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P126: Experience of 3D modelling in perianal fistula disease and survey of international surgical interestECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Sahnan K.*1, Adegbola S.O.1, Tozer P.J.1, Burling D.2, Warusavitarne J.1, Faiz O.D.1, Phillips R.K.1, Hart A.L.3, Lung P.F.2

1St Mark's Hospital, Colorectal Surgery, London, United Kingdom 2St Mark's Hospital, Gastrointestinal Imaging, London, United Kingdom 3St Mark's Hospital, IBD/Physiology, London, United Kingdom

P127: An assessment of a pancolonic adaptation of the ulcerative colitis endoscopic index of severity in comparison to clinical and biochemical markers of disease activity in paediatric ulcerative colitisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Ricciuto A., Fish J., Carman N., Crowley E., Muise A., Church P., Walters T., Kamath B.M., Griffiths A.

Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

P128: Diagnostic accuracy of faecal calprotectin in Crohn's disease – Does disease location matter?ECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Simon E.*1,2, Wardle R.2, Thi A.A.3, Eldridge J.4, Samuel S.2, Moran G.2

1Christian Medical College, Gastroenterology, Vellore, India 2NIHR NDD BRU, NUH NHS Trust and University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom 3NUH NHS Trust, Gastroenterology, Nottingham, United Kingdom 4University of Nottingham, Libraries Research & Learning Resources, Nottingham, United Kingdom

P129: Persistent intestinal inflammation leads to surgical intervention in Crohn's patients: a nested case-control studyECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Pavlidis P.*1,2, Cockroft A.2, Chatu S.1, Choong L.M.1, Medcalf L.1, Tumova J.1, Srirajaskanthan R.1, Chung-Faye G.1, Dubois P.1, Sherwood R.3, Bjarnason I.1, Hayee B.H.1

1King's College Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom 2King's College London, Experimental Immunobiology, London, United Kingdom 3King's College Hospital, Department of Biochemistry, Viapath, London, United Kingdom

P130: Ingestion of 100ml and 300ml blood mimicking upper gi bleeding leads to significant calprotectin elevation in healthy volunteers – results from the “Vampire study”ECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Vavricka S.*1,2, Heinrich H.2, Misselwitz B.2, Buetikofer S.1,2, Burri E.3,4, Rogler G.2, Breitenmoser F.1, Schneider X.5, Zeitz J.2, Biedermann L.2, Sauter M.1,2

1Triemli Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology, Zurich, Switzerland 2University Hospital Zurich, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Zurich, Switzerland 3Cantonal Hospital Liestal, Department of Gastroenterology, University Medical Clinic, Liestal, Switzerland 4University Hospital Basel, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Basel, Switzerland 5Triemli Hospital, Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Zurich, Switzerland

P131: Fecal micro-RNAs indicate disease activity in ulcerative colitisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Verdier J.1, Breunig I.1, Ohse M.C.1, Roy S.1, Groner S.1, Roubrocks S.1, Streetz K.2, Trautwein C.1, Roderburg C.1, Sellge G.*1

1University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Dep. of Internal Medicine III, Aachen, Germany 2Gemeinschaftsklinikum Mittelrhein - Kemperhof, Dep. of Gastroenterology, Kobelnz, Germany

P132: Cooperation to improve quality of IPAA surgery in IBD: south Netherlands experienceECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Stassen L.*1, Sahari B.2, Lubbers T.2, van Bodegraven A.3, Pierik M.4, Stoot J.5, Belgers E.5

1Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC), Department of GI surgery, Maastricht, Netherlands 2Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC), Department of GI Surgery, Maastricht, Netherlands 3Zuyderland Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Heerlen, Netherlands 4Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC), Department of Gastroenterology, Maastricht, Netherlands 5Zuyderland Medical Center, Department of Surgery, Heerlen, Netherlands

P133: A novel candidate pathway for development of neoplasms with serrated morphology in patients with ulcerative colitisECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Nishio M.*1, Shibata W.2,3, Ajioka Y.4, Hirasawa K.5, Ueda W.6, Okawa K.6, Otake H.1, Ogashiwa T.1, Takase A.7, Chiba S.7, Inayama Y.7, Kimura H.1, Kunisaki R.1, Maeda S.2

1Yokohama City University Medical Centre, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Centre, Yokohama, Japan 2Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology, Yokohama, Japan 3Yokohama City University, Advanced Medical Research Centre, Yokohama, Japan 4Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology, Niigata, Japan 5Yokohama City University Medical Centre, Division of Endoscopy, Yokohama, Japan 6Osaka City Juso Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Osaka, Japan 7Yokohama City University Medical Centre, Department of Pathology, Yokohama, Japan

P134: Point of care ultrasound accurately distinguishes inflammatory from non inflammatory disease in patients presenting with abdominal pain and diarrheaECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Al-Farhan H.*1, Al-Darmaki A.1, Shim H.1, Seow C.H.1, Kaplan G.G.1, Panaccione R.1, Wilson S.R.2, Halasz J.2, Novak K.L.1

1University of Calgary, Gastroenterology, Calgary, Canada 2University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada

P135: The early course of Crohn's disease: prognostic and treatment modalities during the first year of diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Raimundo Fernandes S.*1, Correia L.1, Baldaia C.2, Moura Santos P.2, Rita Gonçalves A.2, Valente A.2, Velosa J.1

1Hospital de Santa Maria, Serviço de Gastrenterologia e Hepatologia, Lisboa, Portugal 2Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Gastrenterology, Lisbon, Portugal

P136: Sporadic adenomas in IBD patients over 50 years old and average risk population – Is there a difference?ECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Monteiro S.*1, Cúrdia Gonçalves T.1, Boal Carvalho P.1, Dias de Castro F.1, Leite S.1, Moreira M.J.1, Cotter J.1,2,3

1Hospital da Senhora da Oliveira-Guimarães, Gastroenterology, Guimarães, Portugal 2University of Minho, School of Medicine, Braga, Portugal 3University of Minho, Associate Laboratory ICVS/3B's, Braga, Portugal

P137: Ulcerative colitis in the elderly – Different disease course?ECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Teixeira C., Martins C., Ribeiro S., Trabulo D., Alves A.L., Cremers I., Oliveira A.P.

Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal, Gastroenterology, Setúbal, Portugal

P138: Does depression at IBD diagnosis impact on disease outcomes in Crohn's?ECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Alexakis C.*1, Saxena S.2, Chhaya V.1, Cecil E.2, Pollok R.1

1St George's University Hospital, Gastroenterology, London, United Kingdom 2Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom

P139: Articular manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease – results from Northeastern RomaniaECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Cardoneanu A.*1, Rezus E.1, Gavrilescu O.2, Cijevschi-Prelipcean C.2, Dranga M.2, Badescu A.3, Drug V.2, Stanciu C.2, Trifan A.2, Mihai C.2

1University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa Iasi, Rheumatology, Iasi, Romania 2University Of Medicine And Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa, Department of Gastroenterology, Iasi, Romania 3University Of Medicine And Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa, Microbiology, Iasi, Romania

P140: Use of vedolizumab in a transplanted liver patient: a case report of the first experience in a liver transplant referral center in ArgentinaECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Daffra P.R.*1, Etchevers M.J.1, Sobrero M.J.1, Gonzalez Sueyro R.C.1, Rainero G.2, Carbonnel F.3, Vaysse T.3, Marcolongo M.M.1, De Paula J.A.1

1Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Gastroenterology, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2Hospital Austral, Gatroenterology, Buenos Aires, Argentina 3CHU Bicêtre, Department of Gastroenterology, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France

P141: Characteristics and outcomes of acute colitis presenting via the emergency department in an Irish academic medical centreECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

O'Connell J.*1, Keohane S.1, McGreal-Bellone A.1, Naimimohasse S.1, McKiernan S.1, MacCarthy F.1, O'Toole D.1, Meaney J.2, Kevans D.1

1St James Hospital, Gastroenterology, Dublin, Ireland 2St James Hospital, Diagnostic Imaging, Dublin, Ireland

P142: Postoperative course of laparoscopic subtotal colectomy is not affected by preoperative medical treatment in patients with acute colitis complicating inflammatory bowel diseaseECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Mege D.*1, Monsinjon M.1, Maggiori L.1, Tréton X.2, Bouhnik Y.2, Panis Y.1

1Beaujon Hospital, Colorectal Surgery, Clichy, France 2Beaujon Hospital, gastroenterology, Clichy, France

P143: From biopsies to fecal samples: challenging Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and related phylogroups as potential biomarkers for IBDECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Amoedo J.*1,2, Serra-Pagès M.2, Serrano M.2, Bahí A.3, Malagόn M.3, Gilabert P.4, Guardiola J.4, Busquets D.3, Aldeguer X.3, Garcia-Gil J.1,2

1Universitat de Girona, Microbiologia, Girona, Spain 2GoodGut SL, Girona, Spain 3Institut de Investigaciό Biomèdica de Girona, Girona, Spain 4Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain

P144: Protozoa and bacterial infections are relevant for clinical outcomes in ulcerative colitis: a study from Latin American countryECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Gutierrez-Grobe Y., Barrera-Ochoa C., Yamamoto-Furusho J.

IBD Clinic, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion, Gastroenterology, Mexico, Mexico

P145: Measuring access and quality of care indicators in inflammatory bowel disease in a tertiary referral centerECCO '17 Barcelona
Year: 2017

Golovics P.A., Gonczi L., Kurti Z., Lovasz B.D., Gecse K.B., Vegh Z., Lakatos P.L.

Semmelweis University, First Department of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary