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P588: Ustekinumab for the treatment of Crohn's disease patients with TNF antagonist induced psoriasis. Real life experience from a tertiary referral center through week 54ECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Kuehbacher T.*1, Abu Hashem R.1, Langel N.1, Schreiber S.2, Drvarov O.1

1Asklepios Westklinikum Hamburg, Gastroenterology, Hamburg, Germany 2Christian Albrechts University Kiel, Department of Internal Medicine I, Kiel, Germany

P589: Faecal microbiota transplantation for inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review and meta-analysisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Paramsothy S.*1,2, Paramsothy R.3, Kamm M.4, Kaakoush N.5, Mitchell H.6, Rubin D.2, Castaño-Rodríguez N.6

1University of New South Wales, St Vincent's Clinical School, Sydney, Australia 2University of Chicago Medicine, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Chicago, United States 3Liverpool Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Sydney, Australia 4St Vincent's Hospital, University of Melbourne, Departments of Gastroenterology and Medicine, Melbourne, Australia 5University of New South Wales, School of Medical Sciences, Sydney, Australia 6University of New South Wales, School of Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences, Sydney, Australia

P590: Reasons for discontinuation and switch of biologic therapy in IBD: findings from a large international observational study (03)ECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Sebastian S.*1, Lewis J.D.2, Siegmund B.3, Wolf D.4, Siegel C.A.5, Lichtenstein G.2, Louis E.6, Hebuterne X.7, Ginsburg P.M.8, Ostrov A.9, Ricci M.Q.10, Bernsen M.11, Shafran I.12, Nancey S.13, Moran G.14, Teich N.15, Lal S.16, Kiszka-Kanowitz M.17, Murugesan S.18, Moum B.19, Dolin P.20

1Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Hull, United Kingdom 2University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Philadelphia, United States 3Charité - University Hospital Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Department of Gastroenterology, Berlin, Germany 4Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates, Atlanta, United States 5Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Departmnet of Gastroenterology, Lebanon, United States 6CHU Liège, Liège, Belgium 7CHU Archet 2, Department of Gastroenterology, Nice, France 8Gastroenterology Center of Connecticut, Hamden, United States 9Saratoga Schenectady Gastro Associates, Burnt Hills, United States 10Middlesex Gastroenterology Associates, Middletown, United States 11Illinois Gastroenterology Group, Arlington Heights, United States 12Shafran Gastroenterology Center, Winter Park, United States 13CHU Lyon, Department of Gastroenterology, Lyon, France 14Nottingham Digestive Diseases Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom 15Internistische Gemeinschaftspraxis, Department of Gastroenterology, Leipzig, Germany 16Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Gastroenterology, Salford, United Kingdom 17Hvidovre University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Hvidovre, Denmark 18Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Gastroenterology, Blackpool, United Kingdom 19Oslo University, Department of Gastroenterology, Oslo, Norway 20Takeda Development Centre Europe, Pharmacoepidemiology, London, United Kingdom

P591: Therapeutic drug monitoring in Paediatric inflammatory bowel disease on maintenance infliximab and adalimumab treatment improves clinical remission with a proactive approachECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Chadokufa S.*1, Sider S.1, Huggett B.1, Sawney T.1, Shah N.1, Baycheva M.1, Zambrano Perez A.1, Acton N.1, Kiparissi F.1,2

1Great Ormond Street Hospital, Paediatric Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom 2University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom

P592: Final results on immunogenicity profile and predictors of ADA development of biosimilar infliximab during the first 12 months of the therapy: results from a prospective nationwide cohortECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Lovasz B.D.*1, Kurti Z.1, Rutka M.2, Vegh Z.1, Gecse K.B.1, Farkas K.2, Banai J.3, Bene L.4, Golovics P.A.1, Gonczi L.1, Gasztonyi B.5, Kristof T.6, Lakatos L.7, Miheller P.8, Palatka K.9, Patai A.10, Papp M.9, Salamon A.11, Szamosi T.3, Szepes Z.2, Toth G.T.12, Vincze A.13, Szalay B.14, Molnar T.2, Lakatos P.L.1

1Semmelweis University, First Department of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary 2University of Szeged, First Department of Internal Medicine, Szeged, Hungary 3Military Hospital – State Health Centre, Gastroenterology, Budapest, Hungary 4Peterfy Hospital, 1st Department of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary 5Zala County Hospital, 2nd Department of Medicine, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary 6B-A-Z County and University Teaching Hospital, 2nd Department of Medicine, Miskolc, Hungary 7Csolnoky Ferenc Regional Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Veszprem, Hungary 8Semmelweis University, Second Departement of Internal Medicine, Budapest, Hungary 9University of Debrecen, Department of Gastroenterology, Debrecen, Hungary 10Markusovszky Hospital, Department of Medicine and Gastroenterology, Szombathely, Hungary 11Tolna County Teaching Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Szekszard, Hungary 12Janos Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Budapest, Hungary 13University of Pécs, 1st Department of Medicine, Pecs, Hungary 14Semmelweis University, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Budapest, Hungary

P593: Hospital resource use and cost associated with first-line anti-TNF therapy in patients with IBD in the UK: comparison of subcutaneous (adalimumab) and intravenous (infliximab) therapiesECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Hickey J.1, Keshav S.2,3, Gaugris S.4, Arasaradnam R.*5

1pH Associates, Marlow, United Kingdom 2Oxford University Hospital Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom 3John Radcliffe Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Oxford, United Kingdom 4Abbvie UK, Maidenhead, United Kingdom 5University Hospitals Coventry and Warwick NHS Trust, Coventry & Warwick, United Kingdom

P594: Ustekinumab treatment effectiveness in clinical practice – a multicentre retrospective review of long-term outcomes in Crohn's diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Rowan C.R.*1, Alakkari A.2, Moran C.3, O'Connell J.4, Cullen G.1, Mulcahy H.1, O'Morain C.2, McNamara D.2, Leyden J.5, MacMathuna P.5, O'Toole A.3, Patchett S.3, McKiernan S.4, Kevans D.4, Doherty G.A.1, Ryan B.2

1St Vincent's University Hospital, Centre for Colorectal Disease, Dublin, Ireland 2Adelaide & Meath Hospital, Dublin, Incorporating The National Children's Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Dublin, Ireland 3Beaumont Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Dublin, Ireland 4St. James' Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Dublin, Ireland 5Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Dublin, Ireland

P595: The influence of vitamin D on expression of cytokines mRNA in IBDECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Leskova Z.*1, Krajčovičová A.1, Šoltys K.2, Stuchlík S.2, Šturdík I.1, Koller T.1, Huorka M.1, Hlavatý T.1

1University hospital Bratislava and Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, 5th Department of Internal medicine, Bratislava, Slovakia 2Faculty of Natural Sciences, Commenius University, Dept. of Molecular Biology, Bratislava, Slovakia

P596: FMT in patients with steroid dependant ulcerative colitis a single centre observational studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Grewal C.S.1, Sood A.2, Mehta V.*2, Kaur D.3

1Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Gastroenterology, Ludhiana, India 2Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, India 3Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Pathology, Ludhiana, India

P597: Ustekinumab use in Crohn's disease: a tertiary centre experienceECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Greenup A., Rosenfeld G., Bressler B.

University of British Columbia, Gastroenterology, Vancouver, Canada

P598: Mucosal and transmural healing during anti-TNF therapy. Is fecal calprotectin a marker of therapeutic response?ECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Bertani L.*1, Ceccarelli L.2, de Bortoli N.1, Albano E.1, Tapete G.1, Laino G.1, Mumolo G.2, Ricchiuti A.2, Bellini M.2, Marchi S.1, Costa F.2

1University of Pisa, Department of Translational Research and new Technologies in medicine and surgery, Pisa, Italy 2Pisa University Hospital, Department of Translational Research and new Technologies in medicine and surgery, Pisa, Italy

P599: Home testing for faecal calprotectin: follow-up results from the first UK trialECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Raker J., Ford C., Pavlidis P., Medcalf L., Choong L.M., Chung-Faye G., Dubois P., Hayee B.

King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom

P600: Infliximab trough levels for remission induction and long term therapy management of inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Perdigoto D., Portela F., Ferreira M., Mendes S., Freire P., Ferreira M., Lopes S., Tomé L.

Coimbra University Hospital Center, Gastroenterology, Coimbra, Portugal

P601: Can Amitriptylin improve the quality of life in patients with Crohn's disease?ECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Jigaranu A.O., Dranga M., Gavrilescu O., Popa I., Ungureanu I., Mihai C., Cijevschi-Prelipcean C.

University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa, IASI, Gastroenterology, Iasi, Romania

P602: Clinical/biochemical predictors of response to anti-TNFa therapies in a tertiary referral centreECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Tighe D.*1,2, Breslin N.1, Ryan B.1, McNamara D.3

1AMNCH Tallaght/School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Gastroenterology, Dublin, Ireland 2AMNCH Tallaght/School of Medicine TCD, TAGG, Dublin, Ireland 3AMNCH Tallaght/School of Medicine, TCD, TAGG, Dublin, Ireland

P603: Hospitalisation risk and reintervention after ileocolonic resection with anastomosis in patients with Crohn's disease. Results from the PRACTICROHN studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

García V.*1, Calvo M.2, Martín Arranz M.D.3, Rivero M.4, Domènech E.5, Barreiro-de Acosta M.6, García Planella E.7, Gutiérrez A.8, Romero C.9, Cea-Calvo L.9, Juliá B.9

1Hospital Universitario Reina Sofia, Unidad Clinica de Aparato Digestivo, Cordoba, Spain 2Servicio de Gastroenterologia Hospital Puerta de Hierro, Madrid, España, Madrid, Spain 3Hospital Universitario La Paz, Gastroenterology Unit, Madrid, Spain 4Servicio de Gastroenterologia Hospital Marques de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain 5Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol and CIBERehd, Gastroenterology Unit, Badalona, Spain 6Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago, Gastroenterology Unit, Santiago de Compostela, Spain 7Unidad de Gastroenterología, Hospital de la Santa Creu y Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain 8Hospital General Universitario Alicante, Gastroenterology unit, Alicante, Spain 9MSD Spain, Medical Department, Madrid, Spain

P604: Usefulness of stool hemoglobin and fecal calprotectin for detecting of mild to moderate ulcerative colitisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Koo J.S., Kim D.J., Lee D.-W., Jeen Y.J.

Korea University College of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Seoul, South Korea

P605: Rapid detection of anti-infliximab antibodies in inflammatory bowel disease patients treated with the reference biologic or the biosimilar CT-P13: performance comparison with ELISAECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Fiorino G.1, Ametzazurra A.2, Nagore D.*2, Hernández A.M.2, Torres N.2, Radice S.1, Gilardi D.1, Correale C.1, Allocca M.1, Furfaro F.1, Alfieri M.1, Pascual J.2, Recalde X.2, Martínez A.2, Danese S.1,3

1Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Milan, Italy 2Progenika Biopharma SA, R&D Department, Derio, Spain 3Humanitas University, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Milan, Italy

P606: Intestinal fatty acid binding protein parallels temporal changes in Harvey-Bradshaw Index and TNFα in response to infliximab in Crohn's diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Hellström P.M., Al-Saffar K.A., Tartera Diaz H., Ram G.V., Webb D.-L.

Uppsala University, Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden

P607: Post-operative mortality and predictive factors in a cohort of severe refractory ulcerative colitis patients from the ENEIDA Registry (1989–2013): a multicenter nationwide studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Ordas I.*1, Domenech E.2, Aguas M.3, Fernandez-Bañares F.4, García S.5, Peñalva M.6, Muñoz C.7, García-Sánchez V.8, Llaό J.9, Jiménez C.E.10, Merino O.11, Gomollόn F.12, Piqueras M.13, Vera M.14, Márquez L.15, De Castro M.16, Gutiérrez A.17, Cabriada J.L.18, Alcaide N.19, Calvet X.20, Montoro M.A.21, Arias L.22, Panés J.1, Esteve M.4

1Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain 2Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain 3Hospital La Fe, Gastroenterology, Valencia, Spain 4Hospital Universitari Mútua Terrassa, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain 5Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, Gastroenterology, Zaragoza, Spain 6Hospital Universitari Bellvitge, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain 7Hospital de Basurto, Gastroenterology, Bilbao, Spain 8Hospital Reina Sofía, Gastroenterology, Cόrdoba, Spain 9Hospital Sant Pau, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain 10Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, Gastroenterology, Navarra, Spain 11Hospital de Cruces, Gastroenterology, Bilbao, Spain 12Hospital Lozano Blesa, Gastroenterology, Zaragoza, Spain 13Consorci Sanitari Terrassa, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain 14Hospital Puerta de Hierro, Gastroenterology, Madrid, Spain 15Hospital del Mar, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain 16Complejo Hospitalario de Vigo, Gastroenterology, Vigo, Spain 17Hospital Universitario de Alicante, Gastroenterology, Alicante, Spain 18Hospital de Galdakao, Gastroenterology, Bilbao, Spain 19Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Gastroenterology, Valladolid, Spain 20Corporaciό Sanitària Universitària Parc Taulí, Gastroenterology, Barcelona, Spain 21Hospital San Jorge, Gastroenterology, Huesca, Spain 22Hospital General Yagüe, Gastroenterology, Burgos, Spain