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DOP76: Real-world multicenter comparison of effectiveness between tofacitinib and vedolizumab in patients with Ulcerative Colitis after failure to at least one anti-TNF agentECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Buisson, A.(1);Nachury, M.(2);Fumery, M.(3);Guilmoteau, T.(1);Leclerc, E.(1);Altwegg, R.(4);Serrero, M.(5);Mathieu, N.(6);Treton, X.(7);Vuitton, L.(8);Pereira, B.(9);Amiot, A.(10);Bouguen, G.(11);
(1)University Hospital Estaing, Department of Gastroenterology- IBD Unit, Clermont-Ferrand, France;(2)CHRU Lille, IBD Unit, Lille, France;(3)CHU Amiens, IBD Unit, Amiens, France;(4)CHU Montpellier, IBD Unit, Montpellier, France;(5)AP-HM, IBD Unit, Marseille, France;(6)CHU Grenoble, IBD Unit, Grenoble, France;(7)AP-HP Beaujon Hospital, IBD Unit, Paris, France;(8)CHU Besançon, IBD Unit, Besançon, France;(9)University Hospital Estaing, DRCI- Biostatistics Unit, Clermont-Ferrand, France;(10)AP-HP Creteil Hospital, IBD Unit, Paris, France;(11)CHU Rennes, IBD Unit, Rennes, France;
DOP77: Comparative real-world effectiveness and persistence of vedolizumab versus anti-TNF therapy in biologic-naïve patients with Crohn´s Disease with Propensity Score adjustment: Maintenance phase results at week-52 from the prospective VEDOIBD studyECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Di Giuseppe, R.(1);Plachta-Danielzik, S.(2);Bokemeyer, B.(3);Efken, P.(4);Mohl, W.(5);Hoffstadt, M.(6);Krause, T.(7);Schweitzer, A.(8);Schnoy, E.(9);Atreya, R.(10);Teich, N.(11);Trentmann, L.(12);Ehehalt, R.(13);Franzenburg, S.(2);Hartmann, P.(4);Schreiber, S.(14);
(1)Kompetenznetz Darmerkrankungen, Statistics and Epidemiology, Kiel, Germany;(2)Kompetenznetz Darmerkrankungen, Studienabteilung, Kiel, Germany;(3)Interdisciplinary Crohn Colitis Centre, Crohn Colitis Centre, Minden, Germany;(4)Gastroenterology Practice, Gastroenterology, Minden, Germany;(5)Gastroenterology Practice, Gastroenterology, Saarbrücken, Germany;(6)Gastroenterology Practice, Gastroenterology, Iserlohn, Germany;(7)Gastroenterology Practice, Gastroenterology, Kassel, Germany;(8)Gastroenterology Practice, Gastroenterology, Münster, Germany;(9)University Hospital Augsburg, Department of Gastroenterology, Augsburg, Germany;(10)University Hospital Erlangen- University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Erlangen, Department of Medicine- Medical Clinic 1, Erlangen, Germany;(11)Internistische Gemeinschaftspraxis für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten, Gastroenterology, Leipzig, Germany;(12)Gastroenterology Practice, Gastroenterology, Bremen, Germany;(13)University Hospital Heidelberg, Department of Gastroenterology, Heidelberg, Germany;(14)University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein- Campus Kiel, Clinic of General Internal Medicine I, Kiel, Germany;
DOP78: Comparative study of the effectiveness of vedolizumab versus ustekinumab after anti-TNF failure (VERSUS-CD)ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: García García, M.J.(1);Rivero, M.(1);Fernández-Clotet, A.(2);de Francisco, R.(3);Sicilia, B.(4);Mesonero, F.(5);de Castro, M.L.(6);Casanova, M.J.(7);Bertoletti, F.(8);García Alonso, F.J.(9);López García, A.(10);Julián, B.(11);Calvet, X.(12);Barreiro-de Acosta, M.(13);Jara, L.(14);Varela, P.(15);Nuñez, A.(16);Ricart, E.(2);Riestra, S.(3);Arias, L.(4);Rodríguez, M.(17);Arranz, L.(18);Pajares, R.(19);Mena, R.(20);Calafat, M.(21);Camo, P.(22);Jiménez, L.(23);Ponferrada, A.(24);Madrigal, R.E.(25);Llao, J.(26);Sesé, E.(27);Almela, P.(28);Codesido, L.(29);de la Maza, S.(30);Leal, C.(31);Sánchez, E.(5);Pineda Mariño, J.R.(6);Domènech, E.(21);Chaparro, M.(7);P. Gisbert, J.(7); GETECCU
(1)Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla- IDIVAL, Gastroenterology, Santander, Spain;(2)Hospital Clinic of Barcelona- CIBERehd, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain;(3)Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias- Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Principado de Asturias ISPA, Gastroenterology, Oviedo, Spain;(4)Hospital Universitario de Burgos, IBD Unit- Gastroenterology, Burgos, Spain;(5)Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Gastroenterology, Madrid, Spain;(6)Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro, Gastroenterology, Vigo, Spain;(7)Hospital Universitario de La Princesa- Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Princesa IIS-IP- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid UAM- Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas CIBERehd, Gastroenterology, Madrid, Spain;(8)Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain;(9)Hospital Universitario Río