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P708: Helicobacter pylori and IBD are inversely related, suggesting that individuals infected with the bacteria are less susceptible to the diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Lichtenstein L.*1, Boltin D.1, Leibovici H.1, Tsadok Perets T.2, Avni I.1, Comaneshter D.3, Leibovici-Weissman Y.1, Cohen A.3, Niv Y.1,4, Levi Z.1,4

1Rabin Medical Center, Gastroenterology, Petach Tikva, Israel 2Clalit Health Services, Helicobacter pylori Laboratory, Petach Tikva, Israel 3Clalit Health Services Headquarters, Office of the Chief Physician, Tel Aviv, Israel 4Tel Aviv University, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv, Israel

P709: inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer: analysis of a single center retrospective chart reviewECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Fragaki M., Bachlitzanaki M., Karmiris K., Theodoropoulou A., Vardas E., Paspatis G.

Venizelion General Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Heraklion, Greece

P710: Vitamin D deficiency is not associated with depression in IBD patientsECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Frigstad S.O.*1,2,3, Høivik M.3,4, Jahnsen J.3,5, Dahl S.R.6, Cvancarova M.4,7, Grimstad T.8, Berset I.P.9, Huppertz-Hauss G.10, Hovde Ø.3,11, Torp R.12, Bernklev T.3,10, Moum B.3,4, Jelsness-Jørgensen L.-P.13,14

1Vestre Viken Hospital Trust, Department of Medicine Baerum Hospital, Drammen, Norway 2Østfold Hospital Trust, Department of Research, Grålum, Norway 3University of Oslo, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Oslo, Norway 4Oslo University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Oslo, Norway 5Akershus University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Lørenskog, Norway 6Oslo University Hospital, The Hormone Laboratory, Oslo, Norway 7Oslo University College of Applied Sciences, Oslo, Norway 8Stavanger University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Stavanger, Norway 9Ålesund Hospital Trust, Department of Medicine, Ålesund, Norway 10Telemark Hospital Trust, Department of Research and Development, Skien, Norway 11Innlandet Hospital Trust, Department of Medicine, Gjøvik, Norway 12Innlandet Hospital Trust, Department of Medicine, Hamar, Norway 13Østfold Hospital Trust, Department of Gastroenterology, Grålum, Norway 14Østfold University College, Department of Health Sciences, Fredrikstad, Norway

P711: Vegetarian or gluten-free diet in patients with IBD – associated with lower psychological well-being and quality of life but no indication of beneficial effects on course of diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Schreiner P.*1, Rossel J.-B.2, Zeitz J.1, Misselwitz B.1, Scharl S.1, Scharl M.1, Frei P.3, Vavricka S.4, Pittet V.2, Rogler G.1, Biedermann L.1

1UniversityHospital of Zurich, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Zurich, Switzerland 2Lausanne University Hospital, Institute of Social & Preventive Medicine, Lausanne, Switzerland 3Klinik Bethanien, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Zurich, Switzerland 4Stadtspital Triemli, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Zurich, Switzerland

P712: Risk factors for the development of fistulae and stenoses in Crohn's disease patients in the Swiss IBD cohortECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Zeitz J.*1, Fournier N.2, Labenz C.3, Biedermann L.4, Frei P.5, Misselwitz B.4, Scharl S.4, Vavricka S.4,6, Sulz M.7, Fried M.8, Rogler G.4, Scharl M.4

1University Hospital Zurich, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Zurich, Switzerland 2University of Lausanne, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, Lausanne, Switzerland 3University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Department of Internal Medicine, Mainz, Germany 4University Hospital Zurich, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Zurich, Switzerland 5Seespital Horgen, Division of Gastroenterology, Horgen, Switzerland 6Triemli Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Zurich, Switzerland 7Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, St. Gallen, Switzerland 8University Hospital Zurich, Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Zurich, Switzerland

P713: Possible explanations of the marked differences in the incidence of microscopic colitis between Denmark and SwedenECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Davidson S.*1, Munck L.2, Vigren L.3, Engel P.4, Sjöberg K.3

1Lund University, Dept of Gastroenterology, Malmö, Sweden 2University of Copenhagen, Dept of Medicine, Køge, Denmark 3Lund University, Dept of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Malmö, Sweden 4University of Copenhagen, Dept of Pathology, Køge, Denmark

P714: Vitamin D deficiency in inflammatory bowel disease: prevalence and relation to disease activity in a cohort of patients of a Mediterranean countryECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Branco J.C., Cardoso M., Anapaz V., Lourenço L., Oliveira A.M., Rodrigues C.G., Santos L., Reis J.

Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca -Lisboa -Portugal, Gastroenterology, Lisboa, Portugal

P715: Trends in emergency department visits and hospitalization rates for inflammatory bowel disease: results from a single-center in 2004, 2009 and 2014ECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Huh G.*1, Yoon H.2, Choi Y.J.2, Park Y.S.2, Kim N.1,2, Lee D.H.1,2

1Seoul National University College of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Seoul, South Korea 2Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Internal Medicine, Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

P716: Beta-blocker use is associated with a higher relapse risk of inflammatory bowel disease – a Dutch retrospective cohort studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Willemze R.*1, Bakker T.1, Pippias M.2, Ponsioen C.3, de Jonge W.1

1Academic Medical Center (AMC), Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2Academic Medical Center (AMC), Department of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam, Netherlands 3Academic Medical Center (AMC), Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam, Netherlands

P717: Higher ulcerative colitis/Crohn's disease ratio in a central region of ArgentinaECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Balderramo D.*1, Herrera-Najum P.2, Trakal J.3, Gonzalez R.1, Zárate F.4, Raiden K.5, Ferrer L.2, Balzola S.5, Defagό M.R.6 Grupo CEMEI (Cooperaciόn para el Estydio y Manejo de la Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal) Cόrdoba, Argentina

1Hospital Privado Universitario de Cordoba, Gastroenterology Department, Cordoba, Argentina 2Instituto Modelo de Cardiologia, Gastroenterology Department, Cordoba, Argentina 3Clínica Reina Fabiola, Gastroenterology Department, Cordoba, Argentina 4Hospital Cόrdoba, Gastroenterology Department, Cordoba, Argentina 5Sanatorio Allende, Gastroenterology Department, Cordoba, Argentina 6Humana-Instituto Médico Privado/Conci-Carpinella, Gastroenterology Department, Cordoba, Argentina

P718: The epidemiology of IBD differs in South Asian migrants compared to Caucasians; results from a systematic review and meta-analysisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Misra R.*1, Faiz O.2, Burisch J.3, Munkholm P.3, Arebi N.4

1St. Mark's Academic Institute, Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom 2St Mark's Academic Institute, Surgical Epidemiology, Trials and Outcomes Unit (SETOC), London, United Kingdom 3North Zealand University Hospital, Gastroenterology, Frederikssund, Denmark 4St Mark's Academic Institute, Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom

P719: Determinants of tobacco consumption in the Swiss IBD cohortECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Grueber M.*1, Clair Willi C.2, Allez M.3, Biedermann L.4, Fournier N.5, Schöpfer A.6, Vavricka S.7, Juillerat P.8, Macpherson A.J.9

1Inselspital, Bern, Department of Gastroenterology, Bern, Switzerland 2CHUV, PMU, Lausanne, Switzerland 3Hôpital Saint-Louis, Gastroenterology, Lausanne, France 4Universitätsspital, Gastroenterology, Zürich, Switzerland 5CHUV, Statistics, Lausanne, Switzerland 6CHUV, Gastroenterology, Lausanne, Switzerland 7Stadtspital Triemli, Gastroenterology, Zürich, Switzerland 8Inselspital, Gastroenterology, Bern, Switzerland 9Inselpital, Gastroenterology, Bern, Switzerland

P720: Use of proton pump inhibitors associated with a markedly increased risk of microscopic colitisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Bonderup O.*1, Lauge Nielsen G.2, Dall M.3, Pottegård A.3, Hallas J.3

1University Research Clinic for Innovative Patient Pathways, Aarhus University, Denmark, Diagnostic Centre, Section of Gastroenterology, Regional Hospital Silkeborg, Silkeborg, Denmark 2Department of Clinical Medicine, The Faculty of Medicine, Aalborg University, Denmark, Medical Department, Hospital Himmerland, Aalborg, Denmark 3Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark, and Clinical Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark

P721: A switch in the prevalence ratio of Crohn's disease vs. ulcerative colitis in Israel between 2003 and 2015 – a report from the epi-IIRN groupECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Friedman M.*1, Odes S.2, Balicer R.3, Hoshen M.3, Cohen D.3, Rosenblum J.4, Zigman N.4, Goren I.4, Lederman N.5, Matz E.6, Dushnitzky D.6, Borovsky N.6, Gavish M.7, Focht G.1, Avitzour M.1, Axelrod R.1,7, Chowers Y.8, Eliakim R.9, Ben-Horin S.9, Dotan I.10, Israeli E.11, Levy Z.12, Benchimol E.13, Turner D.1

1Shaare Zedek Medical Center, The Juliet Keiden Institute of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Jerusalem, Israel 2Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Beer Sheva, Israel 3Clalit Research Institute, Chief's Office, Tel Aviv, Israel 4Maccabi Healthcare Services, Tel Aviv, Israel 5Meuhedet Health Services, Tel Aviv, Israel 6Leumit Health Services, Tel Aviv, Israel 7The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Jerusalem, Israel 8Rambam Health Care Campus, Rappaport Faculty Of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology, Haifa, Israel 9Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Tel Hashomer, Israel 10Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, and the Sackler School of Medicine, IBD Center, Department of Gastroenterology and Liver diseases, Tel Aviv, Israel 11Hadassah Medical Center, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IBD Center, the Institute of Gastroenterology, Jerusalem, Israel 12Rabin Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Petach Tikva, Israel 13Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, University of Ottawa, CHEO Inflammatory Bowel Disease Centre, Ottawa, Canada

P722: Prediagnostic serum vitamin D levels and risk of inflammatory bowel disease: a pan-European, nested case-control studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Opstelten J.*1, Chan S.2,3, Hart A.2,3, van Schaik F.1, Siersema P.4, Lentjes E.5, Khaw K.-T.6, Luben R.6, Key T.7, Boeing H.8, Bergmann M.8, Overvad K.9, Palli D.10, Masala G.10, Racine A.11,12, Carbonnel F.11,12, Boutron-Ruault M.-C.11, Tjønneland A.13, Olsen A.13, Andersen V.14, Kaaks R.15, Kühn T.15, Tumino R.16, Trichopoulou A.17, Verschuren M.18,19, Witteman B.20,21, Oldenburg B.1

1University Medical Centre Utrecht, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Utrecht, Netherlands 2University of East Anglia, Norwich Medical School, Department of Medicine, Norwich, United Kingdom 3Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Gastroenterology, Norwich, United Kingdom 4Radboud University Medical Centre, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Nijmegen, Netherlands 5University Medical Centre Utrecht, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Haematology, Utrecht, Netherlands 6University of Cambridge, Institute of Public Health, Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge, United Kingdom 7University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Population Health, Cancer Epidemiology Unit, Oxford, United Kingdom 8German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke (DIfE), Department of Epidemiology, Nuthetal, Germany 9Aarhus University, Department of Public Health, Section for Epidemiology, Aarhus, Denmark 10Cancer Research and Prevention Institute (ISPO), Molecular and Nutritional Epidemiology Unit, Florence, Italy 11Institut Gustave Roussy, French Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), Center for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health, Villejuif, France 12Université Paris-Sud, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, University Hospital of Bicêtre, Department of Gastroenterology, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, France 13Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Unit of Diet, Genes and Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark 14University of Southern Denmark, Institute of Regional Research-Center Sønderjylland, Odense, Denmark 15German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Division of Cancer Epidemiology, Heidelberg, Germany 16“Civic–M.P. Arezzo” Hospital, Cancer Registry and Histopathology Unit, Ragusa, Italy 17Hellenic Health Foundation, Athens, Greece 18University Medical Center Utrecht, Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Utrecht, Netherlands 19National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Centre for Nutrition, Prevention and Health Services, Bilthoven, Netherlands 20Gelderse Vallei Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Ede, Netherlands 21Wageningen University, Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen, Netherlands

P723: SexIDI study – sexual satisfaction in inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Roseira J.*1, Tavares de Sousa H.1, Marreiros A.2, Estevens D.3, Queiros P.1, Vaz A.M.1, Gago T.1, Contente L.1, Guerreiro H.1

1Algarve Hospital Centre, Gastroenterology, Algarve, Portugal 2Universidade do Algarve, Biomedical Science Department, Algarve, Portugal 3Algarve Hospital Centre, Psychiatry Department, Algarve, Portugal

P724: Appendectomy is not a treatment option for ulcerative colitisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Myrelid P.1,2, Landerholm K.*3,4, Nordenvall C.5,6, Pinkney T.D.7, Andersson R.E.2,3

1County Council of Östergötland, Department of Surgery, Linköping, Sweden 2Linköping University, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Linköping, Sweden 3Ryhov County Hospital, Department of Surgery, Jönköping, Sweden 4Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Colorectal Surgery, Oxford, United Kingdom 5Karolinska Institutet, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Stockholm, Sweden 6Karolinska University Hospital, Center for Digestive Disease, Division of Coloproctology, Stockholm, Sweden 7University of Birmingham, Academic Department of Surgery, Division of Cancer Sciences, Birmingham, United Kingdom

P725: The impact of an integrated model of care for patients with inflammatory bowel disease in CanadaECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Peña-Sánchez J.N.*1, Lix L.M.2, Teare G.F.3, Li W.3, Fowler S.A.4, Jones J.L.5

1University of Saskatchewan, Department of Community Health & Epidemiology, College of Medicine, Saskatoon, Canada 2University of Manitoba, Department of Community Health Sciences, Winnipeg, Canada 3Health Quality Council (Saskatchewan), Saskatoon, Canada 4University of Saskatchewan, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, Saskatoon, Canada 5Dalhousie University, Departments of Medicine and Community Health and Epidemiology, Halifax, Canada

P726: High mortality risk after first hospital admission for inflammatory bowel disease: a nationwide registry linkage studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Opstelten J.*1, Vaartjes I.2, Siersema P.3, Bots M.2, Oldenburg B.1

1University Medical Centre Utrecht, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Utrecht, Netherlands 2University Medical Centre Utrecht, Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Utrecht, Netherlands 3Radboud University Medical Centre, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Nijmegen, Netherlands

P727: Change in Crohn's disease behavior in a prospective European population-based inception cohort – the ECCO-EpiCom cohortECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Burisch J.*1, Halfvarson J.2, Kupcinskas L.3, Hernandez V.4, Kaimakliotis I.5, Valpiani D.6, Pedersen N.7, Duricova D.8, Kievit L.9, Dahlerup J.F.10, Fumery M.11, Salupere R.12, Arebi N.13, Nielsen K.R.14, Giannotta M.15, Oksanen P.16, Katsanos K.H.17, Vegh Z.18, Ellul P.19, Schwartz D.20, Čuković-Čavka S.21, D'Incà R.22, Turcan S.23, Magro F.24,25,26, Goldis A.27, Langholz E.28, Lakatos P.L.18, Munkholm P.1 EpiCom Study Group

1North Zealand University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Frederikssund, Denmark 2Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro University, Department of Gastronterology, Örebro, Sweden 3Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Institute for Digestive Research, Kaunas, Lithuania 4Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo, Gastroenterology Department, Vigo, Spain 5Nicosia Private practice, Nicosia Private practice, Nicosia, Cyprus 6Department of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy, Morgagni Hospital, Forli, Italy 7Slagelse Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Slagelse, Denmark 8Charles University, IBD Center ISCARE, Prague, Czech Republic 9Herning Central Hospital, Department of medicine, Herning, Denmark 10Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Aarhus, Denmark 11Amiens University and Hospital, Epimad Registry, Gastroenterology Unit, Amiens, France 12Tartu University Hospital, Division of Endocrinology and Gastroenterology, Tartu, Estonia 13St Mark's Hospital, Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom 14The National Hospital of the Faroe Islands, Medical department, Tόrshavn, Faroe Islands 15AOU Careggi Regional Referral Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Gastroenterology Department, Florence, Italy 16Tampere University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology and Alimentary Tract Surgery, Tampere, Finland 17University Hospital, Ioannina, 1st Division of Internal Medicine and Hepato-Gastroenterology Unit, Ioannina, Greece 18Semmelweis University, 1st Department of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary 19Mater Dei Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology, L-Imsida, Malta 20Soroka Medical Center and Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Beer Sheva, Israel 21University Hospital Center Zagreb, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Zagreb, Croatia 22Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova, Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology, Padova, Italy 23State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, Department of Gastroenterology, Chisinau, Moldova, Republic of 24University of Porto, Institute for molecular and cell biology, Porto, Portugal 25Hospital de São João, Department of Gastroenterology, Porto, Portugal 26Oporto Medical School, Institute of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Porto, Portugal 27University of Medicine “Victor Babes”, Clinic of Gastroenterology, Timisoara, Romania 28Gentofte Hospital, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Copenhagen, Denmark