mater Dei, Gastroenterology Department, Buenos Aires, Argentina;(4)Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires, Gastroenterology Department, Buenos Aires, Argentina;(5)Hospital Privado Centro Médico de Córdoba, Gastroenterology Department, Córdoba, Argentina;(6)Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Biomédicas de Córdoba, Department of Internal Medicine, Córdoba, Argentina;(7)Hospital Provincial del Centenario, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Service, Rosario- Santa Fé, Argentina;(8)Takeda Pharma S.A., Medical Affairs, Buenos Aires, Argentina;(9)Hospital de Gastroenterología Dr. Bonorino Udaondo, IBD Section, Buenos Aires, Argentina
P427: Efficacy and safety of vedolizumab and adalimumab in Asian adults with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis: Post-hoc analysis of the VARSITY trialECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Kim, J.S.(1);Leung, W.K.(2);Wu, D.C.(3);Lindner, D.(4);Fadeeva, O.(5);Demuth, D.(5);
(1)Seoul National University College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Liver Research Institute, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;(2)University of Hong Kong, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, Hong Kong, China;(3)Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan- Province Of China;(4)Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG, Zurich, Switzerland;(5)Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG, Singapore, Singapore
P428: Early and Late Fecal Calprotectin Remission - Analysis of a proactive Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Treatment ProtocolECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Pedro, J.(1);Rodrigues, I.(1);Damião, F.(1);Fernandes, S.(1);Gonçalves, A.R.(1);Bernardo, S.(1);Baldaia, C.(1);Valente, A.(1);Moura Santos, P.(1);Correia, L.(1);Tato Marinho, R.(1);
(1)Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Gastrenterology, Lisboa, Portugal
P429: Continued postoperative use of biologics for the prevention of recurrence of Crohn’s diseaseECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Yu, J.(1);Hyun, H.K.(1);Park, J.(1);Kang, E.A.(1);Park, S.J.(1);Park, J.J.(1);Kim, T.I.(1);Kim, W.H.(1);Cheon, J.H.(1);
(1)Yonsei University College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Institute of Gastroenterology, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of
P430: Prognostic significance of neuropeptide expression in ileal neural plexuses in Crohn’s disease. A retrospective study.ECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Gklavas, A.(1);Tiniakos, D.(2);Karandrea, D.(2);Karamanolis, G.(3);Bamias, G.(4);Papaconstantinou, I.(1);
(1)National and Kapodistrian University- Aretaieion Hospital, 2nd Surgical Department, Athens, Greece;(2)National and Kapodistrian University- Aretaieion Hospital, Department of Pathology, Athens, Greece;(3)National and Kapodistrian University- Aretaieion Hospital, Gastroenterology Unit, Athens, Greece;(4)National and Kapodistrian University of Athens- Sotiria Hospital, 3rd Academic Department of Internal Medicine-, Athens, Greece On behalf of the Hellenic Group for the Study of IBD
P431: Teduglutide use and nutritional outcomes in short bowel syndrome with intestinal failure: a real-world claims database analysisECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Micic, D.(1);Jiang, J.(2);Chen, L.(2);Fan, T.(2);Mu, F.(3);Satija, A.(4);Downes, N.(5);Shrestha, S.(5);Wu, E.(3);Swallow, E.(6);Wojtowicz, A.(7);Raphael, B.P.(8);
(1)University of Chicago Medicine, Gastroenterology, Chicago, United States;(2)Takeda Pharmaceuticals- Inc, US Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Lexington, United States;(3)Analysis Group- Inc, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Boston, United States;(4)Analysis Group- Inc, Nutrition- Epidemiology- Obesity, Boston, United States;(5)Analysis Group- Inc, Analyst, Boston, United States;(6)Analysis Group- Inc, Strategy- Policy and Analytics, Boston, United States;(7)Takeda Pharmaceuticals- Inc, US Medical Affairs Strategy, Lexington, United States;(8)Takeda Pharmaceuticals- Inc, Medical, Lexington, United States
P432: MyChart application in addressing Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients’ concerns and impact on service utilisationECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: P Raman, K.(1);Agorogianni, A.(1);Hadjinicolaou, A.(1);Nightingale, A.(1);Mayhew, A.(1);Munro, R.(1);Raine, T.(1);McDermott, E.(1);
(1)Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Gastroenterology, Cambridge, United Kingdom
P433: Sex-based differences in response to tumor necrosis factor inhibitor induction therapy for ulcerative colitis: a pooled analysis of individual patient-level clinical trials dataECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Agrawal, M.(1);Petralia, F.(2);Tepler, A.(3);Durbin, L.(4);Reinisch, W.(5);Colombel, J.F.(1);Shah, S.(6,7);
(1)Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, The Henry D. Janowitz Division of Gastroenterology, New York, United States;(2)Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences and Icahn Institute for Data Science and Genomic Technology, New York, United States;(3)NYU Grossman School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, New York, United States;(4)Kantar, Health Division, New York, United States;(5)Medical University of Vienna, Department Internal Medicine III- Division Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Vienna, Austria;(6)VA San Diego Healthcare System, Gastroenterology Section, La Jolla, United States;(7)Vanderbilt University, Division of Gastroenterology, Nashville, United States
P434: Factors associated with medical and psycosocioeconomic changes in IBD during the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic periodECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Hu, S.(1);Wang, X.(1);Shen, B.(2);Yu, Q.(1);Zheng, J.J.(3);Chen, Y.(1);
(1)Center of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, the Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China;(2)Center of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, United States;(3)Center of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, The China Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, Hangzhou, China
P435: The impact of perianal fistula in Crohn’s disease on quality of life: results of a patient survey conducted in EuropeECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Spinelli, A.(1,2);Yanai, H.(3);Lönnfors, S.(4);Girardi, P.(5);Milicevic, S.(6);Carvello, M.(1);Maroli, A.(1);Avedano , L.(4);
(1)IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Department of Medical Biotechnologies and Translational Medicine- Department of IBD Surgery and Colo-rectal Surgery, Rozzano, Italy;(2)Humanitas University, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Milan, Italy;(3)Rabin Medical Center, IBD Center- Division of Gastroenterology, Tel Aviv, Israel;(4)European Federation of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Associations, European Federation of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Associations, Brussels, Belgium;(5)University of Padua, Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization- Department of Statistical Science, Padua, Italy;(6)Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG, Medical Affairs, Zürich, Switzerland
P436: SPOSAB ABP 501 - A Sicilian Prospective Observational Study of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treated with Adalimumab Biosimilar ABP 501ECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Macaluso, F.(1);Cappello, M.(2);Busacca, A.(2);Fries, W.(3);Viola, A.(3);Costantino, G.(3);Magnano, A.(4);Vinci, E.(4);Ferracane, C.(4);Privitera, A.C.(5);Piccillo, G.(5);Belluardo, N.(6);Giangreco, E.(6);Romano, C.(7);Citrano, M.(8);Graziano, F.(8);Garufi, S.(9);Bertolami, C.(10);Scrivo, B.(1);Renna, S.(1);Casà, A.(1);Rizzuto, G.(1);Ventimiglia, M.(1);Orlando, A.(1);
(1)'Villa Sofia-Cervello' Hospital, IBD Unit- Department of Medicine, Palermo, Italy;(2)A.O.U. Policlinico “G. Giaccone”, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit, Palermo, Italy;(3)A.O.U. Policlinico 'G. Martino”, IBD Unit, Messina, Italy;(4)A.O.U. Policlinico “Vittorio Emanuele”, Gastroenterology Unit, Catania, Italy;(5)A.O. 'Cannizzaro”, IBD Unit, Catania, Italy;(6)A.O. “Guzzardi”, Gastroenterology Unit, Vittoria, Italy;(7)A.O.U. Policlinico “G. Martino”, Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit, Messina, Italy;(8)A.O.O.R. “Villa Sofia-Cervello”, Pediatric Unit, Palermo, Italy;(9)A.O.O.R. “S. Elia- M. Raimondi”, Gastroenterology Unit, Caltanissetta, Italy;(10)A.O.O.R. “Papardo Piemonte”, Gastroenterology Unit, Messina, Italy Sicilian Network for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (SN-IBD)