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OP38: Developing a Cost-Effective Genomic Biomarker of Cancer Risk in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis using Low-Pass Whole Genome Sequencing of Unselected Endoscopic Biopsies: A Case-Control StudyECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Al Bakir, I.(1);Curtius, K.(1);Smith, K.(1);Kopczynska, M.(1);Moorghen, M.(2);Hart, A.(3);Graham, T.(1)
(1)Queen Mary University of London, Barts Cancer Institute, London, United Kingdom;(2)St. Mark's Hospital, Pathology Department, Harrow, United Kingdom;(3)St. Mark's Hospital, Gastroenterology Department, Harrow, United Kingdom
OP39: The effect of phenotype and genotype on the plasma proteome in patients with Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Bourgonje, A.R.(1);Hu, S.(1);Spekhorst, L.M.(1);Zhernakova, D.V.(2);Vich Vila, A.(1);Li, Y.(1);Voskuil, M.D.(1);van Berkel, L.A.(3);Bley Folly, B.(3);Charrout, M.(4);Mahfouz, A.(4);Reinders, M.J.T.(4);van Heck, J.I.P.(5);Joosten, L.A.B.(5);Visschedijk, M.C.(1);van Dullemen, H.M.(1);Faber, K.N.(1);Samsom, J.N.(3);Festen, E.A.M.(1);Dijkstra, G.(1);Weersma, R.K.(1)
(1)University Medical Center Groningen, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Groningen, The Netherlands;(2)University Medical Center Groningen, Genetics, Groningen, The Netherlands;(3)Erasmus University Medical Center, Pediatrics- Division of Gastroenterology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;(4)Delft University of Technology and Leiden University Medical Center, Delft Bioinformatics Lab and Leiden Computational Biology Center, Delft- Leiden, The Netherlands;(5)Radboud University Medical Center, Internal Medicine and Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
OP40: Analysis of clinical features associated with favourable outcomes from ustekinumab treat-to-target strategy in Crohn’s Disease patients in the STARDUST trialECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Danese, S.(1);Vermeire, S.(2);Dignass, A.(3);Panés, J.(4);D'Haens, G.(5);Magro, F.(6,7);Le Bars, M.(8);Nazar, M.(9);Lahaye, M.(10);Ni, L.(11);Bravatà, I.(12);Gaya, D.R.(13);Peyrin-Biroulet, L.(14)
(1)Humanitas University, IBD Center, Milan, Italy;(2)University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Gastroenterology, Leuven, Belgium;(3)Agaplesion Markus Hospital, Department of Medicine I, Frankfurt/Main, Germany;(4)Hospital Clinic of Barcelona- IDIBAPS- CIBERehd, Department of Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain;(5)University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(6)Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology- Faculty of Medicine University of Porto, Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Porto, Portugal;(7)Hospital de São João, Department of Gastroenterology, Porto, Portugal;(8)Janssen-Cilag, Medical Affairs, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France;(9)Janssen-Cilag Polska Sp. z .o.o., Medical Affairs, Warsaw, Poland;(10)Janssen-Cilag BV, Medical Affairs, Breda, The Netherlands;(11)Janssen Cilag Russia, Medical Affairs, Moscow, Russian Federation;(12)Janssen-Cilag, Medical Affairs, Milan, Italy;(13)Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Department of Gastroenterology, Glasgow, United Kingdom;(14)University Hospital of Nancy- University of Lorraine, INSERM Unité 954 and Department of Hepato-Gastroenterology, Houdemont, France
P001: Succinate, a gut microbiota-derived metabolite, modulates the inflammatory status of the creeping fat in Crohn’s disease.ECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Serena, C.(1);Monfort-Ferre, D.(1);Bautista, M.(2);Menacho, M.(2);Martí, M.(3);Espin, E.(3);Vendrell, J.(1);Fernández-Veledo, S.(1);
(1)Health Institute Pere Virgili IISPV, Hospital Universitari Joan XXIII of Tarragona, Tarragona, Spain;(2)Hospital Universitari Joan XXIII of Tarragona, Digestive Service, Tarragona, Spain;(3)Hospital Universitari Vall Hebron, Surgery Service, Barcelona, Spain
P002: Methodological development of single-cell phenotyping and spatial analysis of intestinal leukocyte, stromal and epithelial cell populations in inflammatory bowel disease formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue by Hyperion imaging mass cytometryECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Lamb, C.A.(1,2);Doyle, J.(1);Hulme, G.(3);Cooke, K.(1);Au-Yeung, A.(4);Ojeda-Garcia, J.(3);Fuller, A.(3);McDonald, D.(3);Mansfield, J.C.(1,2);Kirby, J.A.(1);McBride, J.(4);Speight, R.A.(1,2);O’Gorman, W.(4);Filby, A.(3);
(1)Newcastle University, Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom;(2)Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Gastroenterology, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom;(3)Newcastle University, Flow Cytometry Core Facility and Innovation- Methodology and Application Research Theme- Biosciences Institute- Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom;(4)Genentech Inc, Department of OMNI Biomarker Development, South San Francisco, United States
P003: HDAC7 Controls Differentiation and Regeneration in the Intestinal EpitheliumECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Gerbeth, L.(1);Glauben, R.(1);Siegmund, B.(1);
(1)Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Medical Department of Gastroenterology- Infectiology and Rheumatology, Berlin, Germany
P004: Critical paralog proteins has a cell-type specific rewiring role in Ulcerative Colitis associated signalling processesECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Kornilova, P.(1);Potari-Gul, L.(1);Modos, D.(1,2);Madgwick, M.(1,2);Haerty, W.(1);Korcsmaros, T.(1,2);
(1)Earlham Institute- Norwich Research Park, Organisms and Ecosystems, Norwich, United Kingdom;(2)Quadram Institute Bioscience- Norwich Research Park, Gut Microbes and Health Programme, Norwich, United Kingdom
P005: Cytokine mediated intercellular communication in inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Thomas, J.P.(1,2,3);Olbei, M.(2,3);Hautefort, I.(2);Modos, D.(2,3);Korcsmaros, T.(2,3);
(1)Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals-, Department of Gastroenterology, Norwich, United Kingdom;(2)Quadram Institute Bioscience, Gut Microbes and Health Programme, Cambridge, United Kingdom;(3)Earlham Institute, Earlham Institute, Norwich, United Kingdom
P006: Host-genetics, dysbiosis, and clinical history explains fecal metabolic alterations in patients with Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Vich Vila, A.(1);Hu, S.(1);Andreu-Sánchez, S.(2);Collij, V.(1);Jansen, D.(1);Ruigrok, R.(1);Abu-Ali, G.(3);Parkinson, J.(3);Al Garawi, A.(3);Schneider, J.(3);Kurilshikov, A.(2);Björk, J.(1);Gacesa, R.(1);Fu, J.(2);Zhernakova, A.(2);Weersma, R.K.(1);
(1)University Medical Center Groningen, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Groningen, The Netherlands;(2)University Medical Center Groningen, Genetics, Groningen, The Netherlands;(3)Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Gastroenterology Drug Discovery Unit, Cambridge, United States
P007: Identification and characterisation of intestine-derived circulating resident memory T cells (ex-Trm) in health and Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Rodger, B.(1);Hoti, I.(1);Gordon, H.(1);Lindsay, J.(1);Stagg, A.(1);
(1)Blizard Institute- Queen Mary University of London, Centre for Immunobiology, London, United Kingdom
P008: Store-operated calcium entry controls immune cell function and activation in Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Letizia, M.(1);Kaufmann, U.(2);Gerbeth, L.(1);Sand, A.(1);Brunkhorst, M.(1);Wang, Y.(2);Böttcher, C.(3);Schlickeiser, S.(4);Fernández-Zapata, M.C.(3);Kunkel, D.(4);Siegmund, B.(1);Feske, S.(2);Weidinger, C.(1);
(1)Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Medical Department- Division of Gastroenterology- Infectiology and Rheumatology, Berlin, Germany;(2)New York University, Department of Pathology, New York, United States;(3)Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Laboratory of Molecular Psychiatry- Charité, Berlin, Germany;(4)Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin-Brandenburger Centrum für Regenerative Therapien, Berlin, Germany IBDome researchers
P009: Disease classifier and microbial dysbiosis index tools cross-predict various pathogenic conditions due to general microbial signalECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Abbas Egbariya, H.(1);Braun, T.(2);Hadar , R.(2);Gal-Mor, O.(1);Shental, N.(3);Haberman, Y.(4);Amir, A.(2);
(1)Tel Aviv university - Faculty of Medicine, microbiology, Tel Aviv, Israel;(2)Sheba medical center, microbiome center, Ramat Gan, Israel;(3)The Open University of Israel, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ra’anana, Israel;(4)Sheba medical center, pediatric gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel
P010: GSDMB-mediated pyroptosis exacerbates intestinal inflammation by destroying intestinal epithelium in Crohn’s diseaseECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Gong, W.(1);Liu, P.(2);Ren, J.(3);
(1)Southeast University, School of Medicine, Nanjing, China;(2)Nanjing University, School of Medicine, Nanjing, China;(3)Jinling Hospital, General Surgerry, Nanjing, China
P011: Serum adhesion G protein coupled receptor levels are associated with disease activity in pediatric patients with Crohn’s diseaseECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Werner, L.(1);Weiss, B.(2);Shamir, R.(1);Shouval, D.(1);
(1)Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel, Institute of Gastroenterology- Nutrition and Liver Diseases, Petah Tiqwa, Israel;(2)Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital- Sheba Medical Center, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel
P012: Low frequencies of circulating inhibitory TIGIT+CD38+ effector T cells identify an immunologically distinct subgroup of pediatric patients with severe Crohn's diseaseECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Heredia, M.(1);Costes, L.(1);Tindemans, I.(1);Aardoom, M.(2);Klomberg, R.(2);Kemos, P.(3);Joosse, M..(1);van Haaften, D.(1);Tuk, B.(1);Ruemmele, F.(4);Croft, N.(3);Escher, J.(2);de Ridder, L.(2);Samsom, J.(1);
(1)Erasmus University Medical Center-Sophia Children’s Hospital, Laboratory of Pediatrics- division Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;(2)Erasmus University Medical Center-Sophia Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;(3)Blizard Institute- Queen Mary University of London, Centre for Immunobiology, London, United Kingdom;(4)Necker-Enfants Malades University Hospital- Institut Imagine- AP-HP- Université de Paris, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Paris, France
P013: Potential Role of Epithelial Protein Disulphide Isomerases in Crohn’s Disease FibrosisECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Vieujean, S.(1,2);Hu, S.(2);Bequet, E.(2,3);Salée, C.(2);Massot, C.(2);Bletard, N.(4);Pierre, N.(2);Quesada Calvo, F.(2);Baiwir, D.(5);Mazzucchelli, G.(6);De Pauw, E.(6);Coimbra Marques, C.(7);Delvenne, P.(4);Edouard, L.(1,2);Meuwis, M.A.(2);
(1)CHU Liège- Sart Tilman, Department of Gastroenterology, Liège, Belgium;(2)University of Liège, Laboratory of Translational Gastroenterology, Liège, Belgium;(3)University Hospital of Liège, Division of Hepato-Gastroenterology- Department of Paediatrics, Liège, Belgium;(4)University Hospital CHU of Liège, Pathological Anatomy and Cytology, Liège, Belgium;(5)University of Liège, GIGA Proteomics Facility, Liège, Belgium;(6)University of Liège, MolSys Research Unit- Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry, Liège, Belgium;(7)University Hospital CHU of Liège, Abdominal Surgery Department, Liège, Belgium
P014: Untargeted serum metabolome in longitudinal Crohn's Disease (CD) cohort enrolled during remission shows strong individualized signature and CD-associated signals that are maintained also in patients who normalized their fecal calprotectinECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Levhar, N.(1,2);Hadar, R.(1);Braun, T.(1);Efroni, G.(1);Abramovich, I.(3);Gottlieb, E.(3);Sosnovski, K.(1,2);Abass, H.(1,2);Berger, T.(4);Granot, M.(4);Neuman, S.(5);Selinger, L.(5);Picard, O.(5);Yavzuri, M.(5);Lahat, A.(2,5);Eliakim, R.(2,5);Weiss, B.(4);Kopylov, U.(2,5);Ben-Horin, S.(2,5);Amir, A.(1);Haberman, Y.(1,2,4,6);
(1)Tel-HaShomer Sheba Medical Center, The Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit and Sheba Microbiome Center, Ramat Gan, Israel;(2)Tel-Aviv University, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv, Israel;(3)Technion Institute, The Ruth and Bruce Rappaport- Faculty of Medicine, Haifa, Israel;(4)Tel-HaShomer Sheba Medical Center, The Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit- The Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s Hospital, Ramat Gan, Israel;(5)Tel-HaShomer Sheba Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel;(6)Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center- University of Cincinnati, Department of Pediatrics- College of Medicine, Cincinnati- Ohio, United States
P015: Differential expression in colitis-associated cancer compared to Crohn´s disease and ulcerative colitisECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Manna, S.(1);Sehn, M.(2);Cardoso da Silva, D.(1);Elezkurtaj, S.(3);Cineus, R.(1);Hegazy, A.(1);Siegmund, B.(1);Weixler, B.(2);Hummel, M.(3);Gröne, J.(2);Schumann, M.(1);
(1)Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Gastroenterology, Berlin, Germany;(2)Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Visceral Surgery, Berlin, Germany;(3)Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Institute of Pathology and Molecular Pathology, Berlin, Germany
P016: SZN-1326, a Wnt signal activator, is more efficacious than cyclosporine A in an acute DSS modelECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Xie, L.(1);Baribault, H.(1);Lu, C.(2);Handa, P.(1);Newman, M.(3);Le, L.(3);Liu, A.(1);Mutha, D.(1);Deshmukh, S.(2);Shah, D.(2);Tun, C.(1);Le, T.(1);Fletcher, R.(2);Chen, H.(4);Ye, J.(4);Tibbitts, J.(3);Srinivasan, U.(3);Li, Y.(4);Vanhove, G.(3);Yeh, W.C.(1);
(1)Surrozen. INC, In vivo pharmacology, South San Francisco, United States;(2)Surrozen. INC, Discovery biology, South San Francisco, United States;(3)Surrozen. INC, Pre-Clinical, South San Francisco, United States;(4)Surrozen. INC, Protein Science, South San Francisco, United States
P017: Small bowel transcriptomics define similarities and divergent pathways between Crohn, environmental enteric dysfunction (EED), and celiac diseases, implicating role for the microbiome in the pathogenesisECCO'21 Virtual
Year: 2021
Authors: Haberman Ziv, Y.(1);Iqbal, N.T.(2);Braun, T.(1);Dexheimer, P.J.(3);Hadar, R.(1);Rahman, N.(2);Syed, S.(4);Moskaluk, C.(4);Moore, S.R.(4);Ali, S.A.(2);Denson, L.A.(3);
(1)Tel-HaShomer Sheba Medical Center, Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel;(2)Aga Khan University, Department of Pediatrics, Karachi, Pakistan;(3)Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, Cincinnati, United States;(4)University of Virginia- Charlottesville, Department of Pediatrics, Charlottesville, United States; The Study of Environmental Enteropathy and Malnutrition (SEEM) Pakistan and CCF-supported RISK study