Hortega, Gastroenterology, Valladolid, Spain;(10)Hospital del Mar, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain;(11)Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, Gastroenterology, Zaragoza, Spain;(12)Consorci Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí, Gastroenterology, Sabadell, Spain;(13)Hospital Universitario Clínico de Santiago, Gastroenterology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain;(14)Hospital Universitario Fundación de Alcorcón, Gastroenterology, Alcorcón, Spain;(15)Hospital Universitario de Cabueñes, Gastroenterology, Gijón, Spain;(16)Hospital Universitario de Salamanca, Gastroenterology, Salamanca, Spain;(17)Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real, Gastroenterology, Ciudad Real, Spain;(18)Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de Candelaria, Gastroenterology, Tenerife, Spain;(19)Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofía, Gastroenterology, Madrid, Spain;(20)Consorci Sanitari de Terrasa, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain;(21)Hospital Universitari Germans Trias I Pujol, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain;(22)Hospital General San Jorge, Gastroenterology, Huesca, Spain;(23)Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada, Gastroenterology, Madrid, Spain;(24)Hospital Infanta Leonor, Gastroenterology, Madrid, Spain;(25)Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Gastroenterology, Valladolid, Spain;(26)Althaia Xarxa Assistencial Universitària de Manresa, Gastroenterology, Manresa, Spain;(27)Hospital Universitario Arnau de Vilanova de Lleida, Gastroenterology, Lleida, Spain;(28)Hospital General Universitario de Castellón, Gastroenterology, Castellón, Spain;(29)Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Ourense, Gastroenterology, Ourense, Spain;(30)Hospital Universitario de Basurto, Gastroenterology, Bilbao, Spain;(31)Consorci Hospitalari de Vic, Gastroenterology, Vic, Spain;
DOP79: Biomarkers for IBD using OLINK Proteomics inflammation panel: Preliminary results from the COLLIBRI consortiumECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Sudhakar, P.(1);Salomon, B.(2);Verstockt, B.(1,3);Ungaro, R.(4);Aden, K.(5); D'Haens, G.(6);Komori, K.(7);Guay, H.(8);Silverberg, M.(9);Vermeire, S.(1,3);Halfvarson, J.(10); The COLLIBRI consortium
(1)KU Leuven, Department of Chronic Diseases- Metabolism and Ageing- Translational Research Center for Gastrointestinal Disorders TARGID, Leuven, Belgium;(2)Örebro University, School of Medical Sciences- Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro, Sweden;(3)University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium;(4)Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, The Dr. Henry D. Janowitz Division of Gastroenterology- Department of Medicine, New York- NY, United States;(5)Christian-Albrechts-University and University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Kiel, Germany;(6)Amsterdam University Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(7)Arena Pharmaceuticals, Translational Medicine, San Diego- CA, United States;(8)AbbVie Inc., Immunology Precision Medicine, Worcester- MA, United States;(9)Mount Sinai Hospital, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Centre-, Toronto- ON, Canada;(10)Örebro University, Department of Gastroenterology- Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro, Sweden;
DOP80: Integrated tissue transcriptomic and serum proteomic interrogation reveals biomarkers for endoscopic improvement and histologic remission after JAK3/TEC inhibition with ritlecitinib (PF-06651600) in Ulcerative Colitis (UC) (Phase 2b Vibrato study)ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Hassan-ZahraeePhD, M.(1);Ye, Z.(1);Xi, L.(1);Banerjee, A.(1);He, W.(1);Dushin, E.(1);Lee, J.(1);Altintas, E.(2);Romatowski, J.(3);Leszczyszyn, J.(4);Danese, S.(5);Sandborn, W.J.(6);Banfield, C.(1);Gale, J.(7);Peeva, E.(7);Vincent, M.(7);Hyde, C.(1);Longman, R.(8);Hung, K.E.(7);
(1)Pfizer Inc., Early Clinical Development, Cambridge, United States;(2)Mersin University, Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Mersin, Turkey;(3)Provincial Complex Hospital, Gastroenterology, Bialystok, Poland;(4)Melita Medical, Endoscopic Surgery, Wrocław, Poland;(5)IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele and University Vita-Salute San Raffaele Milano Italy, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Milano, Italy;(6)University of California San Diego, Division of Gastroenterology, San Diego, United States;(7)Pfizer Inc., Inflammation & Immunology, Cambridge, United States;(8)Weill Cornell Medical College, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, New York, United States;
DOP81: Baseline whole-blood gene expression of TREM1 does not predict clinical or endoscopic outcomes following adalimumab treatment in patients with Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease in the SERENE studiesECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Verstockt, B.(1);Al Mahi, N.(2);Pivorunas, V.(3);Smaoui, N.(2);Guay, H.(3);Kennedy, N.A.(4);Hanauer, S.B.(5);Ferrante, M.(1);Panés, J.(6);Vermeire, S.(1);
(1)University Hospital Leuven & KU Leuven, Gastroenterology, Leuven, Belgium;(2)AbbVie Inc., Immunology, North Chicago, United States;(3)AbbVie Bioresearch Centre, Immunology, Worcester, United States;(4)Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Gastrointestinal and Liver Service, Exeter, United Kingdom;(5)Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Evanston, United States;(6)IDIBAPS- CIBERehd, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;
DOP82: Achievement of steroid-free remission in patients with moderately to severely active Crohn’s Disease during treatment with risankizumabECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Schreiber, S.W.(1);Cross, R.(2);Panaccione, R.(3);D'Haens, G.(4);Bossuyt, P.(5);Colombel, J.F.(6);Louis, E.(7);Dubinsky, M.(6);Kligys, K.(8);Neimark, E.(8);Song, A.(8);Zambrano, J.(8);Cheng, E.(8);Ferrante, M.(9);
(1)University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Department Internal Medicine I- Kiel University, Kiel, Germany;(2)University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Baltimore, United States;(3)University of Calgary, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Unit, Calgary- Alberta, Canada;(4)Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Department of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Amsterdam, Netherlands Antilles;(5)Imelda General Hospital, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinic, Bonheiden, Belgium;(6)Icahn School of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology, Mt. Sinai, United States;(7)University Hospital CHU of Liège, Department of Gastroenterology, Liège, Belgium;(8)AbbVie Inc., Department of Gastroenterology, North Chicago, United States;(9)University Hospitals Leuven, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium;
DOP83: Normalisation of biomarkers and improvement in clinical outcomes in patients with Crohn’s Disease treated with risankizumab in the phase 3 ADVANCE, MOTIVATE, and FORTIFY studiesECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Atreya, R.(1);Feagan, B.(2);Shchukina, O.(3);Jairath, V.(4);Rieder, F.(5);Hisamatsu, T.(6);Siegmund, B.(7);Rizzo, J.(8);Kligys, K.(8);Neimark, E.(8);Song, A.(8);Zambrano, J.(8);Mallick, M.(8);Cheng, E.(8);Armuzzi, A.(9);
(1)Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Medicine, Erlangen, Germany;(2)Western University, Gastroenterology, London, Canada;(3)Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Gastroenterology, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation;(4)Western University, Medicine, London, Canada;(5)Digestive Diseases and Surgery Institute- Cleveland Clinic, Gastroenterology- Hepatology and Nutrition, Cleveland, United States;(6)Kyorin University School of Medicine, Gastroenterology, Mitaka, Japan;(7)Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Medicine Divisions of Gastroenterology- Infectious Diseases- Rheumatology, Berlin, Germany;(8)AbbVie Inc., Gastroenterology, North Chicago, United States;(9)Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Gastroenterology, Rome, Italy;
DOP84: Risankizumab maintenance therapy results in sustained improvements in endoscopic outcomes in patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s Disease: Post-hoc analysis from the phase 3 study FORTIFYECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Irving, P.M.(1);Abreu, M.(2);Axler, J.(3);Gao, X.(4);Torres, J.(5);Neimark, E.(6);Song, A.(7);Wallace, K.(7);Kligys, K.(8);Berg, S.(8);Liao, X.(7);Panaccione, R.(9);
(1)St. Thomas' Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom;(2)University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Crohn's & Colitis Center, Miami, United States;(3)TDDA, Toronto Digestive Disease Associates Inc, Vaughan, Canada;(4)The Sixth Affiliated Hospital- Sun Yat-sen University, Department of Gastroenterology- The Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Guangzhou-, China;(5)Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, Division of Gastroenterology-, Loures, Portugal;(6)AbbVie, Clinical Development, Worcester, United States;(7)AbbVie, Clinical Development, North Chicago, United States;(8)AbbVie, Global Medical Affairs, Mettawa, United States;(9)Cumming School of Medicine- University of Calgary, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Calgary, Canada;
DOP85: Efficacy of risankizumab rescue therapy in patients with moderately to severely active Crohn’s Disease and inadequate response to risankizumab maintenance therapyECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Baert, F.J.(1);Atreya, R.(2);Kakuta, Y.(3);Long, M.(4);Roblin, X.(5);Neimark, E.(6);Song, A.(6);Wallace, K.(6);Kingys, K.(6);Mallick, M.(6);Liao, X.(6);Lim, A.(7);
(1)AZ Delta, Department of Gastroenterology, Roeselare-Menen, Belgium;(2)Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg- University Hospital Erlangen, Department of Medicine, Erlangen, Germany;(3)Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Seiryo- Aoba- Sendai, Japan;(4)University of North Carolina, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Multidisciplinary Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Chapel Hill, United States;(5)University Hospital of Saint-Étienne, Department of Gastroenterology, Saint-Étienne, France;(6)AbbVie Inc., Department of Gastroenterology, North Chicago, United States;(7)John Flynn Private Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Tugun- Queensland, Australia;
DOP86: Mirikizumab-induced upregulation of colonic transcripts correlates with improvements in stool frequency in a phase 2 study of patients with moderately to severely active Ulcerative ColitisECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Steere, B.(1);Powell, N.(2);Higgs, R.(1);Wang, Y.C.(1);Milch, C.(1);Sandborn, W.J.(3);Sands, B.E.(4);Reinisch, W.(5);D'Haens, G.(6);Krishnan, G.(1);
(1)Eli Lilly and Company, Biomedicines, Indianapolis, United States;(2)Imperial College London, Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom;(3)University of California San Diego, Gastroenterology, San Diego, United States;(4)Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Gastroenterology, New York, United States;(5)Medical University of Vienna, Internal Medicine, Vienna, Austria;(6)Amsterdam UMC, Gastroenterology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
DOP87: Association of histologic measurement with endoscopic outcomes after one year of treatment with mirikizumab in patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s DiseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Magro, F.(1);De Hertogh, G.(2);Protic, M.(3);Chan, L.S.(3);Pollack, P.(3);Feagan, B.G.(4);Harpaz, N.(5);Pai, R.(6);Reinisch, W.(7);
(1)University Hospital São João, Pharmacology, Porto, Portugal;(2)KU Leuven, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium;(3)Eli Lilly and Company, Biomedicines, Indianapolis, United States;(4)Robarts Clinical Trials Inc, Medicine- Epidemiology & Biostatistics, London, Canada;(5)Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Gastroenterology, New York, United States;(6)The Mayo Clinic, Gastroenterology, Scottsdale, United States;(7)Medical University of Vienna, Internal Medicine, Vienna, Austria;
DOP88: Long-term real-world data of ustekinumab in Crohn’s Disease – the Stockholm ustekinumab study – STOCUSTEECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Bello, F.(1);Lördal, M.(2);Johansson, F.(3);Sabhan, H.(4);Muhsen, S.(2);Borin, A.(5);Forsberg, O.(6);Wennerström, C.(6);Söderman, C.(4);Almer, S.(1);
(1)Karolinska University Hospital, IBD-Unit- Division of Gastroenterology, Stockholm, Sweden;(2)Danderyd Hospital, Divsion of Gastroenterology and Hepatology- Department of Medicine, Danderyd, Sweden;(3)Danderyd Hospital, Medical Library, Danderyd, Sweden;(4)S:t Göran’s Hospital, Gastroenterology Unit- Medical Department, Stockholm, Sweden;(5)South Hospital, Department of Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden;(6)Janssen Cilag AB, Immunology, Stockholm, Sweden;
DOP89: Infliximab and ustekinumab clearance during induction predicts post-induction endoscopic outcomes in patients with Crohn’s DiseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Wang, Z.(1);Kantasiripitak, W.(1);Verstockt, B.(2,3);João, S.(2,3);Ferrante, M.(2,3);Declerck, P.(1);D’Haens, G.(4);Laharie, D.(5);Vermeire, S.(2,3);Dreesen, E.(1);
(1)KU Leuven, Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, Leuven, Belgium;(2)University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Leuven, Belgium;(3)KU Leuven, Department of Chronic Diseases and Metabolism, Leuven, Belgium;(4)Amsterdam UMC, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(5)Université de Bordeaux, Department of Hepato-gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology, Bordeaux, France;
DOP90: Efficacy of the treat-to-target approach in modifying disease course with ustekinumab in patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn’s Disease: Results from the STARDUST trialECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Peyrin-Biroulet, L.(1);Vermeire, S.(2);D'Haens, G.R.(3);Panés, J.(4);Dignass, A.(5);Magro, F.(6,7);Le Bars, M.(8);Lahaye , M.(9);Nazar, M.(10);Ni, L.(11);Bravatà , I.(12);Lavie , F.(9);Daperno , M.(13);Lukáš , M.(14);Armuzzi , A.(15);Löwenberg , M.(3);Gaya , D.R.(16);Danese , S.(17); STARDUST
(1)University Hospital of Nancy- University of Lorraine- INSERM U1256 NGERE, Department of Hepato-Gastroenterology, Houdemont, France;(2)University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Leuven, Belgium;(3)Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(4)Hospital Clinic of Barcelona- IDIBAPS- CIBERehd, Department of Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain;(5)Agaplesion Markus Hospital, Department of Medicine I, Frankfurt/Main, Germany;(6)Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology- Faculty of Medicine University of Porto, Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Porto, Portugal;(7)Hospital de São João, Department of Gastroenterology, Porto, Portugal;(8)Janssen-Cilag, Medical Affairs, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France;(9)Janssen-Cilag BV, Medical Affairs, Breda, The Netherlands;(10)Janssen-Cilag Polska Sp. z o.o, Medical Affairs, Warsaw, Poland;(11)Janssen-Cilag Russia, Medical Affairs, Moscow, Russian Federation;(12)Janssen-Cilag, Medical Affairs, Milan, Italy;(13)Mauriziano Hospital, Gastroenterology Unit, Turin, Italy;(14)Clinical Center ISCARE, Clinical and Research Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Prague, Czech Republic;(15)Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, IBD Unit- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy;(16)Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Department of Gastroenterology, Glasgow, United Kingdom;(17)Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele and University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy;
N01: Type of patient education impacts the willingness to switch from an IV to SC of a biological in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a multicentre, comparative study.ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: De Dycker, E.(1);Hoefkens, E.(2);Asnong, K.(2);Geens, P.(1);Lembrechts, N.(2);Lambrechts, T.(1);Van de Schoot, I.(2);Paps, A.(2);Vermeire, S.(1);Pouillon, L.(2);Ferrante, M.(1);Bossuyt, P.(2);
(1)University Hospitals Leuven- KU Leuven, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Leuven, Belgium;(2)Imelda General Hospital Bonheiden, Department of Gastroenterology, Bonheiden, Belgium;
N02: The importance of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) and its impact on quality of life and medication adherence in patients with Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Herrerias, G.(1);Barros, J.R.(2);Lopes, M.A.(1);Saad-Hossne, R.(3);Baima, J.P.(4);Sassaki, L.Y.(4);
(1)São Paulo State University Unesp- Medical School- Botucatu, medical clinic department, Botucatu, Brazil;(2)Federal University of Rio de Janeiro- Macae- Brazil, Nursing Institute, Macaé/RJ, Brazil;(3)São Paulo State University Unesp- Medical School- Botucatu/SP, Department of surgery and orthopedics, Botucatu/SP, Brazil;(4)São Paulo State University Unesp- Medical School- Botucatu/SP, Department of Clinical Medicine, Botucatu/SP, Brazil;
N03: Medication adherence in relation to Health-related Quality of Life in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease – a cross-sectional studyECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Johansson, E.(1);Lovén WickmanRN- PhD, U.(2);
(1)Linköping university, Medical student- Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping, Sweden;(2)Linnaeus University, Department of Health and Caring Sciences, Kalmar, Sweden;
N04: A systematic review of the impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) on family membersECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Thapwong, P.(1);Norton, C.(1);Rowland, E.(1);Farah, N.(1); Czuber- Dochan, W.(1);
(1)King's college London, Nursing faculty, London, United Kingdom;
N05: Patient involvement in inflammatory bowel disease therapy and disease-related parameters - is there an association?ECCO'22
Year: 2022
Authors: Haj Natour, O.(1);Magnezi, R.(2);Ben Horin, S.(3);Lipkin, M.(3);Ungar, B.(3);Galper, A.(3);Sina, S.(3);Kopylov, U.(3);
(1)Tel-HaShomer Sheba Medical Center+ Bar Ilan University, Department of Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel;(2)Bar Ilan University, Department of Manegment, Ramat Gan, Israel;(3)Tel-HaShomer Sheba Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel;