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P568: Impact of Biologics and Small Molecules for Inflammatory Bowel Disease on COVID-19 Related Hospitalization: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Alrashed, F.(1);Alasfour, H.(2);Shehab, M.(3);
(1)Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences MCPHS University, Public health, Boston, United States;(2)Kuwait University, Pharmacy Practice, Aljabreyah, Kuwait;(3)Mubarak Alkaber University Hospital, Internal medicine, Kuwait, Kuwait;
P569: Fecal Microbiome Transplantation for Recurrent C. difficile Colitis: Treatment Efficacy, Short and Long-term Follow-up Results from Consecutive Case SeriesECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Urbonas, T.(1,2);Ianiro, G.(3,4);Gedgaudas, R.(1,2);Sabanas, P.(1,2);Urba, M.(1,2);Kiudelis, V.(1,2);Kiudelis, G.(1,2);Petkevicius, V.(1,2);Vitkauskiene, A.(5);Cammarota, G.(3,4);Gasbarrini, A.(3,4);Kupcinskas, J.(1,2);
(1)Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Department of Gastroenterology, Kaunas, Lithuania;(2)Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Institute for Digestive Research, Kaunas, Lithuania;(3)Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, Digestive Disease Center, Rome, Italy;(4)Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Dipartimento Universitario di Medicina e Chirurgia Traslazionale, Rome, Italy;(5)Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Kaunas, Lithuania;
P570: Prevalence and risk factors for intestinal resection in patients with Crohn’s disease in a Greek referral centerECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Orfanoudaki, E.(1);Foteinogiannopoulou, K.(1);Theodoraki, E.(1);Drygiannakis, I.(1);Romanos, I.(2);Koutroubakis, I.E.(1);
(1)University Hospital of Heraklion- Medical School- University of Crete, Gastroenterology, Heraklion, Greece;(2)University Hospital of Heraklion- Medical School- University of Crete, Surgical Oncology, Heraklion, Greece;
P571: The Nordic diet as a tool to improve the activity of disease and psycho-emotional wellbeing in patients with mild and moderate Ulcerative Colitis – the pilot study.ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Birka, I.(1);Girgensone, G.(2);Anspuka, L.(3);Šantare, D.(3);
(1)Paula Stradina Clinical University Hospital, Gastroenterology- hepatology and nutrition, Riga, Latvia;(2)University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine, Riga, Latvia;(3)University of Latvia, Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine, Riga, Latvia;
P572: Therapy optimisation and intravenous ferric carboxymaltose in active or inactive IBD with iron deficiency: it's time to make iron deficiency part of tight monitoring to reach T2T? – preliminary results of a prospective studyECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Molnár, T.(1);Resál, T.(1);Bacsur, P.(1);Rutka, M.(1);Szántó, K.(1);Bálint, A.(1);Milassin, Á.(1);Fábián, A.(1);Bor, R.(1);Szepes, Z.(1);Farkas, K.(1);
(1)University of Szeged, Department of Medicine- Szent-Györgyi Albert Medical School, Szeged, Hungary;
P573: The safety profile of upadacitinib maintenance therapy in ulcerative colitis in the Phase 3 U-ACHIEVE study is consistent with that in approved indicationsECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Colombel, J.F.(1);Panaccione, R.(2);Nakase, H.(3);Burmester, G.(4);Cohen, S.B.(5);Mease, P.(6);Guttman-Yassky, E.(1);Liu, J.(7);Zhou, W.(7);Ilo, D.(7);Higgins, P.(8);
(1)The Mount Sinai Hospital, Icahn School of Medicine, New York, United States;(2)University of Calgary, Cumming School of Medicine, Alberta, Canada;(3)Sapporo Medical University, Department of Gastroenterology- Rheumatology- and Clinical Immunology, Sapporo, Japan;(4)Charité University Hospital- Free University of Berlin, Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Berlin, Germany;(5)Metroplex Clinical Research Center, Dallas, United States;(6)Swedish Clinical Research, Swedish Rheumatology Research Group, Seattle, United States;(7)AbbVie Inc, Research and Development, North Chicago, United States;(8)University of Michigan, Medical School, Ann Arbor, United States;
P574: Population pharmacokinetic and exposure-response analyses for efficacy and safety of risankizumab in subjects with active Crohn‘s diseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Suleiman, A.(1);Goebel, A.(1);Bhatnagar, S.(2);D'Cunha, R.(2);Liu, W.(2);Pang, Y.(2);
(1)AbbVie, Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacometrics, Ludwigshafen, Germany;(2)AbbVie, Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacometrics, North Chicago, United States;
P575: Safety and efficacy of autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for refractory Crohn’s disease after cyclophosphamide-free mobilisation: Preliminary ResultsECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Giordano, A.(1);Rovira, M.(2);Barastegui, R.(1);Marín, P.(2);Martínez, N.(2);Fernández-Aviles, F.(2);Suárez-Lledó, M.(2);Doménech, A.(2);Ordás, I.(1);Fernández-Clotet, A.(1);Caballol, B.(1);Gallego, M.(1);Vara, A.(1);Masamunt, M.C.(1);Giner, A.(1);Corraliza, A.M.(3);Panés, J.(1);Salas, A.(3);Ricart, E.(1);
(1)IDIBAPS. Hospital Clínic, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Unit. Gastroenterology Department., Barcelona, Spain;(2)ICMHO. IDIBAPS. Institut Josep Carreras. Hospital Clínic, BMT Unit- Hematology Department., Barcelona, Spain;(3)Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer IDIBAPS, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Unit, Barcelona, Spain;
P576: Real-world effectiveness and safety of risankizumab in patients with moderate-to-severe multi-refractory Crohn’s disease: a Belgian multi-centric cohort studyECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Alsoud, D.(1);Franchimont, D.(2);D'Heygere, F.(3);Bossuyt, P.(4);Vijverman, A.(5);Van Hootegem, P.(6);Sabino, J.(1,7);Cremer, A.(2);Vermeire, S.(1,7);Ferrante, M.(1,7);
(1)KU Leuven, Translational Research Center for GastroIntestinal Disorders- Department of Chronic Diseases- Metabolism and Ageing, Leuven, Belgium;(2)Erasme Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Brussels, Belgium;(3)AZ Groeninge, Department of Gastroenterology, Kortrijk, Belgium;(4)Imelda General Hospital, Imelda GI Clinical Research Centre- Department of Gastroenterology, Bonheiden, Belgium;(5)CHR de la Citadelle, Department of Gastroenterology, Liège, Belgium;(6)AZ Sint-Lucas, Department of Gastroenterology, Brugge, Belgium;(7)University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Leuven, Belgium;
P577: Mucosal eosinophil abundance in non-inflamed colonic tissue predict response to vedolizumab induction therapy in inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Gabriëls, R.Y.(1);Bourgonje, A.R.(1);von Martels, J.(1);Blokzijl, T.(1);Weersma, R.(1);Galinsky, K.(2);Julius, J.(2);Faber, K.N.(1);Kats-Ugurlu, G.(3);Dijkstra, G.(1);
(1)University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Groningen, The Netherlands;(2)Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd, Research, Massachusetts, United States;(3)University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Pathology and Medical Biology, Groningen, The Netherlands;
P578: Non-medical switch between adalimumab biosimilars and from the originator adalimumab to biosimilars in inflammatory bowel disease patients – a multicentre study on efficacy and drug sustainabilityECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Lontai, L.(1);Gonczi, L.(1);Balogh, F.(1);Komlodi, N.(1);Resal, T.(2);Farkas, K.(2);Molnar, T.(2);Golovics, P.(3);Schafer, E.(3);Szamosi, T.(3);Miheller, P.(4);Ilias, A.(1);LakatosPhD, P.L.(1,5);
(1)Semmelweis University, Department of Medicine and Oncology, Budapest, Hungary;(2)University of Szeged, Department of Medicine, Szeged, Hungary;(3)Hungarian Defence Forces - Medical Centre, Department of Gastroenterology, Budapest, Hungary;(4)Semmelweis University, Department of Surgery and Interventional Gastroenterology, Budapest, Hungary;(5)Mcgill University Health Center, IBD Centre, Montréal, Canada;
