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P206: Comparison of dye-spraying chromoendoscopy and virtual chromoendoscopy for colonic dysplasia detection in longstanding Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Correia, J.(1);Ponte, A.(1);Proença, L.(1);Rodrigues, A.(1);Pinho, R.(1);Leite, S.(1);Fernandes, C.(1);Rodrigues, J.(1);Silva, J.C.(1);Gomes, C.(1);Afecto, E.(1);Estevinho, M.M.(1);Freitas, T.(1);
(1)Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho EPE, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal;
P207: COVID-19: a prevalence rate two times lower than that of the general population in French patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease treated with intravenous biologic agentsECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Lelong, M.(1);Nancey, S.(2);Bouguen, G.(3);Allez, M.(4);Serrero, M.(5);Chupin, A.(6);Caillo, L.(7);Viennot, S.(8);Blanc, P.(9);Reimund, J.M.(10);Laharie, D.(11);olivier, R.(12);Laurent, P.B.(13);dib, N.(14);De Maissin, A.(15);Montuclard, C.(16);Trang-Poisson, C.(1);Gaillot, G.(1);Bressollette-Bodin, C.(1);Berthome, M.(1);Burel, M.(1);Vavasseur, F.(17);Bourreille, A.(1);Le Berre, C.(1);
(1)CHU Nantes, Loire atlantique, Nantes, France;(2)CHU Lyon, Rhone, Lyon, France;(3)CHU Rennes, Ile et Vilaine, Rennes, France;(4)Saint Louis, Ile de France, Paris, France;(5)CHU Marseille, Bouches du Rhone, Marseille, France;(6)HEGP, Ile de France, Paris, France;(7)CH Nimes, Gard, Nimes, France;(8)CHU Caen, Calvados, Caen, France;(9)CHU Montpellier, Hérault, Montpellier, France;(10)CHU Strasbourg, Bas Rhin, Strabourg, France;(11)CHU Bordeaux, Gironde, Bordeaux, France;(12)CHU Poitiers, Vienne, Poitiers, France;(13)CHU Nancy, Meurthe-et-moselle, Nancy, France;(14)CHU Angers, Maine et Loire, Angers, France;(15)CHD Vendée, Vendée, La roche sur yon, France;(16)CH Valence, Drôme, Valence, France;(17)CHU Nantes, Loire Altantique, Nantes, France;
P208: Enthesopathies in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases.ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Gainullina, G.(1);Abdulganieva , D.(1);Kirillova, E.(1);Odintsova, A.(2);
(1)Kazan State Medical University, Hospital Therapy, Kazan, Russian Federation;(2)Republican Clinical Hospital, gastroenterology, Kazan, Russian Federation;
P209: Disproportionate low albumin and high neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in small bowel adenocarcinoma in long-term Crohn's disease patientsECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Veisman, I.(1,2);Oppenheim, A.(2,3);Sub laban, Z.(2,3);Kenig, A.(4,5);Ukashi, O.(1,2,3);Shacham-Shmueli, E.(2,6);Engel, T.(1,2);Kopylov, U.(1,2);Ben-Horin, S.(1,2);Lang, A.(1,2);
(1)Sheba medical center- Tel Hashomer, Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel;(2)Tel-Aviv university, Sackler school of medicine, Tel Aviv, Israel;(3)Sheba medical center- Tel Hashomer, Internal Medicine A, Ramat Gan, Israel;(4)Hadassah medical center, Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel;(5)The Hebrew University, Faculty of medicine, Jerusalem, Israel;(6)Sheba medical center- Tel Hashomer, Oncology, Ramat Gan, Israel;
P210: Assessment of disease specific knowledge and quality of life among patients with Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Sequeira, C.(1);Santos, I.(1);Coelho, M.(1);Teixeira, C.(1);Mangualde, J.(1);Cremers, I.(1);Oliveira, A.(1);
(1)Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal- Hospital de São Bernardo, Gastroenterology, Setúbal, Portugal;
P211: Vaccination against Sars-Cov-2 in IBD patients: experience from a single tertiary referral centreECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Bezzio, C.(1); Guarino, A.D.(1);Arena, I.(1);Della Corte, C.(1);Devani, M.(1);Manes, G.(1);Schettino, M.(1);Sablich, E.(1);Vernero, M.(2);Saibeni, S.(1);
(1)Rho Hospital- ASST Rhodense, Gastroenterology Unit-, Rho, Italy;(2)University of Pavia, Department of medical sciences- Gastroenterology unit, Santena, Italy;
P212: The DUBLIN Score is a Useful Tool for Predicting Disease Course in Patients with Ulcerative ColitisECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Doherty, J.(1);Stack , R.(2);O Morain, N.(2);Mc Namara , D.(3);Coe, C.(2);Kevans, D.(4);Doherty, G.(2);
(1)St James Hospital, Gastroenterology, Dublin, Ireland;(2)Centre for Colorectal Disease, St Vincent’s University Hospital & School of Medicine- University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland;(3)Tallaght University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Dublin, Ireland;(4)St James Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Dublin, Ireland;INITIative IBD research network (
P213: Risk factors associated with NAFLD and liver fibrosis in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a prospective cohort studyECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Martínez-Domínguez, S.J.(1,2,3);García Mateo, S.(1,2,3);Gallego Llera, B.(3);Gargallo-Puyuelo, C.J.(1,2,3);Refaie, E.(4);Arroyo Villarino, M.T.(1,2,3);Laredo de la Torre, V.(1,3);Alfambra Cabrejas, E.(3);Gomollón García, F.(1,2,3);
(1)Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Zaragoza, Spain;(2)University of Zaragoza, School of Medicine, Zaragoza, Spain;(3)IIS Aragón, IIS Aragón, Zaragoza, Spain;(4)University of Milan, School of Medicine, Milan, Italy;
P214: Plasma fatty acid binding protein 2, interleukin-10 and lipopolysaccharides as biomarkers for microscopic colitisECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Vytautas, K.(1);Varkalaite, G.(2);Vaitkeviciute, E.(2);Arstikyte, J.(2);Skieceviciene, J.(2);Kupcinskas, J.(1);
(1)Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Department of Gastroenterology, Kaunas, Lithuania;(2)Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Institute for Digestive Research, Kaunas, Lithuania;
P215: Correlation between small bowel capsule endoscopy and biomarkers in postoperative recurrence in Crohn’s DiseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Elosua Gonzalez, A.(1);Rullan, M.(1);Rubio, S.(2);Oquiñena, S.(2);Macías, E.(2);Elizalde, I.(2);Vicuña, M.(2);Aznárez, M.R.(2);Juanmartiñena, J.F.(2);Borda, A.(2);Rodriguez, C.(2);Fernández-Urién, I.(2);Nantes, Ó.(2);
(1)Hospital García Orcoyen, Gastroenterology, Estella, Spain;(2)Hospital Universitario de Navarra, Gastroenterology, Pamplona, Spain;
P216: Effect of the Crohn’s disease exclusion diet (CDED) on the fecal calprotectin level in children with active Crohn’s disease.ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Matuszczyk, M.(1);Meglicka, M.(1);Wiernicka, A.(1);Jarzebicka, D.(1);Osiecki, M.(1);Kotkowicz-Szczur, M.(1);Kierkus, J.(1);
(1)The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Department of Gastroenterology- Hepatology- Feeding Disorders and Pediatrics, Warsaw, Poland;
P217: Prevalence of COVID-19 in IBD patients treated with infliximab and vedolizumab in Croatian tertiary center – clinical observation of a case seriesECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Domislović, V.(1);Brinar, M.(1,2);Čukovic-Čavka, S.(1,2);Turk, N.(1);Grgić, D.(1);Barišić, A.(1);Jelaković, M.(1);Krznarić, Ž.(1,2);
(1)Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Zagreb, Croatia;(2)University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia;
P218: Accuracy of Ultrasonography in Assessing Disease Activity in Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis: Preliminary Results of a two-center studyECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Marra, A.(1);Terracciano, F.(1);Bossa, F.(1);Pastore, M.R.(2);Marseglia, A.(2);Di Rodi , A.(2);Valvano, M.R.(1);Carparelli, S.(1);Ippolito, M.A.(1);D'Altilia, M.(2);Ferrara, D.(3);Esposito, F.(3);Bucci, C.(4);Perri, F.(1);
(1)IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Units, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy;(2)IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, Department of Pediatrics, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy;(3)AORN Santobono Pausillipon- Pediatric Hospital, Department of Radiology, Napoli, Italy;(4)AORN Santobono Pausillipon- Pediatric Hospital, Emergency Department, Napoli, Italy;
P219: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic in patients with a first consultation for suspected inflammatory bowel disease.ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Ramos Lopez, L.(1);Hernández, A.(1);Carrillo-Palau, M.(1);Hernández-Camba, A.(2);Alonso-Abreu , I.(1);Reygosa, C.(1);Vela, M.(2);Rodríguez, G.E.(2);González-Mendez, Y.(1);Tardillo, C.(2);Arranz, L.(2);Benítez-Zafra, F.(1);Hernández-Guerra, M.(1);
(1)Hospital Universitario De Canarias, Department of Gastroenterology, Santa Cruz De Tenerife, Spain;(2)Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, Gastroenterology, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain;
P220: CROHN'S DISEASE (CD): The predictive value of Montreal clinical patterns, and biological treatment in a Latin American IBD reference center.ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: SambuelliMD, A.(1);Gil, A.(1);Tirado, P.(1);Huernos, S.(1);Negreira, S.(1);Goncalves , S.(1);Rothwain, M.J.(1);Candel, I.(1);
(1)Bonorino Udaondo Hospital, IBD section - Clinical Department, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
P221: Association between Irritable Bowel Syndrome-type symptoms and Ulcerative Colitis: is it real?ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Silva, A.P.(1);Madeira, J.(2);Sant’Anna, M.(1);Temido, M.J.(1);Fernandes, A.(3);Lopes, S.(1);Ferreira, A.M.(1);Mendes, S.(1);Ferreira, M.(1,4);Silva, M.R.(2);Cipriano, M.A.(2);Figueiredo, P.(1,4);Portela, F.(1,4);
(1)Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Gastroenterology Department, Coimbra, Portugal;(2)Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Anatomy Pathology Department, Coimbra, Portugal;(3)Centro Hospitalar de Leiria, Gastroenterology Department, Leiria, Portugal;(4)Universidade de Coimbra, Faculty of Medicine, Coimbra, Portugal;
P222: Raman Spectroscopy in the diagnosis of pIBD: experimental studyECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Viola, I.(1);Costa, S.(1);Pellegrino , S.(1);Acri, G.(2);Romano, C.(1);
(1)University of Messina - @G.Martino@ Hospital, Pediatric Gastroenterology and Cystic Fibrosis Unit- Department of Human Pathology in Adulthood and Childhood, Messina, Italy;(2)University of Messina - @G.Martino@ Hospital, Department of BIOMORF, Messina, Italy;
P223: Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and platelet to lymphocyte ratio in patient with intestinal Behçet’s disease as a marker of disease activity and prognosisECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Jung, B.W.(1);Kang, E.A.(1);Park, S.J.(1);Park, J.J.(1);Cheon, J.H.(1);Kim, T.I.(1);Park, J.(1);
(1)Gastroenterology- Yonsei University College of Medicine, Internal medicine, Seoul, Korea- Republic Of;
P224: Deconstructing distress: Stakeholder engagement for evidence-based, patient-centered interventions for the management of IBD-associated psychological distressECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Heisler, C.G.(1);Rohatinsky, N.(2);Stewart, M.(3);Vallis, M.(4);Shepherd, T.(5);Wozney, L.(6);Cassidy, C.(7);Currie, B.(1);Phalen-Kelly, K.(8);Robar, J.(1);Targownik, L.(9);Huard, T.(10);Neil, E.(10);Jones, J.(3);
(1)Nova Scotia Health, Digestive Care & Endoscopy, Halifax, Canada;(2)University of Saskatchewan, College of Nursing, Saskatoon, Canada;(3)Dalhousie University, Medicine- Gastroenterology, Halifax, Canada;(4)Dalhousie University, Medicine- Psychiatry, Halifax, Canada;(5)Nova Scotia Health, Medicine- Psychology, Halifax, Canada;(6)Nova Scotia Health, Mental Health and Addictions, Halifax, Canada;(7)Dalhousie University, School of Nursing, Halifax, Canada;(8)Nova Scotia Health, Division of Digestive Care & Endoscopy, Halifax, Canada;(9)University of Toronto, Medicine- Gastroenterology, Toronto, Canada;(10)Nova Scotia Health, Nova Scotia Collaborative IBD Program, Halifax, Canada;
P225: David against Goliath: direct comparison of hand-held bowel sonography and magnetic resonance enterography for diagnosis of Crohn's diseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Rispo, A.(1);Mainenti, P.P.(2);Testa, A.(1);de Sire, R.(1);Imperatore, N.(1);Nardone, O.M.(1);Ricciolino, S.(1);Patturelli, M.(1);Olmo, O.(1);Calabrese, G.(1);Castiglione, F.(1);
(1)University Federico II of Naples, Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Naples, Italy;(2)Biostructures and Bioimaging of the National Council of Research, Radiology, Naples, Italy;