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P146: Primary intestinal Epstein-Barr virus-associated NK/T-Cell lymphoproliferative disorder: a disease mimicking IBDECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Wang Z., Zhu M., Luo C., Mu J., Yu Z., Zhang H.

West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Department of Gastroenterology, Chengdu, China

P147: Metabolomics discriminate children with Crohn's disease from ulcerative colitis and from healthy controls – preliminary studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Daniluk U.1, Ciborowski M.2, Daniluk J.*3, Pietrowska K.2, Kretowski A.2, Lebensztejn D.1

1Medical University of Bialystok, Department of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology and Allergology, Bialystok, Poland 2Medical University of Bialystok, Clinical Research Centre, Bialystok, Poland 3Medical University of Bialystok, Department of Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine, Bialystok, Poland

P148: Fecal calprotectin as a noninvasive indicator for ulcerative colitis disease activity in the Korean cohortECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Lee S.-H.*1, Seo H.1, Chang K.1, Song E.M.1, Kim G.-U.1, Seo M.1, Kwon E.J.1,2, Hwang S.W.1,2, Park S.H.1,2, Yang D.-H.1, Kim K.-J.1, Byeon J.-S.1, Myung S.-J.1, Yang S.-K.1,2, Ye B.D.1,2

1University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Seoul, South Korea 2University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Seoul, South Korea

P149: Urban life is an independent risk factor for psychological symptoms of the Chinese patients with Crohn's diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

He H.*1, Zhi M.2, Zhang M.1, Zhang Y.1, Hu J.3, Tang J.1, Su M.1, Gao X.1, Hu P.1

1the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Gastroenterology, Guangzhou, China 2the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Department of Gastroenterology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 3the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong Key Laboratory of Colorectal and Pelvic Floor Diseases, Guangzhou, China

P150: Pregnancy complications and outcomes in patients with inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Yokoyama Y.*1, Tanaka H.2, Nishio A.1, Sato T.1, Kawai M.1, Kamikozuru K.1, Kita Y.1, Miyazaki T.1, Hida N.1, Hori K.1, Nakamura S.1

1Hyogo College of Medicine, Department of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Division of Internal Medicine, Nishinomiya, Japan 2Hyogo College of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nishinomiya, Japan

P151: Spinal disorders in IBD patients 20 years after diagnosis. Results from the IBSEN studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Ossum A.*1,2, Palm Ø.3, Cvancarova M.4, Moum B.1,2, Høivik M.1

1Oslo university hospital, Gastroenterology, Oslo, Norway 2University of Oslo, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Oslo, Norway 3Oslo university Hospital, Department of Rheumatology, Oslo, Norway 4Oslo and Akershus University College, Faculty of Health Sciences, Oslo, Norway

P152: Reconsidering the prognostic value of traditional serologic antibodies in Crohn's disease – immunoglobulin classes to take the centre stageECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Sipeki N.1, Norman G.L.2, Shums Z.2, Veres G.3, Lakatos P.L.4, Antal-Szalmas P.5, Papp M.*6

1University of Debrecen, Clinical Center, Institute of Internal Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology, Debrecen, Hungary 2Inova Diagnostics, Inc., San Diego, United States 3Semmelweis University, 1st Department of Pediatrics, Budapest, Hungary 4Semmelweis University, 1st Department of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary 5University of Debrecen, Clinical Center, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Debrecen, Hungary 6University of Debrecen, Clinical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Debrecen, Hungary

P153: Role of 3D endoanal ultrasound in perianal fistulising Crohns's disease. Preliminary resultsECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Luglio G.*1, Giglio M.C.2, Rispo A.2, Imperatore N.3, Sollazzo V.2, Peltrini R.2, Sacco M.2, Castiglione F.4, De Palma G.D.2, Bucci L.2

1University of Naples Federico II - Italy, Clinical Medicine and Surgery - Surgical Coloproctology Unit, Naples, Italy 2Federico II University of Naples, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Naples, Italy 3University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy 4Univesity of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy

P154: Complete sequence-based NUDT15 and TPMT variants for predicting thiopurine-induced leukopenia in patients with Crohn's diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Kim T.J., Kim E.R., Hong S.N., Chang D.K., Kim Y.-H.

Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea

P155: A retrospective analysis of Clostridium difficile infection in patients with ulcerative colitisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Xu H.*1, Li Y.1, Xu T.2, Li J.1, Yang H.1, Lv H.1, Qian J.1

1Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Science & Peking Union Medical College, Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing, China 2Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & School of Basic Medicine, Peking Union Medical College, Depatment of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Beijing, China

P156: Microbiota diversity at time of surgery predict endoscopic recurrence in Crohn's disease: results of a prospective study of the REMIND groupECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Sokol H.*1, Brot L.2, Stefanescu C.3, Auzolle C.4, Barnich N.5, Buisson A.5, Fumery M.6, Nachury M.7, Treton X.3, Nancey S.8, Allez M.4, Seksik P.9 REMIND

1APHP INSERM INRA, APHP INSERM INRA, Paris, France 2University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France 3APHP Beaujon, Clichy, France 4Saint Louis Hospital, APHP, Department Of Gastroenterology, Hospital Saint-louis, Paris, France 5University of Auvergne, Inserm U1071, Clermont-Ferrand, France 6Amiens Hospital, Amiens, France 7CHRU Lille, Department of Gastroenterology, Lille, France 8Lyon Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Lyon, France 9APHP St. Antoine Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Paris, France

P157: Fecal calprotectin correlates to endoscopic and histologic remission in ulcerative colitis: a prospective studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Hart L.*1, Kherad O.1, Lemieux C.1, Laneuville J.1, Chavannes M.2, Marcus V.3, Maedler C.3, Afif W.1, Bitton A.1, Brassard P.4, Bessissow T.1

1McGill University, Gastroenterology, Montreal, Canada 2University of British Columbia, Gastroenterology, Vancouver, Canada 3McGill University, Pathology, Montreal, Canada 4McGill University, Clinical Epidemiology, Montreal, Canada

P158: Pouchitis in paediatric ulcerative colitis: a multicentre longitudinal cohort study from the Porto IBD working group of ESPGHANECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Topf-Olivestone C.*1, Orlanski Meyer E.1, Ledder O.1, Friedman M.1, Dotan I.2, Hansen L.-F.3, Kindermann A.4, Assa A.5, Kolho K.-L.6, Kolaček S.7, Wine E.8, Strisciuglio C.9, Aloi M.10, Hansen R.11, Winter H.S.12, Navas-Lόpez V.M.13, de Ridder L.14, Smets F.15, Turner D.1

1Shaare Zedek Medical Center, The Juliet Keidan Institute of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Jerusalem, Israel 2Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, IBD Center, Department of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Tel Aviv, Israel 3Hvidovre University Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Copenhagen, Denmark 4AMC Medical Centre-Emma Children's Hospital, Department of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Amsterdam, Netherlands 5Schneider Children's Medical Center, Institute of Gastroenterology, Nutrition and Liver disease, Petach Tikva, Israel 6Children's Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland 7Children's Hospital Zagreb, Referral Center for Paediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition, Zagreb, Croatia 8Departments of Pediatrics & Physiology, University of Alberta, Edmonton Pediatric IBD Clinic (EPIC), Division of pediatric gastroenterology, Alberta, Canada 9Second University of Naples, Department of Woman, Child and General and Specialistic Surgery, Naples, Italy 10Sapienza University of Rome, Pediatric Gastroenterology and Liver Unit, Department of Pediatrics, Rome, Italy 11Glasgow Children's Hospital, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Glasgow-Scotland, United Kingdom 12MassGeneral Hospital for Children, Pediatric IBD, Boston, Massachusetts, United States 13Hospital Materno Infantil, Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Unit, Málaga, Spain 14Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Rotterdam, Netherlands 15Université Catholique de Louvain, IREC, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit, Brussels, Belgium

P159: Real-time endoscopic-guided measurement of rectal mucosal admittance: a novel and safety method for prediction of relapse in ulcerative colitisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Taida T.*1, Nakagawa T.1, Fujie M.2, Ohta Y.1, Hamanaka S.1, Okimoto K.1, Saito K.1, Maruoka D.1, Matsumura T.1, Arai M.1, Katsuno T.3

1Chiba University, Department of Gastroenterology and Nephrology, Chiba, Japan 2Chiba University Hospital, Medical Engineering Control Center, Chiba, Japan 3Chiba University, Kashiwanoha Clinic of East Asian Medicine, Kashiwa, Japan

P160: Diagnostic yield of capsule endoscopy versus magnetic resonance enterography and small bowel contrast ultrasound for evaluation of small bowel Crohn's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Kopylov U.*1, Young D.2, Engel T.3, Vijayan S.2, Har-Noy O.1, Katz L.3, Avni T.4, Eliakim R.3, Ben-Horin S.3, Koulaouzidis A.2

1Sheba Medical Center, Gastroenterology, Tel Hashomer, Israel 2Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Endoscopy Unit, Centre for Liver and Digestive Disorders, Edinburgh, United Kingdom 3Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Gastroenterology, Ramat Gan, Israel 4Rabin Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Petach Tikva, Israel

P161: Crohn's disease risk prediction model appropriately stratifies patients' risk for developing disease related complicationsECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Thompson K.D.1, Siegel L.S.2, MacKenzie T.3, Dubinsky M.C.4, Siegel C.A.*1

1Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, United States 2Climate Interactive, Hanover, United States 3Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, United States 4Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, United States

P162: Early onset of disease and higher risk for colorectal dysplasia in IBD patients with coincidental primary sclerosing cholangitis – evidence from a large cohort studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Cordes A.F.*1, Laumeyer T.1, Gerß J.2, Kucharzik T.3, Bettenworth D.1

1University Hospital Münster, Department of Gastroenterology, Münster, Germany 2University Hospital Münster, Institute of Biostatistics and Clinical Research, Münster, Germany 3Hospital Lüneburg, Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Münster, Germany

P163: Performance of ASAS criteria for inflammatory back pain in patients with inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Belousova E.*1, Abdulganieva D.1, Odintsova A.2, Zakirov R.2, Nagornykh B.2, Protopopov M.1,3

1Kazan State Medical University, Hospital Therapy, Kazan, Russian Federation 2Republican Clinical Hospital, Gastroenterology, Kazan, Russian Federation 3Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany

P164: FOX04 gene expression in colonic mucosa is a potential marker associated with histological remission in patients with ulcerative colitisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Yamamoto-Furusho J., Iturriaga-Goyon E., Fonseca-Camarillo G.

IBD Clinic, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion, Gastroenterology, Mexico, Mexico

P165: Impact of double balloon endoscopy on management of small bowel Crohn's diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Madian A.*1, Matsuura M.2, El Bahrawy A.3, Nakase H.2, Chiba T.2, Rafaat M.N.3

1Al Azhar University, Faculty of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Assiut, Egypt 2Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto, Japan 3Al Azhar University, Faculty of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt