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P146: Initial response to induction treatment more important than type of induction treatment for achieving sustained steroid free remission at 1 year in new-onset paediatric Crohn’s diseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Klomberg, R.(1);van der Wal, H.(1);Sarbagili, C.(2);Kemos, P.(3);Ruemelle, F.(4);Croft, N.(3);de Ridder, L.(1);Levine, A.(2);
(1)Erasmus MC - Sophia Children's Hospital, Paediatric Gastroenterology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;(2)PIBD research center- Wolfson Medical Center, Pediatric Gastroenterology Unit, Holon, Israel;(3)Center for Immunobiology- Blizard Institute- Barts and the London School of Medicine- Queen Mary University of London, Paediatric Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom;(4)Université Paris Descartes- Sorbonne Paris Cité- APHP- Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades, Paediatric Gastroenterology, Paris, France;PIBD-SETQ consortium
P147: Do IBD Patient Treatment Outcomes Expectations Differ by Ethnicity and Gender?ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Broide, E.(1);Richter, V.(2);Mari, A.(3);Khoury, T.(3);Shirin, H.(2);Naftali, T.(4);
(1)Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Beer Ya'akov- Zerifin, Israel;(2)Shamir Medical center, Gastroenterology, Zerifin, Israel;(3)Nazareth Hospital, Gastroenterology, Nazareth, Israel;(4)Meir Medical Center, Gastroenterology, Kfar-Saba, Israel;
P148: Subclinical inflammatory bowel disease precedes the diagnosis and leads to an increase on healthcare resources utilization: multicentric case-control study in the Basque CountryECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Rodríguez-Lago, I.(1);Aguirre, U.(2);Ramírez de la Piscina, P.(3);Muñagorri, A.(4);Zapata, E.(5);Higuera, R.(6);Montalvo, I.(7);Iriarte, A.(8);Fernández-Calderón, M.(9);Arreba, P.(10);Carrascosa, J.(11);Cabriada, J.L.(1);Barreiro-de Acosta, M.(12);
(1)Hospital Universitario de Galdakao, Gastroenterology, Galdakao, Spain;(2)Hospital Universitario de Galdakao. Research Network on Chronic Disease REDISSEC, Research Unit, Galdakao, Spain;(3)Hospital Universitario Araba, Gastroenterology, Vitoria, Spain;(4)Hospital Universitario Donostia, Gastroenterology, Donostia, Spain;(5)Hospital de Mendaro, Gastroenterology, Mendaro, Spain;(6)Hospital San Eloy, Gastroenterology, Barakaldo, Spain;(7)Onkologikoa, Gastroenterology, Donostia, Spain;(8)Hospital de Bidasoa, Gastroenterology, Hondarribia, Spain;(9)Hospital de Mondragón, Gastroenterology, Mondragón, Spain;(10)Hospital Universitario de Basurto, Gastroenterology, Bilbao, Spain;(11)Hospital de Zumárraga, Gastroenterology, Zumárraga, Spain;(12)Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago, Gastroenterology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain;
P149: Prioritising colonoscopy by faecal immunochemical test result does not delay the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: White, K.(1);Makin, A.(1);
(1)Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Gastroenterology, Manchester, United Kingdom;
Year: 2022
Authors: Bezzio, C.(1);Guarino, A.D.(1);Fiorino, G.(2);Armuzzi, A.(3);Ribaldone, D.G.(4);Furfaro, F.(5);Pugliese, D.(3);Vernero, M.(6);Variola, A.(7);Gerardi, V.(8);Scucchi, L.(9);Viganò, C.(10);Caprioli, F.A.(11);Roselli, J.(12);Coppini, F.(13);Ardizzone, S.(14);Onali, S.(15);Zingone, F.(16);Daperno, M.(17);Cortellezzi, C.(18);Carparelli, S.(19);Soriano, A.(20);Manes, G.(1);Saibeni, S.(1);
(1)Rho Hospital- ASST Rhodense, Gastroenterology Unit, Rho MI, Italy;(2)Humanitas University-, Department of Biomedical Sciences-, Milan, Italy;(3)Fondazione PoliclinicoUniversitarioGemelli IRCCS, CEMAD- IBD Unit- Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology Unit- Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences-, Rome, Italy;(4)Università di Torino, Division of Gastroenterology- Department of Medical Sciences-, Torino, Italy;(5)Humanitas University, Department of Biomedical Sciences-, Milan, Italy;(6)University of Pavia, Department of medical sciences- Gastroenterology unit, Santena, Italy;(7)IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria-, Gastroenterology Unit-, Verona, Italy;(8)Poliambulanza Foundation, Gastroenterology Unit-, Brescia, Italy;(9)University Tor Vergata, Department of Systems Medicine-, Rome, Italy;(10)San Gerardo Hospital, Gastroenterology Unit-, Monza, Italy;(11)Fondazione IRCCS Ca' GrandaOspedale Maggiore Policlinico, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit-, Milan, Italy;(12)Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi, Gastroenterology Unit, Firenze, Italy;(13)Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana, Gastroenterology Unit-, Pisa, Italy;(14)ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco, Gastroenterology Unit, Milan, Italy;(15)University of Cagliari, Department of Medical Science and Public Health- Gastroenterology Unit, cagliari, Italy;(16)University of Padua, Department of internal medicine-, Padua, Italy;(17)Mauriziano Hospital, 19Gastroenterology Unit, Turin, Italy;(18)Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi, ASST Sette Laghi- Gastroenterology and GI Endoscopy Unit-, Varese, Italy;(19)Fondazione IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy;(20)Azienda USL Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova - IRCCS di Reggio Emilia, GastroenterologyDivision-, Reggio Emilia, Italy;Italian Group for the study of InflammatoryBowelDisease (IG-IBD)
P151: Rationalizing colonoscopy utilization for Inflammatory bowel disease diagnosis: time to reset the Calprotectin threshold to >600?ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Abdellah Ahmed, M.(1,3);Desoki, R.(1,2);Taylor, K.(4);Woodward, J.(1);Corbett, G.(1);Parkes, M.(1);
(1)Addenbrookes Hospital - Cambridge University Hospitals NHS FT, Gastroenterology, Cambridge, United Kingdom;(2)Alexandria University, Genetics, Alexandria, Egypt;(3)Al-Azhar University, Internal Medicine, Cairo, Egypt;(4)Addenbrookes Hospital - Cambridge University Hospitals NHS FT, Endocrine Laboratory- Blood Sciences., Cambridge, United Kingdom;
P152: Impact of disease location on burden of illness in patients with moderate-severe Crohn’s disease: A real-world survey in the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and United Kingdom (5EU)ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Sikirica, M.(1);Lynch, J.(2);Kershaw, J.(3);Lukanova, R.(3);Baker, S.(3);Milligan, G.(3);
(1)Janssen Global Services- LLC, Global Commercial Strategy, Horsham, United States;(2)Janssen Research & Development- LLC, Immunology, Horsham, United States;(3)Adelphi Real World, Autoimmune, Bollington, United Kingdom;
P153: The impact of seton use on clinical and patient-reported outcomes in Crohn’s disease perianal fistulas: findings from a systematic literature reviewECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: White, I.(1);Karki, C.(2);Geransar , P.(3);Worsfold, A.(4);Leisle, L.(5);Junker, S.(5);Fleshner, P.(6);
(1)Beilinson Hospital- Rabin Medical Centre, Colorectal Unit- Surgical Department, Petah Tikva, Israel;(2)Takeda Pharmaceuticals USA Inc., Global Evidence and Outcomes, Cambridge- MA, United States;(3)Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG, Global Medical Affairs - Rare GI, Zurich, Switzerland;(4)M-Spective Limited, Real-World Evidence & Analytics, Cambridge, United Kingdom;(5)Ingress-Health HWM GmbH an affiliate of Cytel Inc., Real World Advanced Analytics, Berlin, Germany;(6)Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre, Division of Colon and Rectal, Los Angeles- California, United States;
P154: Evaluation of serum protein FingerPrint biomarkers of collagen, citrullinated vimentin and calprotectin in patients with inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Luo, Y.(1);Saini, J.(2);Mortensen , J.(3);Bay-Jensen, A.(4);Karsdal, M.(5);Greenawalt, D.(2);Harris, S.(6);
(1)Bristol Myers Squibb, Translational Medicine, Lawrenceville, United States;(2)Bristol Myers Squibb, Predictive Science, Lawrenceville, United States;(3)Nordic Bioscience, Immunology, Herlev, Denmark;(4)Nordic Bioscience, Immunology, Hrelev, Denmark;(5)Nordic Bioscience, Immunology and Fibrosis, Herlev, Denmark;(6)Bristol Myers Squibb, Translational Medicine, San Diego, United States;
P155: Incidence and significance of vitamin D deficiency at Inflammatory Bowel Disease inception in the COVID eraECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Rimmer, P.(1);Cheesbrough, J.(1);Palmer, L.(2);Meade, I.(2);Zaman Mim, M.T.(1);Mohamed, Z.(1);Shariff, S.(1);Sharma, N.(1);Cooney, R.(1);Quraishi, M.N.(1);Iqbal, T.(1);
(1)University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Gastroenterology, Birmingham, United Kingdom;(2)University of Birmingham, School of Medicine, Birmingham, United Kingdom;
P156: A multicentric study on the development and application of a deep learning algorithm for automatic detection of ulcers and erosions in the novel PillCam™ Crohn’s capsuleECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Ribeiro, T.(1);Mascarenhas, M.(1);Afonso, J.(1);Cardoso, H.(1);Andrade, A.P.(1);Lopes, S.(1);Mascarenhas Saraiva, M.(2);Ferreira, J.(3);Macedo, G.(1);
(1)Centro Hospitalar de São João, Department of Gastroenterology, Porto, Portugal;(2)ManopH Gastroenterology Clinic, Department of Gastroenterology, Porto, Portugal;(3)Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Porto, Portugal;
P157: Biologic therapy and short disease duration correlate with no dysplasia when colectomy performed for ulcerative colitisECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Ori, B.(1);Shlomo, Y.(1);Petachia, R.(1);Eran, G.(2);Koslowsky, B.(2);
(1)Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Department of Surgery, Jerusalem, Israel;(2)Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Jerusalem, Israel;
P158: Disease and non-disease-related risk factors for inadequate bowel preparation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: should the strategy be different?ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Capela, T.(1);Macedo Silva, V.(1);Freitas , M.(1);Sousa Magalhães, R.(1);Cúrdia Gonçalves, T.(1);Dias de Castro, F.(1);Moreira, M.J.(1);Cotter, J.(1);
(1)Hospital da Senhora da Oliveira, Gastroenterology Department, Guimarães, Portugal;
P159: Faecal S100A12 as a non-invasive marker of inflammatory activity in Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Cenni, S.(1);Casertano, M.(2);Caprio, A.M.(2);Pacella, D.(3);Miele, E.(1);Martinelli, M.(1);Staiano, A.(1);Strisciuglio, C.(2);
(1)University of Naples @Federico II@, Department of Translational Medical Science- Section of Pediatrics, Naples, Italy;(2)University of Campania @Luigi Vanvitelli@, Department of Woman- Child and General and Specialist Surgery-, Naples, Italy;(3)University of Naples “Federico II”, Department of Public Health, Naples, Italy;
P160: Pan-enteric mucosal inflammation in CD patients treated with vedolizumab – interim results of a prospective observational study using a panenteric capsule (PiilCam CD)ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Kopylov, U.(1);Lipkin, M.(1);Ungar, B.(1);Haj, O.(1);Shachar, E.(1);Lahat, A.(1);Ben-Horin, S.(1);Eliakim, R.(1);
(1)Tel-HaShomer Sheba Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel;
P161: Implementation of Outcome Measurement – Case Finnish IBD registerECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Mustonen, A.(1);Asikainen, S.(2);Hermansson, L.L.(3);Jussila , A.(4);
(1)BCB Medical Ltd, Life Science, Turku, Finland;(2)BCB Medical Ltd, Life Science, Espoo, Finland;(3)BCB Medical Ltd, Life Science, Luzern, Switzerland;(4)Tampere University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology and Alimentary Tract Surgery, Tampere, Finland;
P162: Prevalence and incidence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients: risk factors for progressionECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Crispino, F.(1);Brinch, D.(1);Scrivo, B.(1);Celsa, C.(1);Di Grado, G.(1);Sapia, A.(1);Petta, S.(1);Cappello, M.(1);
(1)University of Palermo, Gastroenterology & Hepatology Section- PROMISE, Palermo, Italy;
P163: Abdominal X-ray: an invaluable tool in Acute Severe Ulcerative ColitisECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Correia, J.(1);Gomes, C.(1);Afecto, E.(1);Estevinho, M.(1);Rodrigues, A.(1);Silva, A.P.(1);Fernandes, C.(1);Ponte, A.(1);Silva, J.C.(1);Freitas, T.(1);
(1)Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho EPE, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal;
P164: Assessment of awareness and compliance with the recommendations of primary and secondary prevention of cancer in patients with Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Tulewicz-Marti, E.(1);Łodyga, M.(1);Stępień-Wrochna, B.(1);Lewandowski, K.(1);Rydzewska, G.(1);
(1)Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Administration- Warsaw- Poland, Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Unit, Warsaw, Poland;
P165: Characterization and risk of sarcopenia in patients with Ulcerative Colitis, compared with older and younger adults. Cross-sectional study.ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Alison , S.C.(1);Ylse , G.G.(2);Viridiana , M.M.(1);Bueno Hernández, N.(1);
(1)General Hospital of Mexico Dr. Eduardo Licega, Research division, Mexico City-, Mexico;(2)Medica Sur, Gastroenterology, Mexico City, Mexico;