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P267: Candidate serum markers in newly diagnosed Crohn's disease patientsECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Smids C.*1, Horjus Talabur Horje C.1, Nierkens S.2, Drylewicz J.3, Groenen M.1, Wahab P.1, van Lochem E.4

1Rijnstate Hospital, IBD Centre, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Arnhem, Netherlands 2University Medical Centre Utrecht, U-DAIR and Laboratory of Translational Immunology, Utrecht, Netherlands 3University Medical Centre Utrecht, Laboratory of Translational Immunology, Utrecht, Netherlands 4Rijnstate Hospital, Microbiology and Immunology, Arnhem, Netherlands

P268: Fecal calprotectin correlates more highly with endoscopic disease activity than symptom-based disease activity markers in paediatric PSC-IBDECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Ricciuto A., Fish J., Carman N., Crowley E., Muise A., Church P., Walters T., Kamath B.M., Griffiths A.

Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

P269: Phenotypic predictors of endoscopic recurrence after ileal resection for Crohn's disease: an NIDDK IBD Genetics Consortium prospective studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Boland K.*1, Haritunians T.2, Schumm L.P.3, McGovern D.2, Brant S.R.4, Rioux J.L.5, Sharma Y.6, Duerr R.7, Cho J.6, Silverberg M.1

1Mount Sinai Hospital, Zane Cohen Center for Digestive Diseases, Toronto, Canada 2Cedars-Sinai, F. Widjaja Foundation Inflammatory Bowel and Immunobiology Research Institute, Los Angeles, United States 3University of Chicago, Department of Public Health, Chicago, United States 4The Johns Hopkins Hospital Division of Gastroenterology, Meyerhoff Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Baltimore, United States 5Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Canada 6Mount Sinai, Icahn School of Medicine, New York, United States 7University of Pittsburgh, Department of Gastroenterology, Pittsburgh, United States

P270: Correlation between endoscopic and histological activity in ulcerative colitis using validated indicesECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Irani N.R.*1, Wang L.M.2, Collins G.S.3, Travis S.P.L.1

1Translational Gastroenterology Unit, Oxford University Hospitals Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom 2Department of Cellular Pathology, Oxford University Hospitals Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom 3Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

P271: Complications of primary sclerosing cholangitis in patients with ulcerative colitis and normal liver function tests: a prospective magnetic resonance cholangiographic study with long-term follow-upECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Culver E.L.*1, Bungay H.2,3, Betts M.2,3, Manganis C.1, Buchel O.1, Shrumpf E.4, Cummings J.F.5, Keshav S.1, Travis S.P.1, Chapman R.W.1

1John Radcliffe Hospital, Translational Gastroenterology Unit, Oxford, United Kingdom 2Churchill Hospital, Radiology Department, Oxford, United Kingdom 3John Radcliffe Hospital, Radiology Department, Oxford, United Kingdom 4Oslo University Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Oslo, Norway 5Southampton General Hospital, Gastroenterology Department, Southampton, United Kingdom

P272: Faecal calprotectin and magnetic resonance imaging are highly accurate to detect endoscopic postoperative recurrence in Crohn's diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Baillet P.1, Cadiot G.2, Goutte M.3,4, Goutorbe F.3,5, Allimant C.3, Reymond M.3, Obritin H.3, Bommelaer G.3,4, Pereira B.6, Hordonneau C.1, Buisson A.*3,4

1University Hospital Estaing, Radiology Department, Clermont-Ferrand, France 2University hospital of Reims, Gastroenterology, Reims, France 3University Hospital Estaing, Gastroenterology Department, Clermont-Ferrand, France 4UMR 1071 Inserm/Université d'Auvergne; USC-INRA 2018, Microbes, Intestine, Inflammation and Susceptibility of the host, Clermont-Ferrand, France 5Hospital of Bayonne, Gastroenterology Department, Bayonne, France 6University Hospital, Biostatistics Unit, DRCI, Clermont-Ferrand, France

P273: Prediction of treatment response in Crohn's disease patients using contrast enhanced ultrasound: a pilot studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Zezos P.*1, Atri M.2, Zittan E.3, Nazarian A.4, Steinhart A.H.1, Silverberg M.S.1

1Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Division of Gastroenterology, Toronto, Canada 2University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Joint Department of Medical Imaging, Toronto, Canada 3Emek Medical Center, Division of Gastroenterology, Afula, Israel 4Mount Sinai Hospital, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Toronto, Canada

P274: Assessing the individual risk of acute severe colitis at diagnosis in a South Asian populationECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Powles S., Chong L., Hicks L., Han L., Omassoli J., Williams H., Orchard T.

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust St. Mary's Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom

P275: Development and reliability of the new endoscopic virtual chromoendoscopy score: the PICaSSO score (the Paddington International Virtual ChromoendoScopy ScOre) in ulcerative colitisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Iacucci M.*1,2,3, Daperno M.4, Lazarev M.5, Arsenescu R.6, Tontini G.E.7, Lethebe B.C.3, Lowerison M.W.3, Gui X.8, Villanacci V.9, Akinola O.3, Goetz M.10, Vecchi M.7, Neuman H.11, Ghosh S.1, Bisschops R.12, Kiesslich R.13

1University of Birmingham, Institute of Translational Medicine, Birmingham, United Kingdom 2University of Birmingham, UK, United Kingdom 3University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada 4Division of Gastroenterology, Torino, Italy 5Division of Gastroenterology, Baltimore, United States 6Morristown Medical Center, Atlantic Health System, New Jersey, United States 7Division of Gastroenterology IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Milan, Italy 8University of Calgary, Pathology, Calgary, Canada 9Institute of Pathology ASST Ospedali Civili, Brescia, Italy 10Division of Gastroenterology University Klinikum Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany 11Interventional Endoscopy Center, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany 12Division of Gastroenterology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 13Director of Internal Medicine II, HSK Hospital, Wiesbaden, Germany

P276: A snap-shot review of small bowel capsule endoscopy in the setting of inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Stack R.*1, Ridgeway L.1, Moran N.1, Breslin N.1,2, Ryan B.1,2, Mc Namara D.1,2

1Adelaide & Meath Hospital, Dublin, Incorporating The National Children's Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Dublin, Ireland 2Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

P277: Comparative accuracy of US versus MRI and colonoscopy in assessing disease activity and complications and influencing the decision-making process in Crohn's diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Allocca M.*1, Fiorino G.1, Bonifacio C.2, Furfaro F.1, Radice S.1, Gilardi D.1, Peyrin-Biroulet L.3, Danese S.1,4

1Humanitas Research Hospital, IBD Center, Gastroenterology, Rozzano, Milan, Italy 2Humanitas Research Hospital, Radiology, Rozzano, Milan, Italy 3Nancy University Hospital, Université de Lorraine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France 4Humanitas University, Biomedical Sciences, Rozzano, Milan, Italy

P278: Short and long-term surgical outcomes and pouch function following proctocolectomy and pouch formation in paediatric ulcerative colitis: a multicentre-retrospective cohort study from the Porto IBD working group of ESPGHANECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Orlanski Meyer E.*1, Topf-Olivestone C.1, Shtayer E.1, Tulchinsky H.2, Hansen L.-F.3, Kindermann A.4, Assa A.5, Kolho K.-L.6, Kolaček S.7, Carroll M.W.8, Martinelli M.9, Aloi M.10, Hansen R.11, Winter H.S.12, Navas-Lόpez V.M.13, Weiss B.14, Shah N.15, Turner D.1

1Shaare Zedek Medical Center, The Juliet Keidan Institute of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Jerusalem, Israel 2Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv University, Department of Surgery, Tel Aviv, Israel 3Hvidovre University Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Copenhagen, Denmark 4AMC Medical Centre-Emma Children's Hospital, Department of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Amsterdam, Netherlands 5Schneider Children's Medical Center, Institute of Gastroenterology, Nutrition and Liver disease, Petach Tikva, Israel 6Children's Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland 7Children's Hospital Zagreb, Referral Center for Paediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition, Zagreb, Croatia 8Stollery Children's Hospital, University of Alberta, Pediatric Gastroenterologist, Division of GI & Nutrition, Alberta, Canada 9University of Naples “Federico II”, Department of Translational Medical Science, Section of Pediatrics, Naples, Italy 10Sapienza University of Rome, Pediatric Gastroenterology and Liver Unit, Department of Pediatrics, Rome, Italy 11Glasgow Children's Hospital, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Glasgow-Scotland, United Kingdom 12MassGeneral Hospital for Children, Pediatric IBD, Boston, Massachusetts, United States 13Hospital Materno Infantil, Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Unit, Málaga, Spain 14Edmond & Lily Safra Children's Hospital, Tel- Hashomer, Pediatric Gastroenterology& Nutrition Unit, Tel Aviv, Israel 15Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom

P279: Children born to mothers with inflammatory bowel disease – Is there any risk for newborns' complication and development during the childhood?ECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Farkas K.*1, Szántό K.1, Vass N.2, Szűcs D.2, Demcsák A.2, Lada S.1, Nyári T.3, Milassin A.1, Rutka M.1, Bor R.1, Bálint A.1, Fábián A.1, Nagy F.1, Szepes Z.1, Marik A.1, Molnár T.1

1University of Szeged, 1st Department of Medicine, Szeged, Hungary 2University of Szeged, Department of Pediatrics, Szeged, Hungary 3University of Szeged, Department of Medical Physics and Informatics, Szeged, Hungary

P280: Therapeutic drug monitoring of infliximab and adalimumab for detection of patients at risk of loss of response in inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Gonzalez-Lopez J.1, Giráldez-Montero J.M.1, Ferreiro R.2, Lorenzo A.2, Lamas M.J.1, Dominguez-Munoz J.E.2, Barreiro-de Acosta M.*2

1University Hospital Santiago, Department of Pharmacy, Santiago, Spain 2University Hospital Santiago de Compostela, Gastroenterology, Santiago, Spain

P281: Factors at diagnosis associated with disabling disease course in Crohn's diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Ponte A., Pinho R., Rodrigues A., Silva J., Rodrigues J., Sousa M., Silva A.P., Alberto L., Carvalho J.

Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, Vila Nova Gaia, Portugal

P282: Does colonoscopy alter the post-procedural fecal calprotectin results in Crohn's disease patients with ileocecal resection?ECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Erzin Y., Demir N., Bozcan S., Yıldırım S., Hatemi I., Celik A.F.

Istanbul University Cerrahpasa School of Medicine, Gastroenterology, Istanbul, Turkey

P283: Quantum blue® adalimumab: development of the first point of care rapid test for therapeutic drug monitoring of serum adalimumab levelsECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Bantleon F.I., Kräuchi S., Schuster T.B., Schneider M., Abel A.

Bühlmann Laboratories AG, Schönenbuch, Switzerland

P284: Ulcerative colitis – presentation during pregnancy or puerperiumECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Sousa P., Martins D., Pinho J., Cancela E., Cardoso R., Araújo R., Castanheira A., Silva A., Ministro P.

Centro Hospitalar Tondela-Viseu, Department of Gastroenterology, Viseu, Portugal

P285: Usefulness of a multidisciplinary approach combining both rheumatology and gastroenterology for the assessment and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease patientsECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Perez-Pampin E.1, Ferreiro R.2, Lorenzo A.2, Mera A.1, Dominguez-Munoz J.E.2, Barreiro-de Acosta M.*2

1University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, Rheumatology, Santiago, Spain 2University Hospital Santiago de Compostela, Gastroenterology, Santiago, Spain

P286: Evaluation of fecal S100A12 in patients with inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Yi F.

Second affiliated hospital of Nanchang University, Department of Oncology, Nanchang, China