Exit StrategiesECCO e-LearningYear: 2017
Authors: Johan Burisch, Ren Mao, Edyta Szymanska, Glen Doherty
This course has been developed for gastroenterologists, surgeons, paediatricians, pathologists and other interdisciplinary medical experts interested in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(s) (IBD). One major aim of this e-learning activity is to provide evidence-based guidance for clinical practice so that physicians can make informed decisions in partnership with their patients regarding their optimal exit strategies.
After this course you will:
- To recognise risks, benefits and timing of stopping anti-TNF used as monotherapy or in combination with IM in IBD.
- To know optimal monitoring following withdrawal of biologic therapy
Use of exclusive enteral nutrition in CDECCO e-LearningYear: 2017
Authors: Richard K. Russell, Simona Gatti, Rotem Sigall-Boneh, Arie Levine
This course has been developed for gastroenterologists, dietitians, surgeons, paediatricians, nurses and other interdisciplinary medical experts interested in Inflammatory Bowel Disease(s) (IBD). The major aims of this e-learning activity are to provide an evidence-based but also practical approach to dietary therapy for the management of Crohn's Disease (CD). This case was developed by a multidisciplinary team and places emphasis both on the use of exclusive enteral nutrition and on the provision of the best possible nutritional and patient support based on clinical practice in experienced centres.
After this case you will:
- Know how to use exclusive enteral nutrition
- Understand the rationale and current evidence regarding the use of exclusive enteral nutrition
- Understand how to use your multidisciplinary team to optimise outcomes
Ulcerative Colitis: From the nurse's perspectiveECCO e-LearningYear: 2016
Authors: Karen Kemp, Nienke Ipenburg, Lydia White, and Usha Chauhan
This course is designed for nurses with an interest in IBD. The intended results of this activity are increased competence, knowledge and performance and improved patient outcomes.
Upon completion of this activity learners will:
- Have thought through what key information a newly diagnosed patient with Ulcerative Colitis (UC) needs
- Know about the use of mesalazine medication in the treatment of mild to moderate colitis
- Understand issues of compliance for patients on maintenance treatment
- Understand issues of follow-up and support for patients with UC
P670: Intestinal Motility Changes in Patients Undergoing Removable Stent Treatment for Focal Crohn’s Disease StricturesYear: 2024
Authors: Das , R.(1);Singh , R.(2);Menys , A.(3)*;Din , S.(4);Hoad , C.(5);Lund , J.(6);Cole , A.(4);
(1)Royal Derby Hospital, Gastroenterology, Nottingham, United Kingdom;(2)Royal Derby Hospital, Radiology, Derby, United Kingdom;(3)Motilent, Motilent, London, United Kingdom;(4)Royal Derby Hospital, Gastroenterology, Derby, United Kingdom;(5)University of Nottingham, Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, Nottingham, United Kingdom;(6)University of Nottingham, Academic Surgery, Derby, United Kingdom;
ECCO'22: Year: 2022
P287: The knowledge and skills needed to perform intestinal ultrasound – An international Delphi consensus surveyYear: 2022
Authors: Madsen , G.R.(1);Wilkens , R.(1);Boysen , T.(1);Burisch , J.(1);Bryant , R.(2);Carter , D.(3);Gecse , K.(4);Maaser , C.(5);Maconi , G.(6);Novak , K.(7);Palmela , C.(8);Nayahangan , L.J.(9);Tolsgaard , M.G.(9);
(1)Hvidovre Hospital - University of Copenhagen, Gastrounit, Hvidovre, Denmark;(2)The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Service - Department of Gastroenterology, Adelaide, Australia;(3)Chaim Sheba Medical Center - Israel and Sackler Faculty of Medicine - Tel Aviv University, Department of Gastroenterology, Tel Aviv, Israel;(4)Academic Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(5)Hospital Lüneburg, Outpatients Department of Gastroenterology, Lüneburg, Germany;(6)L.Sacco University Hospital, Gastrointestinal Unit - Department of Clinical Sciences, Milan, Italy;(7)University of Calgary, Department of Medicine - Division of Gastroenterology, Calgary, Canada;(8)Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, Division of Gastroenterology - Surgical Department, Loures, Portugal;(9)Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation, Centre for HR and Education - The Capital Region of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark;

Year: 2021

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Year: 2019

Year: 2019

Year: 2019

Year: 2019

Year: 2019