P579: Rates, predictive factors and effectiveness of ustekinumab intensification to 4- or 6-weekly intervals in Crohns’s diseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Derikx, L.(1,2);Plevris, N.(2);Su, S.(2);Gros, B.(2);Lyons, M.(2);Siakavellas, S.(2);Constantine-Cook, N.(3,4);Jenkinson, P.(2);O'Hare, C.(2);Merchant, L.(2);Noble, C.(2);Arnott, I.(2);Jones, G.(2,5);Lees, C.(2,4);
(1)Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Centre- Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Route 455, Nijmegen, The Netherlands;(2)Western General Hospital, Edinburgh IBD Unit, Edinburgh, United Kingdom;(3)University of Edinburgh, MRC Human Genetics Unit- Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine-, Edinburgh, United Kingdom;(4)University of Edinburgh, Centre for Genomics and Experimental Medicine- Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Edinburgh, United Kingdom;(5)University of Edinburgh, Centre for Inflammation Research- The Queen's Medical Research Institute, Edinburgh, United Kingdom;
P580: Early intestinal ultrasound assessment predicts endoscopic response and remission on anti-TNF treatment in Crohn’s Disease – a prospective longitudinal cohort studyECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: de Voogd, F.(1);Bots, S.(1);Gecse, K.(1);Gilja, O.H.(2);D'Haens, G.(1);Nylund, K.(2);
(1)Amsterdam University Medical Center, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(2)Haukeland University Hospital, National Centre for Ultrasound in Gastroenterology, Bergen, Norway;
P581: Transmural remission improves clinical outcomes up to 5 years in patients with Crohn’s DiseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Pedro, J.(1);Botto, I.(1);Fernandes, S.(1);Lemos, J.(2);Neves, J.(3);Campelo, P.(3);Carvalho, D.(4);Bernardo, S.(1);Gonçalves, A.R.(1);Valente, A.(1);Moura Santos, P.(1);Rosa, I.(2);Tavares de Sousa, H.(3);Ramos, J.(4);Venâncio, J.(5);Leitão, J.(6);Claro, I.(2);Correia, L.(1);Tato Marinho, R.(1);
(1)Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Serviço de Gastrenterologia e Hepatologia, Lisboa, Portugal;(2)Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil, Serviço de Gastrenterologia, Lisboa, Portugal;(3)Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve- Algarve Biomedical Center, Serviço de Gastrenterologia, Faro, Portugal;(4)Hospital Santo António dos Capuchos – Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central, Serviço de Gastrenterologia, Lisboa, Portugal;(5)Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil, Serviço de Radiologia, Lisboa, Portugal;(6)Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Serviço de Radiologia, Lisboa, Portugal;
P582: Association between serum ustekinumab concentrations and endoscopic disease activity in Crohn’s diseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Yanofsky, R.(1);Abduallah, Y.(1);Golovics, P.(2);Lakatos, P.L.(2);Bitton, A.(2);Wild, G.(2);Afif, W.(2);Bessissow, T.(2);
(1)McGill University, Internal Medicine, Montreal, Canada;(2)McGill University, Gastroenterology, Montreal, Canada;
P583: Ustekinumab during pregnancy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective multicenter cohort studyECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Avni Biron, I.(1);Mishael, T.(2);Zittan, E.(3);Livne, M.(4);Zinger, A.(5);Tzadok, R.(6); Goldenberg, R.(7);kopylov, U.(4);Ron, Y.(6);Hadar, E.(8);Helman, S.(2);Ollech, J.(1);Farkash, R.(7);Pauker, M.(1);Yanai, H.(1);Dotan, I.(1);Bar-Gil Shitrit , A.(7);
(1)Rabin Medical Center - Beilinson Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology, Petah Tikva, Israel;(2)Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Obstetrics and Gynecology Division, Jerusalem, Israel;(3)Emek Medical Center, Ellen and Pinchas Mamber Institute of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Afula, Israel;(4)Sheba Medical Center, Institute of Gastroenterology, Tel Hashomer, Israel;(5)Hadassah Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Jerusalem, Israel;(6)Tel Aviv medical center, Department of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Tel Aviv, Israel;(7)Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Digestive Diseases Institute, Jerusalem, Israel;(8)Rabin Medical Center - Beilinson Hospital, Maternal fetal medicine- Helen Schneider hospital of women, Petah Tikva, Israel;
P584: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Evaluating the Real-World Effectiveness and Safety of Ustekinumab in Crohn’s DiseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Hosack, T.(1);Gadhok, R.(2);Lindsay, J.O.(2);
(1)Buckinghamshire Health NHS Trust, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Aylesbury, United Kingdom;(2)Barts Health NHS Trust, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, London, United Kingdom;
P585: Examining faecal incontinence and its impact on health-related quality of life in patients with Crohn’s perianal fistulas: results from a multi-country burden of illness studyECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Karki, C.(1);Athavale, A.(2);Hantsbarger, G.(3);Lee, K.(4);Milicevic, S.(5);Perovic, M.(6);Raven, L.(7);Sajak-Szczerba, M.(8);Sharpe, E.(9);Tozer, P.(10);
(1)Takeda Pharmaceuticals USA Inc., Global Evidence and Outcomes, Cambridge- MA, United States;(2)Trinity Partners- LLC., Insights & Analytics, Waltham- MA, United States;(3)Takeda Pharmaceuticals USA Inc., Safety and Health Value Statistics, Cambridge- MA, United States;(4)Crohn's and Colitis Canada, Research & Patient Programs, Toronto, Canada;(5)Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG, GI Rare Medical Affairs, Zurich, Switzerland;(6)European Federation of Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis Associations, European Federation of Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis Associations, Brussels, Belgium;(7)Crohn's and Colitis Australia, n/a, Camberwell, Australia;(8)European Federation of Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis Associations, n/a, Brussels, Belgium;(9)Trinity Partners- LLC, Heath Economics & Outcomes Research, Waltham- MA, United States;(10)St Mark’s Hospital and Academic Institute, Fistula Research unit, London, United Kingdom;
P586: Surgical recurrence in Crohn’s Disease: Can we prevent it?ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Botto, I.(1);Serrazina, J.(1);Coelho Rodrigues, I.(1);Fernandes, S.(1);Bernardo, S.(1);Gonçalves, A.R.(1);Moura Santos, P.(1);Valente, A.(1);Correia, L.(1);Tato Marinho, R.(1);
(1)Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Serviço de Gastrenterologia, Lisbon, Portugal;
P587: Disease severity in the INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES: Do patients and physicians agree?ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Timmer, A.(1);de Sordi, D.(1);Neuser, J.(1);Seibel, K.(1);Hensel, A.(1);Schmidt-Lauber, M.(2);Allgayer, H.(3);Klebl, F.(4);Obermeier, F.(4);Jessen, P.(5);Schnoy, E.(6);Helwig, U.(7);Morgenstern, J.(8);Leifeld, L.(9);Schmidt, S.(9);Meinhardt, C.(10);Maaser, C.(11);Bästlein, E.(12);Bokemeyer, A.(13);Graefe, U.(14);Kühbacher, T.(15);Kaltz, B.(16);Sander, C.(16);Wolfgang, K.(17);
(1)Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Epidemiology and Biometry, Oldenburg, Germany;(2)Gastroenterologische Praxis, Gastroenterology, Oldenburg, Germany;(3)Reha-Kliniken, Gastroenterologie, Bad Brückenau, Germany;(4)Praxiszentrum, Gastroenterology, Regensburg, Germany;(5)Gemeinschaftspraxis, Gastroenterology, Altenholz, Germany;(6)Uniklinikum Augsburg, Med Klinik III, Augsburg, Germany;(7)Internistische Praxengemeinschaft, Gastroenterology, Oldenburg, Germany;(8)Evangelisches Krankenhaus Kalk, Gastroenterology, Köln, Germany;(9)St. Bernward Krankenhaus, Innere und Gastroenterologie, Hildesheim, Germany;(10)Klinikum Oldenburg, Gastroenterology, Oldenburg, Germany;(11)Klinikum Lüneburg, Gastroenterology, Lüneburg, Germany;(12)Magen-Darm-Zentrum Köln, Gastroenterology, Köln, Germany;(13)Uniklinikum Essen, Gastroenterology, Essen, Germany;(14)Gastropraxis, Gastroenterology, Berlin, Germany;(15)Medius-Kliniken, Gastroenterology, Nürtingen, Germany;(16)DCCV, e.V., Berlin, Germany;(17)Uniklinikum, Gastroenterology, Köln, Germany;