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P477: Effect of tumour necrosis factor antagonists on avoiding surgery in stricturing Crohn’s disease: a tertiary centre real-life experienceECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

M. Allocca*1, G. Fiorino1, C. Bonifacio2, A. Spinelli3, A. Repici4, A. Malesci5, 6, L. Balzarini2, S. Danese1, 7

1Humanitas Research Hospital, IBD Centre, Gastroenterology, Rozzano, Milan, Italy, 2Humanitas Research Hospital, Radiology, Rozzano, Milan, Italy, 3Humanitas Research Hospital, IBD Surgery, Colo-rectal Surgery, Rozzano, Milan, Italy, 4Humanitas Research Hospital, Endoscopy Unit, Gastroenterology, Rozzano, Milan, Italy, 5Humanitas Research Hospital, Gastroenterology, Rozzano, Milan, Italy, 6University of Milan, Translational Medicine, Milan, Italy, 7Humanitas University, Biomedical Sciences, Rozzano, Milan, Italy

P478: How often high-dose budesonide is necessary for maintenance treatment of collagenous colitis? Efficacy of azathioprine to maintain budesonide-free clinical remissionECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

F. Fernández-Bañares*1, M. Piqueras2, D. Guagnozzi3, V. Robles4, A. Ruiz-Cerulla5, M. J. Casanova6, J. P. Gisbert6, D. Busquets7, A. Lucendo8, Y. Arguedas9, L. Fernández10

1Hospital Universitari Mutua Terrassa, Gastroenterology, CIBERehd, Terrassa, Spain, 2Consorci Sanitari Terrassa, Gastroenterology, Terrassa, Spain, 3Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain, 4Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Department of Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain, 5Hospital de Bellvitge, Gastroenterology, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain, 6Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, Gastroenterology, CIBERehd, Madrid, Spain, 7Hospital Universitari Dr Josep Trueta, Department of Gastroenterology, Girona, Spain, 8Hospital General De Tomelloso, Department of Gastroenterology, Tomelloso, Spain, 9Hospital San Jorge, Gastroenterology, Huesca, Spain, 10Hospital University Clinic Valladolid, Department of Gastroenterology, Valladolid, Spain

P479: Hepcidin and the risk of malnutrition in inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

R. Dudkowiak*, K. Neubauer, E. Poniewierka

Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Wroclaw, Poland

P480: Goals of treatment: preferences of inflammatory bowel disease patientsECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

F. Casellas*1, 2, C. Herrera de Guise1, V. Robles1, E. Navarro1, N. Borruel1

1Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Unitat Atenció Crohn-Colitis, Barcelona, Spain, 2Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain

P481: Effect of anti-TNFα therapy with daily physical activity in patients with Crohn’s diseaseECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

F. A. Lucca, C. Malaguti, A. L. Cabalzar, L. A. Chebli, T. C. R. Ribeiro*, P. D. Gaburri, J. M. F. Chebli

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Gastroenterology, Juiz de Fora, Brazil

P482: Different characteristics of inflammatory bowel disease patients between tertiary referral centres and secondary hospitalsECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

K. H. Song*1, Y. J. Lee2, K. O. Kim3, H. S. Lee4, E. S. Kim2, J. I. Koo1, J. S. Jeong1, W. S. Seo1

1Goo Hospital, General Surgery, Daegu, South Korea, 2Keimyung University School of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Daegu, South Korea, 3Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Daegu, South Korea, 4Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Daegu, South Korea

P483: Differences in biologic therapy utilisation amongst early and late-onset inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

S. Raimundo Fernandes*, C. Baldaia, P. Moura Santos, A. Rita Gonçalves, A. Valente, L. Correia, J. Velosa

Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Gastrenterology, Lisbon, Portugal

P484: Access to biologics and biosimilars across 11 European Union countriesECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

P. Lakatos*1, E. Domenech2, H. Kellner3, J. Marsal4, H. Fowler5, C. Agboton5, N. Georgitseas6, M. Cassese7, S. Anwar6, A. Venugopal7, P. Audhya5

1Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, 2Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol., Badalona, Spain, 3Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Munich, Germany, 4Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 5Hospira, Warwickshire, United Kingdom, 6Navigant, London, United Kingdom, 7Navigant, New York, New York, United States

P485: The combined of mesenchymal stem cells and infliximab reduces the recurrence rate of Crohn’s diseaseECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

O. Knyazev1, N. Fadeeva*2, A. Kagramanova1, P. Shcherbakov3, I. Ruchkina1, A. Parfenov1, A. Konoplyannikov4

1Moscow Clinical Research Centre, Department of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Moscow Clinical Research Centre, Department of Inflammatory bowel disease, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology, Department of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Moscow, Russian Federation, 4Medical Radiological Scientific Centre, Department of Stem Cells Therapy, Obninsk, Russian Federation

P486: Intrapatient variability in adalimumab drug levels within and across cycles in Crohn’s diseaseECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

M. Ward*1, 2, L. Beswick2, P. Thwaites1, J. Hogg1, G. Rosella3, J. Reynolds4, D. Van Langenberg2, P. Gibson1, 3, M. Sparrow1, 3

1Alfred Hospital, Gastroenterology, Melbourne, Australia, 2Eastern Health, Gastroenterology, Melbourne, Australia, 3Monash University, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 4Monash University, Biostatistics, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Melbourne, Australia

P487: The effect of a coordinated care programme for inflammatory bowel diseases on health care utilisationECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

W. K. van Deen*1, M. Skup2, A. Centeno1, N. Duran1, P. Lacey1, D. Jatulis3, E. Esrailian1, M. G. van Oijen4, D.W. Hommes1

1UCLA Centre for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Division of Digestive Diseases, University of California, Los Angeles, California, United States, 2AbbVie, US Immunology, North Chicago, Illinois, United States, 3Anthem Blue Cross, California, Woodland Hills, California, United States, 4Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Department of Medical Oncology, Amsterdam, Netherlands

P488: IBS-type symptoms in patients with quiescent inflammatory bowel disease are unrelated to ongoing inflammationECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

D. Hoekman*1, J. Zeevenhooven2, G. D’Haens3, M. Benninga1

1Academic Medical Centre (AMC), Department of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Academic Medical Centre (AMC), Department of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Academic Medical Centre (AMC), Department of Gastroenterology,

P489: Predicting mucosal state with faecal calprotectin in children with Crohn’s disease.ECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

M. Meglicka*1, M. Szczepanski2, M. Dadalski2, J. Kierkus2

1The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Feeding Disorders and Paediatrics, Warsaw, Poland, 2The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Feeding Disorders and Paediatrics, Warsaw, Poland

P490: Clinicians’ adherence to European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation guidelines in the clinical care of adults with inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

B. Jackson*, D. Con, P. De Cruz

Austin Health, Gastroenterology, Melbourne, Australia

P491: In patients with active ulcerative colitis, cytapheresis spares corticosteroids, and reduces hospitalisation time: therapeutic outcomes in 181 consecutive patients.ECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

O. Nomura*, T. Osada, T. Shibuya, D. Ishikawa, K. Haga, N. Sakamoto, S. Watanabe

Juntendo University, Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo, Japan

P492: Perioperative complications have long-term effect on quality of life after restorative proctocolectomyECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

Y. Lee1, A. McCombie*1, 2, R. Vanamala1, R. Gearry3, F. Frizelle1, E. McKay1, J. Williman4, T. Eglinton1

1University of Otago, Department of Surgery, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2University of Otago, Department of Medicine, Dunedin, New Zealand, 3University of Otago, Department of Medicine, Christchurch, New Zealand, 4University of Otago, Christchurch, Department of Population Health, Christchurch, New Zealand

P493: Prevalence and risk factors for postoperative septic complications in Crohn’s diseaseECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

M. Guasch1, 2, A. Clos1, M. Manyosa3, T. Lobatón3, J. R. Gómez2, M. Piñol4, E. Cabré3, J. Troya4, E. Domènech*3

1Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, Gastroenterology, Badalona, Spain, 2Hospital San Jorge, Digestive Surgery, Huesca, Spain, 3Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol. CIBEREHD, Gastroenterology, Badalona, Spain, 4Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, Digestive Surgery, Badalona, Spain

P494: Phenotypic analysis revealed features of disease severity in familial versus sporadic cases of inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

G. Maurizi, M. Giannotta*, V. Almerigogna, S. Biagini, A. Cozzi, G. Macrì, M. Milla

AOU Careggi, Regional Referral Centre of Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Clinical Gastroenterology Division, Florence, Italy

P495: Biosimilar infliximab is effective and safe in inflammatory bowel disease patients naïve to anti-TNF therapy: a tertiary centre experienceECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

M. Bortlik*1, 2, M. Kolar1, D. Duricova1, 3, K. Malickova4, V. Hruba1, N. Machkova1, K. Mitrova1, M. Lukas1, M. Lukas1, 4

1Iscare, IBD Clinical and Research Centre, Prague, Czech Republic, 2First Medical Faculty and Central Military Hospital, Charles University, Department of Internal Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic, 3First Medical Faculty, Charles University, Institute of Pharmacology, Prague, Czech Republic, 4First Medical Faculty and General Teaching Hospital, Charles University, Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics, Prague, Czech Republic

P496: Adalimumab treatment reduces extraintestinal manifestations in patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn’s disease: a pooled analysisECCO '16 Amsterdam
Year: 2016

E. J. Louis*1, R. Löfberg2, W. Reinisch3, D. Schwartz4, J.-F. Maa5, S. Berg5, B. Huang5, A. W. Wang5, A. M. Robinson5, B. Pappalardo5

1University of Liège and CHU, Liège, Belgium, 2Karolinska Institutet and IBD Unit, Sophiahemmet, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4Vanderbilt University Medical Centre, Nashville, United States, 5AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, Illinois, United States